What she a prostitute?
What she a prostitute?
metaphorically, yes
literally yes
Until they retcon it
Metaphysically, yes.
figuratively, yes
Definitely in FF7, kinda retconed in Crisi Core.
But in FF7 there are outright remarks to what she does.
>"Every guy knows Aeris here."
she fugs cats
serendipitously, perhaps
Panty shot where.
Yes. A cheap one too.
>just want to play FFVII remake
>have to go through FFXV crap and another two more years probably just to play it
>Tifa dresses like slut
>is pure girl
>Aeris dresses like oure girl
>is a turbo slut
What could it mean?
of course
canonically maybe
She wasn't a slut. She was just poor and it was good money. Also she went through the motions of just being a growing girl.
>black man
>raises a kid that isn't even his
FF7 doesn't perpetuate stereotypes
>the motions of just being a growing girl.
>it's normal for a girl to suck 15 dicks and take it in the ass to stay a ""virgin""
Not even the lord almighty would forgive people like you
>Cloud tells in a flashback how he went to Tifa's room and checked her godzilla sized bra
I seriously hope they won't ACify Cloud in remake.
He was pretty funny in FF7.
Let's mosey.
Quit being so obtuse. You know damn well that puberty is a powerful chemical directive that can't be ignored and everyone gets horny as fuck and it doesn't turn off for at least 10 years. It's perfectly normal.
my gut tells me they're going to cut most of the goofiness :(
Yes, it was puberty, not the drugs.
>the drugs
Funny way to spell marketing team.
If you read between the lines, yes.
Square will never confirm it though, and if it ever got questioned during in interview they'd change the subject or say no to avoid a controversy.
>no more leaning to whisper to Don Corneo that you're going to castrate him with a buster sword.
wow, a flower girl.. honeybee inn.. everything makes sense now..
am i a cuck if my first waifu was actually a slut? kill me..
>Aeris was a whore.
Stop triggering me! She was a pure virginal angel, she even dies in prayer.
>EOPs will continue believing this.
You're blaming girls' horniness when you were growing up on drugs.
Ok, Sup Forums.
>Just to play the first episode*
>she even dies in prayer
She just saw Sephiroth's large shaft coming towards her and assumed natural position
and you're confusing female puberty with male
nah. she sold flowers.
was Barrett homosexual?
seriously you can come up with all kinds of conjectures with only superficial hints.
She died like she lived.
Penetrated by a large shlong.
Cloud asks her why she's not uncomfortable dressing like a whore. She says something like "I'm from the gutter, you know. This is nothing new to me."
She had to make cash somehow.
>Hero is the villain
>MC is his lackey
Crisis Core did not help the fucked up canon in FF7 at all. And Cloud and Zack both carry a huge sword, but neither of them penetrated Aeris, but Sephiroth did.
>justifying acting retarded
she's just been brainwashed
You poor bastard.
she's still going to be impaled by a long object, one way or another.
Even her last moment in the game was getting penetrated from behind. You tell me, OP.
why do current FFs have such bland characters? did VA kill the series? I think it did.
>sex bomb
>tries her best
All these years and still one of the best waifus.
Serious question - and really think on it. Why do you think that females are so pure and innocent and never go through hormonal changes etc? This is not reality, ya weirdos.
How are they going to justify carrying a dead weight doomed party member for the remake?
Tifa dies instead
Aeris won't be playable.
She was useless garage anyway.
People were allowed creative freedom and character portrayals weren't as huge a deal back then as they are today. These days, everyone has to be on eggshells about everything they write thanks to angry internet mobs.
>you could park about ten dicks in her
>tfw knowing Tifa is better for you in every sense but you secretly love Aeris' sass
now that I think about it IX was the last good FF.
starting with X we got:
>no more weirdo misfits (vivi, quina, most of the cast of VII, etc.)
>everyone in your party is either a chad, a twink or some bimbo (or a faggoty furry)
>less in depth customization
>less sense of adventure
>Make a sidequest to resurrect her
>Put a replacement character in her place
I'll tell you why: Tifa grew up with a father, Aerith didn't. Not only that Tifa had a martial arts trainer and is much more put together.
