Have you 100% is yet?
Have you 100% is yet?
not even close
also is the 3ds version even worth looking at if you dont have a N3DS?
>100% any of the adventure maps
I'v got better things to do like lay around and not play the same map x hundred times.
Nope. Never even finished the first Adventure mode map.
Its fun but it gets kind of repetitive after a while. Like with all musous, I suppose.
>Its fun but it gets kind of repetitive after a while
Repetitive enough that you'll never play it again ?
I'm actually thinking about buying a Wii U with a few games (including HW)
Managed to clear Adventure Mode and the Twilight map with all A ranks, but got burned out around the Majora's Mask map.
>Repetitive enough that you'll never play it again ?
I wouldn't go that far.
Its a solid, fun game, especially if you're a Zelda fan. Got a good 50ish hours out of it.
>still havent nailed the rupeeglitch
fucking kill me
cant level all those characters
No. I tried pirating it on my XL and it runs so poorly I wish I hadn't even bothered. Practically no enemies on screen, either.
>Wii U version still doesn't have all the content of HW Legends
>yfw Hyrule Warriors Xtreme Legends is announced as an NX launch title
>yfw it has all the content of 3DS version and even more new shit