Stop. Delete this

Stop. Delete this.

>came out yesterday
How is bayo even relevant enough to warrant a kids react video?

Eh, the first Bayonetta is one of my favourite games but I can see why the people react as they do. They need to learns that enjoying a work is not the same thing as endorsing everything in a work which seems to be what people are moving towards.

its pretty much to push the agenda that this type of games aren't wanted...slamming japanese gaming and sexy females in gaming at the same time

>Only kid who likes it is playing the proper way
>Everyone else is playing using touch-screen controls

>I'm pretty sure it's also on the easiest difficulty, so a kid is whining about how boring it is

This video sucks

>It was didn't have a good was kinda cheezy...and it was just kinda stupid overall.

That's because Bayo1 was the best game.

I know this is all staged anyways...
However, why do these "teens" get super uppity and prude about it being a bit sensual?

The only thing I'm seeing though is that people can be closed minded as far as not accepting sexual content. Where exactly is the agenda pushing? It almost feels forced too as far as "This is so sexual".

You're on Sup Forums- i mean Sup Forums, if it's against what the poster believes then it's pushing an agenda and part of the SJW or whatever the fuck

i just feel gaming is being attacked for the wrong reason and this just is something that will feed the notion a that all games are sexist. And then use that to push the same games but with female characters. we should be pushing companies to make better games not the same games just with females. Better games will produce better female characters.(not saying bayo is bad though)

Fuck man. I had to close the video. I can't see these kids playing that way.

>take teenagers - the definition of attention whoring
>put them on the spotlight
>ask them about their OPINION on things they have no idea about

What could go wrong?


Post Pewdiepie's Bayonetta 2 videos, it's actually funny.

I've never watched any of his stuff until today due to the general opinion of him here and not caring but his Bayonetta 2 video was pretty good. Well, not good, but not bad and rather funny. Bayonetta is an absurd game that's why I love it so much and he clearly recognised that you should treat it as such.

I have been revisiting Bayo 1 recently to platinum everything and git gud with jeanne so this appeared on my feed and I watched it yesterday.

Only one kid saw the game for what it was and the rest were simply casuals.

I never gave a fuck about the sexual shit because bayo is more classy than sexual in my opinion.

I wish I could afford a Wii U to play the sequel. Bayo 1 is pretty much perfect.


The best part is the cocky kid who says he#s doing the right things and then dies.

Yeah, and he even thinks that it's dumb that people call the game sexist since Bayonetta is such a strong female character in charge of her sexuality, which is completely true.

Regardless of what one may think of his videos and persona, it's at least good that a person with such a large following calls out on bullshit like that.

>the girls are actually having fun with the game and think it's cool
>most of the dudes, AKA the target demographic think it's overly sexual and boring
You can't make this shit up
girl with straight brown hair is best girl

>you can get through that entire sequence by jamming the stylus on the touch screen as fast as possible all day
I thought Sup Forums said platinum games had good gameplay

Not that user but he actually has a good deal of common sense when it comes to stuff like that. It's weird, since so many of his followers are the polar opposite of the guy.

Did any of them go full SJW?

>the only dude playing it right and liking it is the gay one

>Tutorial on easiest difficulty is easy.

They correctly noted that her clothes disappear for no reason except to pop boners, which most normal people think adds a cringe element to something that isn't actually supposed to be porn.

America's future is in the hands of retards that think digital fake women are overly sexualized.

I'd flee the fucking country in a few years if I were you.

Someone tell me what's going on, I'm not giving that any clicks even in incognito mode.

Nah, that dude was cool, I'm talking about that black dude and that blonde kid, everyone else in that video was fine actually

Did something triggered you?

she doesn't wear clothes, it's her hair

Damn. Even underaged hipsters have better taste than Sup Forums. Pretty weeny.

>teens react
No thanks.

Is there a mirror so I don't give the Jews money?


Normies play bayonetta.
Almost all of them use the touch screen to play.
Call the gameplay boring, one compares it to some android clicker game.

One of them plays properly and enjoys the game a lot, the girls seemed to think it not bad.

Overly sexualized? Bitch you can't be serious. Kids are having sex at 14 and sluts walk the street freely with pride. You tellin me that shit isn't overly sexualized?


Like, what even is the difference between pushing a button and pushing the screen?

smash bros I guess

The touch controls are casual mode that plays the game automatically basically.

Pushing the screen does automatic combos


fucking kikes. i enjoyed how they tried to trademark the word react and it blew on their faces.

In the scene in the opening when she loses her clothes, those are normal clothes.

>t because bayo is more classy than sexual in my opinion.
I love the Bayonetta games too, but c'mon user.

This is not classy.

Bayo is classy, angels are sluts.

That is also not Bayonetta

Yeah their intent of trademarking the word was so horrible! Think of all those people they would try to promote and help! Yeah fuck that!

Go away.

