The humble unexpected bundle

The humble unexpected bundle.

I love me some metal slug is the pc version nay good? are any of the other games any good? considering the 10.00 tier.

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pls respond

Dammit. Samurai Shodown V Special just had to be in the "$10 or more" tier.

Oh, well. I didn't need that money anyway.

>no Waku Waku 7



***Pic related minus A.

Enjoy bitches.

To anyone interested, mexico only.

I want to buy the 10.00 full pack, unfortunately i don't have a debit or credit card to buy from humble.

If anyone can gift me the pack, i will buy back to you any game up to 200 pesos but only one game, no matter how much games the pack has, it is still 10 dollars worth only.

Username: marvin06260 or Marvin-626, i ll be available on steam from 8:00 pm.

Buy it for Neo Turf Masters, it's secretly the best game in the whole bundle

>Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X

X is so much better, why still sell the other one?

Every PC port of a Metal Slug game is ass
Hell, nearly every console port is too

pagalo en el oxxo guey

WTF people are paying money for this shit now? Nigga those are fucking roms nothing more. You can have all that shit for free.

Question, what foundation do you guys pick during checkout?

I do not give a fuck for nothing but the vidya, but it got me thinking.

>People buying the Neo Geo bundle
>Literally a scam

They know any bundle would go to waste with Gaben sales so they put out a shitty one.

You can just download a complete mame set and have ALL the neo geo games? What is going on?

Please don't buy this bundle unless you really want the steam games. All the other games are just taken off emuparadise and slapped into their incredibly shitty emulator which runs worse than pretty much every other emulator

Cómo compras en el oxxo de humble bundle? Nunca h visto la opción de deposito

Oxxo hace pagos de humble bundle, no creo.

Steam si aunque yo uso todito cash, pero humble no, o cual seria el metodo ahi?

Fuck you I bought it so that money goes to Neo Geo their my favorite company.

wikimedia every time

yeah why would anyone ever buy games they like? metal slug is amazing.

The same!

I have pirated neogeo for far too long, they deserve my money, as little as it may be.

Now if they would have discovered a method to sell the avs units worldwide and at a competitive price we would have given them our money aeons ago.

Stupid collectors overvalue.

>Paying for a rom literally downloaded off of a rom site
>In a shitty emulator that cant even run the game
I'm not saying to not buy the game just don't get the bundle

3 days?

Twinkle Star Sprites is pretty good though and it's even getting updated on Steam.

I've bought it more than once and I'll buy it again :^)

Again, at the end snk is gonna have money and even if the games are emulated, all these games were created by snk, therefore they deserve the money, not only for the games, but for all the fun they have given to the gamers for over 25 fuckin years.

Here's your (You)

something is up. my guess is no new bundle for tomorrow, breaking for the steam sale.

If you bought the bundle the previous time check your download page again for the Steam codes of the games that got a Steam release since then.

If you bought the previous NeoGeo humble bundle you got key for Steam versions!!



thanks user!

I'm a big SNK fan and I bought this bundle to gift my friend 98um and 2k2um on steam the first time it rolled around. However, the non-steam games in this bundle are a complete scam even at $1. You're literally paying $1 to download roms off theisozone to play them in an emulator that runs incredibly choppy, and won't let you rebind controls.
You can even take the roms out of the folder and put them into another emulator, if you want.
I love SNK but not enough to blind me.

too big backlog, not enough money

Thanks, and here's yours Mr. Ed G. Lorde.

The Steam versions are at least better compared to the humble versions. I'm quite happy with TSS on Steam desu.

where the fuck do I download the soundtrack?

haven't bought it but look at the bottom below the keys

I am reading this stuff about charity : water and it looks very ambiguous. I guess I could go with wikimedia but it feels I am being tricked by the jews again.

I always pick wikimedia because I routinely use it and genuinely believe they are doing a great service to the world.

Maybe that's true but for me, this is a 'peace of mind' thing too.

I have pirated a lot of shit, hell, i even helped with the rom collecting aspect of a personal neogeo themed arcade bartop my brother made. getting neogeo roms is retardedly easy these days.

But heres a decent offer from the company i have abused for so long, so of course im gonna take it.

So is a new one going to drop tomorrow?

is the e3 one worth it? i don't care about turbo and add-ons

Neo geo bundle again? Wasn't these games on some really crappy emulator?

I have too, but stuff like the GG no Re article demonstrates you can only rely it on it so much before some revisionists assholes with an agenda vandalize it, at least math and science articles are safe which are the important ones.

I'd say Grey Goo and its expansion are worth $4, don't know about the rest. I've heard that Psychonauts is good.

All the DRM Free ones run on DotEmu, a crap emulator which only positive point is that "it werks".
Some of the Steam ones also run emulated via DotEmu, but have some integration with steamworks, such as Twinkle Star Sprites(and metal slug games too i think, not sure).
Other Steam ones, such as KOF98 Ultimate Match Final Edition are actually ports running on their engine, not emulated.

Tell me why I payed a dollar just for this and know nothing about the games aside from it being Blacklight: Ghost in the Shell Edition?

Offering games like Metal Slug and Sengoku without netplay is a major faggot move.

But it comes with KoF 98FE and 2002UM, those have netplay and even got some changes.
Should be worth it for that.

Yeah i'm going to get it just because kof98, 2002um and twinkle star sprite.

All the games in this bundle will be eventually on Steam and you'll get free keys for them.

Yeh I think the TSS one also has buttons config, though I'm not 100% sure as I didn't change config. Also netplay which worked fine for me when I played with a friend from westcoast (I live in EU).


The company you want to "support" doesn't even exist anymore. They got bought out by some chink mobile game company.

So good job sending money to some greedy chinks, I guess?

The money still goes toward making future KoF's

Almost all of them appeared on steamdb. Seriously the bundle is worth it just for Twinkle Star Sprites.


What is KOF 14?

Still is the same company, doesn't matter if chinks own it now.

is it a shmup and can it be played solo?

Aw shit, is there a pc version or something?

It's a competitive shmup. As in you fight against an AI or against someone else. It's fun as fuck, I used to play it all the time 10+ years ago and I still do nowadays.
Online multiplayer is the only reason why I wanted to see it on Steam.

Doctors without boarders, cancer centers of America, or st judes children's hospital.

>Online multiplayer is the only reason why I wanted to see it on Steam.
Why not using Fightcade?

Full profit for developers, no charity.

I'd rather have a legal copy as well.


If you do 100% to charity you can write it off on your taxes and get free games.

Yeah. If they are going to sell emulator/roms packs it at the very least needs to be a decent emulator. Fuck this.

I kinda wanted the full $10 tier, but im broke as fuck

>no T-shirt

That sucks. I would have bought it if they added a new one.

They sent me two Metal Slug shirts last bundle for some reason.

Not according to this.


Sorry i'm from mexico, not spain..


Like you have any room to judge

>yfw there's finally a humble bundle worth a damn

So they're gonna send me a key of the game when it finally release or something

Does this mean there won't be anything new in 20 hours?

MASSIVE is actually pretty good, it's also up on exhentai


Because you are a retard, the game is garbage and actually free to play with cash shop plus a pay to access beta.

>waku waku
what the fuck? I played a game called waku waku as a kid
does it still exist?

Wait, is this valid for Mexico too? Is not region locked or something?

I'm new to PC gaming.

Not locked for any country except maybe germany.

You have to turn off your firewall