So MGS:V is currently going at 30 bucks

So MGS:V is currently going at 30 bucks.

Don't really give a shit anymore about the solo since I've already completed it but what gives of MGO?
Kinda interested about it, is this shit still alive and well?
Anyone played it? If so how is it?

Just want some general info about the thing.

Played some weeks ago on PS4, there are still alote of people playing it, it's fun but it gets boring, MGO2 was way better imo.

Shameless bump.

Shit should've precised that I'm asking for PC about the population.
Still, thanks for the info man.

Can you tell me how is the customization? I'm a sucker for that.

it's fucking garbage don't do it

Care to tell me why?

Runnan and gunnan

it's alright, it could have more facial options, more beards and more hairstyles, the clothes are also ok, there aren't a lot of options there too but most of them look good, the problem is that some of them are bought with MB coins, so you have to pay actual money for them. But it's mostly for silly hats and colours for your clothes.

Its dead on pc

Not 'sort of dead only a thousand players' i mean dead dead. You cant find games through the matchmaker.

Called it day 1. MGO3 was absolute shit. I wish they had just released MGO2.

they could have made MGO like Overwatch and made tons of money, but its just boring.