whoever made this
fucking kill yourselves
Whoever made this
Bro it says it's super sekrit, why would you post it here? Not cool man.
gas yourself
I want a lot of people to die too. I don't even want them to suffer, I just want them gone.
>Sup Forums steam group
>meme Remilia picture
>vidya james
I've never witnessed such a high concentration of cancer
why the fuck is this cancer garbage even on my store front page at all
i dont even fucking play weeb games
>someone invited me to that like a year and half ago
>alright lets see how bad it is
>people in chat just talk about random garbage and memes
>the owner of the group keeps bringing up politics in the chat and bans people who disagreed with him
left and never came back
>mfw I know the guy who made that group
I bet they ERP