Am I the only one who thinks this is the best game of the franchise?
Am I the only one who thinks this is the best game of the franchise?
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Yes. This game is shit.
Well...tell me what's wrong with it.
Best? Not in my opinion.
Worst? Certainly not.
It's a solid game and definitely one of the higher ranked of the X series, but not the best.
2.5 games by default are shit. But also the voice acting, level design, and story are shit. The only good thing about the game is the music.
Yes. While the game is decent, it's still nowhere near as good as X1-X5
7 is the best in series user
7 is the worst
No, I love it
Nice bait.
X8 game has the best opening of all time...
the opening is great
x8 is good senpai
What the fuck? when did 7 come out?
Ages ago
its shit
no really its horrible, really horrible
Hitler raping baby corpses bad
don't play it
I liked it, desu~~
Too bad it ended in cliffhanger.
I think X3 is the best in the series and that X6 is underrated.
Half of Sup Forums wants to see me dead, probably.
Gate is a far better villain than Sigma could ever hope to be.
yes, it's a good game though.
>that X6 is underrated.
Kind of. Most of the shit it gets is from people who haven't even played it and just want to spout memes and quotes they heard from their favorite youtuber.
It's still got a few embarrassingly bad levels and design choices.
>Gate is a far better villain than Sigma could ever hope to be.
hold it right there dummy
What can I say, I like my Mega Man villains to have a doctorate. I like the whole contrast of Mega Man being a child of science and technobabble fighting for good while the villain is a doctor using science for evil.
And Sigma was too much of an aimless brute for my tastes.
>Gate is a far better villain than Sigma could ever hope to be.
>a Good game
X = X4 > X6 >>>>>>>the rest
That was really really good.