chemo is making me tired :(
giv me gam to play for not tireding
chemo is making me tired :(
giv me gam to play for not tireding
>be on chemo
>go to fucking Sup Forums
ayy lmao
You want that cancer to be cured? Don't come to Sup Forums or to Sup Forums.
Play a Dark Souls. That way you'll get used to dying :)
Action games probably aren't a good idea if you are tired. Even if they are as slow as Souls
I'd say go with something like Harvest Moon.
You're wasting the money of your family or the people that are around you you sack of shit.
something like Civ 5 doesn't take a lot of energy and can still trick you into losing track of time
You don't understand. The chemo is making him weak because he is the cancer.
Stay strong brother, you can make it threw this!
Nah. Obamacare covers a TON of my medical expenses. I still need to get by on my gofundme and stuff until I'm more able.
Say what you want about Obama, as an American, I'm super thankful he at least got a plan in place to cover me when I got cancer.
If I didn't have to hike up a learning curve to get there, maybe. Good idea nonetheless, I bought Civ 5 a while ago and I've barely played it. Might give it a go.
Kek. Still haven't played Dark Souls 3. Played the crap out of 2.
desu I'll probably fall asleep if I try that.
Back when Terraria was new I introduced it to a friend of mine to it when he was going through chemo. He ended up beating cancer and told me the game is what got him through it. It's probably just specific to him but give it a shot if you feel up to it.
hang on, did I just type desu? I thought I typed "desu"
I'm trying it again.
Cmon brain don't fuck up on me now
Its a filter.
[Edgeposting intensifies]
Worth considering, thanks. Might also look at stardew valley at some point too since I never really invested any time into it. I don't really care for the art style but apparently it a pretty good modding community.
Nicely edge'd, user!
Play Euro Truck Simulator 2, get it now.
Fucking Hiroyuki making this poor guy think he's losing his mind from the cancer because of these shit wordfilters
>on chemo
>come to the place that gave you cancer to begin with
You have cancer and you play games and shitpost on Sup Forums? Shouldn't you, ya know, be living a real life. I mean. Before you die.
There's more to existing than games, man.
what happened to the cuck filter?
did you start making meth OP?
non-floaty Wipeout
Well chemo generally seems to make people exhausted and weak, so vidya seems like the perfect activity. It's not like there's a ton else to do.
Nah man fuck that shit, I hope you get better. Hang in there
I love Stardew Valley and I agree, not a huge fan of the art style.
god damn, user. I hope you get cancer so you can say the same for yourself.
That could be argued for every living thing on earth. My odds of making it are pretty good, so I'm not overly worried. Not at the moment at least. My anxiety has gotten much more manageable since I was diagnosed like a year ago.
Nah, but I go to Sup Forums sometimes which is objectively more hazardous
Watching TV is even easier but I just get bored by it nowadays. Been streaming here and there but it's really hard to keep up a schedule with randomly fluctuating energy levels. I've got about 30 follows for what it's worth (almost nothing)
It's so comfy, if only I had a steering wheel.
>if only I had a steering wheel.
The game's pretty good even with KB&M
Tropico 4
Underrated post
Paper Mario is a good one.
What cancer is it?
Stick of Truth
How does it feel knowing you'll likely get it a second time if you beat it?
sticker star, the only one I haven't played, would kill me faster than any cancer I can think of.
acute lymphoblastic leukemia, blood cancer. No real risk of metastasizing anywhere unless I relapse. Lung/brain/cervical cancer are basically death sentences but the one I got isn't so bad all things considered.
fuck, I meant pancreatic cancer, not cervical. Cervical seems to be pretty easy to deal with.
Wipeout Pulse (emulator, PS2, PSP)
or Wipeout HD (PS3)
Speed King Neo Kobe 2048 (emulator, PS1) is fun too
Shit, my great grandma had blood cancer for fucking years. Her diabetes killed her before the cancer did.
What does chemo feel like?
This is you BETTER fucking survive because the thought of cancer killing everyone is an utterly hopeless thought for me...
I can tell just by your post and grammar that you are a Mobile using normalfag.
>No capitalization.
>No punctuation.
>Frowny face.
>Wanting people to think of stuff for you to do.
>Obviously making this thread because your friends are doing something else and you're bored.
Fuck off. Go to your fucking Facebook or Instagram.
Sorry mang. It's a lot worse for older people from what I've read.
I can't speak for all kinds of chemo, but the most common side effects seem to be fatigue and nausea. It's not so bad for me now but I used to be nauseous nearly all the time when I was in the hospital, it was fucking miserable not wanting to or being able to eat the amazing delicious food that you want when you're hungry.
I've thrown up many a time. It's more annoying than painful to me now.
I'm in the maintenance phase of my treatment now, so I've been getting chemo through pills daily and spinal taps once a month or so. It's certainly easier now than what I had to deal with months ago.
>not the countless doctors and nursing staff
this is why americans are shit and don't deserve any free healthcare
I'm not saying he invented the idea, he just signed off on the thing. That's the most important thing here to me, because I'm selfish as hell.
in regards to I dunno, maybe, like, anything that is immersive that isn't depressing? Paper Mario. Kingdom Hearts. Katamari Damacy? There's really just tons of these.
Actually, go play Bastion. That shit is amazing.
The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth, just enough action to keep you awake, not too difficult for most people
Also, sorry to hear about the chemo, I hope you get better soon.
Edgeposting is shitposting.
Yoshi Wooly World or other comfy games to relax. Get better, user.