Why is Ape Escape so good?
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Why is Ape Escape so good?
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I want anotehr Ape Escape platformer now
First one was the best in my opinion. I liked 2 and 3 though. I fucking loved the dash hoop. I liked the trance music that played when you were racing buzz. Spike was an awesome motherfucker. The monkeys that fired homing missiles from their backpacks were cool, and the boxing ones. I dug the giant knight boss in the castle level. Prehistoric levels were probably my favorites.
The time traveling in AE1 was cool because its something that could lead into awesome ideas like dinasours and egyptian pyramids.
Hell yeah, and that level where you went inside the dinosaur was really trippy. Fighting its tonsils and shit
AE1 deserves to be put in a museum of PS games if there was one.
>That comfy feel when you play on a rainforest level in 1
I also have a real obsession with the game's cookies for some reason.
Cookies are delicious, imagine eating some while playing the game with a blanket in the couch while its raining outside.
>Ape Escape 1
>Monkey Boxing
>The one that plays in the AE 1 intro
>Hot Springs
>Sky Flyer
>The Jake courses from AE 1
Definitely, it was way ahead of its time.I love the sound effect when you collect them for some reason