"We’ve had this issue. In other video games, you can choose to be black, you can choose to be a girl. In our game...

>"We’ve had this issue. In other video games, you can choose to be black, you can choose to be a girl. In our game, we’re finally gonna do that. You can be a girl. Very revolutionary. Very 2016 of us."


Are you guys hype fpr the new south park game?

Other urls found in this thread:


>neogaf celebrating because diversity
>Sup Forums celebrating because they're using the right kind of words while implementing diversity

marketing geniuses


I spent Stick of Truth running around in a wig, make-up and a thong anyway. Might as well make it official.

>make a girl character in South Park
>yfw nothing in the game changes


We like organic diversity, not pandering

>Very 2016
>Very revolutionary of us



>make a girl character
>Cartman doesnt let you join his team
>game over 2 minutes into the game
i want to believe

>implying Cartman wouldn't just say fuck off because you're a girl and end the game right there
>OR Cartman sees you and goes "Who the fuck are you? Where's Douchebag?!" and then the game forces you to make a male character

Fuck imagine the tears if they did this.

>make a female character in a South Park game
>constantly get called a stupid bitch