>he's okay living in a world with reactâ„¢

You've never seen sexual woman from the slums. Bayo is classy sexual not vulgar sexual

These two post literally says nothing. But I'll give you an reply anyway so you get encourage to try again.

Is Bayonetta even sexy? Sexual sure, but I want to know who genuinely thinks she's hot

According to some news i read on Sup Forums, pewdiepie started working on his backlog, started playing it, and now all kids want to play

My reaction gif was from saying Bayo 1 was near perfect, actually.

Good thing that not Bayo then.

Anyone else happy as fuck that bayo is gaining mass appeal?

She has made a few guest appearances and would have been in project x zone if it wasn't for kamiya. I want this series to get the love it deserves.

My boyfriend.

The qtes become muscle memory and we all know the first playthrough is a tutorial

She's supposed to be overly sexual, to the point where it gets ridiculous and you start focusing on another parts of her character.

It's numbing you until you finally get that the sexy stuff isn't the focus, like Kill la Kill.


It's still boring though.

>"The only downside is that it's too sexual"


do teens today really think things like that or are they just saying it to avoid looking like a pervert

Not really, also the fact that he's dressed with her own hair is gross as fuck.

Fighting 3 joys with the gaze of despair in non-stop is anything but boring.

That girl with the big lips is fucking obnoxious. Why do women do that stupid whiny high pitched voice when they're upset?

This kid is blatantly a faggot

She's sexy as fuck in the 2nd game

Homos love Bayo more than breeders do. She's basically a drag queen.

>teenage boys not liking sexy girls
Good goyim.

I can honestly see why people would say it's "overly sexual" if they haven't played the first one and have no context. It does just come of as cheesy pandering.

>b-but my tits and ass

Most normal people don't drool when they see a sliver of a naked female body, so it's cringeworthy to them if a medium is trying to woo them with it.

It is when you're just pushing A and X, A and X, A and X, and the occasional ZR. It's like a 3D beat-em-up like Final Fight or Dragon's Crown, only not as fun or complex.

I feel like they're saying that because they don't want to be judged.

You damn well know that black kid liked the game.

>final fight and dragon's crown are more complex than bayonetta
Are you fucking kidding me right now

Actually Musou games are the basically 3D beat em ups. Platinum games (not counting their licensed shovelware) have way more complexity.

I am not to be kidding you. The only thing you do in Bayonetta is wait to activate witch time because even basic enemies don't flinch or stagger outside of it then just mash A and X.

Maybe it gets better in 2. I wouldn't know. I have no interest in trying it.

>i haven't played this thing so I'm an authority in it
Yeah, fuck off. Even if you've just played 1, you can easily see that it's deeper than a fucking 2D brawler. If you just do witch time, you're not going to win in either game.

You answered your own question.

They were probably following thier scripts.

They made her more sexy in the second game, the first game she looks like a freak with how long her legs are.

>using touch control on the easiest difficulty

>the first game she looks like a freak with how long her legs are.
Oh god this. The uncanny valley was strong in the first game

Kids have shit taste, this isn't news.

These arguments never go anywhere because these type of games get better the more you learn how to play.

To you it's shallow but to me it's pure fun. You can even see it in OP's video, the only kid who played the game properly saw the good things it has to offer if he keeps playing.

translation: it isn't call of duty

As you get farther into the game you encounter enemies which completely disregard witch time. Are you sure you played this or did you just read reviews?

Gas all of them except for the Jasser guy.


Think of all the people they would rip off by having ownership to reaction videos! Think of how great it would be to have two kikes owning a common word and the ability to issue copyright strikes over the most minute detail!

The girls complain every time they have to play the game.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. My hope is that this can get people to start liking faster paced deeper combat. I think a lot of games lack a particularly satisfying combat system that software like Bayonetta offers.

>Been meaning to sell my copy of Bayo 1&2
>See this thread


Isn't everyone supposed to be boycotting this youtube channel? Why do I keep seeing this posted everywhere?

I did. I just stopped playing after the Giant Head Snake Lord boss. That was a terrible grindy boss fight, that was. I didn't feel any satisfaction putting him down.

Might want to hold onto it until the NX, if Nintendo makes a comeback the jewgold Wii U games will be worth will be insane.

Girls are just shit.

You mean Justitia? You were pretty close to getting to the point where you frequently encounter enemies like Gracious and Glorious. They ignore witch time.

I completely agree.

It's amazing to see people give the game a try and see them get blown away by all the action. Having that "you can play with touch controls too!" Message in bayo 2 does the game a diservice.

If you mean Iustitia then you must have fought Gracious and Glorious at least once which without a certain item and perfect execution you can't get witchtime when fighting. Hey, maybe it's just not for you but it sounds like you found a boring strategy that kind of worked and stuck with it instead of experimenting and actively trying to get better. You talk about not being able to stagger enemies when it is pretty easy for you to do so if you know how. If you play better you also do more damage. I'd encourage you to try again but if you aren't going to try to get better I guess I wouldn't bother.

>It gets better later