>70 days
70 days
They dumbed down the game because the morons are the only ones still playing.
hey buddy fuck you
>still play wow
killing yourself is an option you know?
This. Downloaded the PTR and it seems like the game is being designed by old farts who can't remember keybinds.
I had 45 keybinds in wrath as a hunter in PvP. Legion feels like a moba in it's simplicity.
you think mobas would be better with 45 buttons to press?
The difference with legion is that you actually play BM different from MM and SV now. I have an irrational hate of skill/trait pruning, but it looks like Blizzard is actually doing at least this part right.
>I have an irrational hate of skill/trait pruning
It's not irrational, though (unless you consider additions that make classes the same, like everyone getting interrupts and CC and self-healers and whatever).
They've been doing that for a decade though.