Are there any confirmed left-handed vidya characters?

Are there any confirmed left-handed vidya characters?

Why do people bitch about race and gender diversity when this demographic is FAR less represented?


Link is one of the most popular video game characters in the world.

Because left handed people aren't being raped nor shot nor murdered because they are left handed. They used to, but not anymore.

Who gives a shit about left handed people

Doomguy i suppose until the new game

Nobody cares whether you fap with your left or your right hand.

You do when I rope a dope your faggot ass with dirty southpaw.

>fap with right

Should I switch?

Sheva from resident evil 5 is left handed

>yfw he's actually holding up his right hand.


The past 4 out of 5 US presidents have been left handed. Can you guess which one is the outlier?


butthurt lefty spotted
kill yourself mutant

No. Try sitting on your right hand before jacking it.

>fap with left
Are you my evil twin?

Why is Ned raising his right arm?

He's holding the sign with his primary hand.

>Fapping with left hand while being right handed
I thought I'm the only one

Sephiroth is left-handed

Link and Mario are ambidextrous because Miyamoto himself is.

I thought everyone used their left hand. I do and I'm left handed, since how would I operate my mouse otherwise?

You guys are dumb.
Most people inside the Sup Forums demographic have to fap with their left hand.
The right hand is on the mouse or holding the phone.

I'm right handed and jerk off with my left hand because it feels better and it keeps my dominant hand free to use a mouse and type when browsing porn.

Wow, that's fucked up.
Women get's sexualized
Black people portrayed negatively
and lefties are evil?

What the fuck is wrong with myself why am I shitposting this poorly?

Shame they had to nerf the fuck out of him in V because SF shitters don't understand the concept of strafing.

Not any more pham

neither are black people

>he didn't learn to use the mouse and type one handed with his left hand


V was a garbage sc game anyway

I wonder if that's how Ned Flanders still makes his living, seeing as how malls are quickly dying.

Yes it was.
The shilling when that game first came out was absolutely shameful.
Shitting on SC2 despite the most popular in the series.
I'm glad most of the V babbies fucked back off to their scrub fighter and trash bros

SC2 had its fair share of problems like bugs such as g-stepping but it is way better than V hands down. My favorite is III arcade however since the arcade version fixed everything

Despite it flaws, III was still a good game in it's own right.
>tfw we'll never get a full chronicles of the sword game

At this point even without a mouse or a phone in my right hand I use my left hand, theres something i subconsciously do, maybe apply pressure at a certain point, that just feels better.

Doomguy, partially

>turn the most prominent lefty into a righty


Iktfb. I am left handed and used to use my left for maturbation but then I injured it, switched while it was healing, and now I'm forever using my right hand. The left just doesn't feel right anymore.

all of the mega man versions lefty
execpt for .exe

How can you be so sure they're lefties?
They're left hand is a goddamn gun, if they wanna do anything with fingers, they'd use their right hand

Even though I hate final smashes, this was the hypest shit ever when they first showed it.