Todd Howard is listed at 5'10. Why are you guys calling him a manlet?

Todd Howard is listed at 5'10. Why are you guys calling him a manlet?

5'10 is manlet tier for a white man

If he's 5'10'' then the wii u was a worthwhile purchase

Anyone under 6 feet is a manlet.

> 5'10

>not a manlet

>tfw i'm 5'10

>he doesn't know about angles


Of course.

I legitimately feel sorry for short guys. It's probably one of the least fair things in life. Having said that though, I dislike Todd and Bethesda is shit, so whatever, it was probably preemptive karma or something.

this this thread is up, I need some edited todd images for my todd folder. can someone help a brother out?

Google is rarely right about heights. Remember how he used to be listed at 6'2? Yeah...

Howard is MAYBE 5'7 but is probably more like 5'6.

I'm a 5'5 black guy and I probably get more pussy than you will ever get in your entire life.


It's probably 5.4

Ok. But you're delusional if you don't think short guys are discriminated against. I thought I was clear that I feel for my short brothers, it's not fair and it makes no sense, but that's life I guess.

You're just restricted to petit girls. No tall amazons with big titties for them unless they are rich of course.

>mom always told me I'd be tall
>Grand father's on both sides were tall, dad is kinda at 6ft
>Almost 20 and I'm only 5'6
>Doctor says I'm most likely done growing
>Think to myself I can at least get an ara ara milf because I'm legal and short and cuddly, perfect for a milf to use as a boy toy or something
>Check couger life
>Full of ugly fat and black women
>All good looking milfs are looking for the exact opposite of me
>Worst if all
>Todd us taller than me

Should I kill myself yes or no

Yeah, I don't just mean that though. All those studies on short guys not getting taken as seriously in the work place. The CEO stats on short guys etc.

I'm not trying to be an asshole I legitimately think it's shitty.

> Todd us taller than me
Not really

Get money user. They'll see past the shortness if you're handsome and wealthy.

This is why you're on Sup Forums, nigger. We all get tons of pussy you know

It is shitty for sure. My gf straight up told me she wouldn't have dated me if I wasn't taller than her.

>short guys are discriminated against
Jeez it must suck living in a self fulfilling nightmare. Get off Sup Forums and /r9k/ for a sec, and stop hanging around dumb middle class western college girls. People generally and genuinely dont care about height

is that with or without the 6 inch high shoes

Literally the average height of a white American male.

I'm 6'4, I don't experience it but i witness it. The data is out there. I'm not saying it's life determining but it's one of the few disadvantages you can't just work your way out of.

Yeah, it's a shitty state of affairs.

>5' 10" is tall
>manlets pretending this isn't pathetically short

As someone who is 13' 10" I always laugh when I see you manlets trying to defend this.

Being tall isn't all that great.

t. 6'11"

Feels bad being a manlet

just do what i did and move to nipland short anons

short gajins blend right in, since theyre looking for 6'5 blonde americans


Tall =! fucking NBA player

We will never forget Mad Thad. Godspeed, patriot o7

I'm sure you run face-first into a lot of crotches whenever you go out, Black Tyrion

Shit, I had no idea Peter Jackson took that photo. I'm sorry for bullying you Todd.