Aerith has factors of being raised by a single mother, like being envious of Cloud's relationship with Tifa.
you'll have a choice, ala mass effect to save her or not.
No. She sold flowers. She was pure. Deal with it.
I wonder if her mom whored her out for drug money when she was a little girl. I wonder if she ever showed her how to pleasure a man with her tiny 8 yo mouth.
This is why I keep saying that Final Fantasy hasn't been good in 16 years.
Stop posting.
While I agree with you, FF12 remains one of my favorite of the numbered series. The announcement of the PS4 version made my balls wet.
cause he's the mc
She was also dirt poor and lived in a junk yard.
>kinda retconed in Crisi Core.
Crisis Core only made me more suspicious to be honest.
>Zack has a few days off spent in Midgar and he visits this flower girl and builds her her flower cart and helps her sell flowers
>Zack asks Aerith; so after this you wanna go on a...
>Aerith then cuts him off and changes the subject to flowers and other unrelated stuff
>Next few hours Zack is deployed again in another warzone, but being a good man he does his job and dreams of her
Too bad for him he cant read between the lines. He just built her a disguise wagon.
>tries her best
>sex bombs
No, was confirmed she just sells flowers because they don't grow anywhere else in the slums except near her.
You mean to say she lived in a well-maintained 2-story house with her own bedroom, located in a beautiful garden, right next to a junk yard where people slept in rusted out machinery.
Crisis Core was garbage as was everything in it. Anyone who like or quotes it is likewise garbage.
In FF7, it's Aerith who forces dates with her onto Cloud and then keeps bringing it up while they're fucking busy.
Did you even play the game? Tifa is like the third important character in the game. Her character arc displays all the shit in the post you quoted.
Trying Tifa to be sassy!
Hearing her say sassy things but mess them up in a cute way!
Fucking her brains out afterwords!
Can't tell if she's more cute or sexy!
Wut? Tifa don't dress like slut. A skirt that is not really "mini" and a tank top. I see a lot of girl IRL that dress "sluttier" than her. Also she i don't think she is "pure". Oh, and BTW Flower Girl is basically slang for "prostitute" in Japanese.
No, dumbass. That list of "pros" is completely asshatted.
>I'm from the slums. I'm used to danger.
-Aerith, verbatim
Moral Crisis
Yeah I'm sure flowers are pretty high on everyone's priorities in Shinra's slums
oh bull, she was obviously getting benefits from Shinra. She's under watch by the Turks and lives in the best house near the slums, not to mention the possible compensation her foster mom got for her husband's death in the war. Stop trying to make out Aerith as some kind of waif with nothing; she's significant to the government.
My wife's mom used to sell flowers, trust me, Aeris was a prostitute
How does that change what I posted? Would you like me to post pictures of the huge fucking house she lived in located in the lush garden right outside of the shitty area in the slums, with enough room on the first floor for 4 to 5 people to stand around with tons of room, and the upstairs that has at least 2 seperate bedrooms? Aeris' mom probably had more money than Don Corneo coming from her husband's pension and shut, she was fucking rich.
it's metaphorical.
What other proof was there that she was a whore other than
>Every guy knows Aerith here
the midgar slums part was always my least favorite part of the game. Some weird shit.
Though the fact that it was so long made the game seem huge when you were finally freed from Midgar and allowed onto the world map
Translation: She was the prettiest slut in the slums.
Well yeah, did you think she'd sell her pussy for a measly 1 gil?
I want the AC kiddies to leave.
who was this meant for?
no, Aeris is pure
she made her living selling flowers
>does high kicks
>wears mini skirt
her AC design is so much better. hope that's in the remake instead.
>make tomboy
>make her dress like some vapid camwhore
Who would even want to buy flowers? Clearly everybody in Midgar had absolutely no regard for nature or they would just fucking leave and live in Kalm or some shit.
>Mizuryu Kei
What's that one game again Sup Forums?
>why don't impoverished people just leave
they stay for the gibsmedats
selling deflowerings more like
>I know. They're like this train, they can only go where the tracks take them.