Muvluv on Steam

>Muvluv on Steam

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who /backed it/ here?
cant wait for that huge ass fucking codex

>Game that been translated for fucking centuries is now on Steam


Did they remove all the porn.
If so, what's the point?

Deep and engaging story.

You can patch it baka desu senpai

I can't wait for my destroyer plush.

When will Steam get actual good VNs such as Saya no Uta and Cross Channel?

>another censored Jap game

Yeah, no, fuck off with your censored shit. Translation's likely inferior and even if that isn't the case I'm not wasting money on shit that isn't the author's original intent.

Seriously, go die, you're killing the industry you fucking faggots.

Oh look, a game that has been translated forever that none of you bandwagon poser faggots cared about and now suddenly do once it's on your DRM spyware service.

Fuck off back to your subreddit, secondary poser weebs.

The porn is the worst part though

They can't sell twizzlers on steam baka

>no h-scenes
>no trading cards
>has been translated for ages
>people will still fork over their autismbux for this

>No porn

Why should I care

>They can't sell twizzlers on steam baka

Then buy it somewhere else, you meme spouting faggot. I hope this bombs and the company goes broke. They fucking deserve it.


Have you actually read through that garbage? Fucking Fateshit is better.

PCucks don't actually care about playing the newest and freshest Japanese games or they would own a PS4. They just want to show all their ERP faggot friends what an epic weeaboo they are.

what? its the all age version, you know all age versions of eroge are an actual thing right?
besides, steam doesnt do porn anyways, but you'll be able to patch the h content back in

Your childhood friend's brain and nervous system are removed from her and placed in a vat.

The BETA are silicone life forms created by another race and they come to earth for resources. They don't even care about humans because to them humans aren't even alive.

Your teacher gets her head eaten by a BETA from behind. This is where the CRUNCH meme comes from

The original Muv-Luv is pretty boring. It feels like a giant exposition arc for Alternative.

Best Muv-Luv reporting in.

reminder that extra is best ML
reminder that sumika is best girl

>what? its the all age version, you know all age versions of eroge are an actual thing right?

Only in America, you fucking faggot.

Thank you kind user, for ruining this for these fucking queers.

The 18+ scenes are an integral part of Muvluv's plot, they literally aren't just fan service.



I'd expect no less from a avatarfag.

>Only in America, you fucking faggot.

are you actually literally clueless? every port of eroge on console, like realta nua on ps is all age
are you shitposting?

why do they look like bugs

>Only in America

You're completely wrong, All-age editions are common in Japan

It was a kick starter and they got over a million dollars for no work you've already lost.

>Uses the same character for every post
>Has no idea what the fuck he's talking about
>are you shitposting?
What do you think?

Yeah it's somehow more turgid that fate / Japanese cooking night.

Name 20 all-age versions of games released in Japan.

Those are console releases AKA they don't count in the sense the American releases don't.
The PC versions are all sex, all the same.

Enjoy your edgy shit though that even /jp/ disowns for its garbage quality.

i backed it for 250 bucks for the physical goodies, dont even care about the games unless they actually release shwarzesmaren later on

>he stopped posting with his avatar

Didthis game have H?

Will there be a Patch to restore it?

I've never actually read this it has been sitting in my backlog for a long time.

uhhhh... wot?

Read the original trilogy before the new version.

>what are steam fees, company overhead, etc.

They'll shut down within the month.

Nah mate, just don't feel the need to reply with Akane to EVERY post unless necessary.

I went for 300 which ended up being like 400 CDN. I'm looking forward to all the extra stuff.

Here is like 1000 happy reading.


What don't you get?

/jp/ recognizes Muv-Luv for the entry level garbage it is.
Console releases don't count because they're done by the production company, not the studio themselves (AKA Authorial Input is non-existant)

You forgot to mention that according to the story, there are more BETA in the universe, than there are atoms in a fucking multiverse; and the author at no point ever bothered to fix that glaring retardation.


Wait got is this a new version?

>play it 2 years ago
>it crashes on every ending
Man, that was pretty annoying.

now watch as he completely ignores your post

>Muv-Luv Combat never

I have been looking for a torrent of this for literal ages

It'd be a perfect game for VR. So, I guess, maybe in 20 years?

This is the series people are raving about? Sounds like a D tier sci fi book

You forgot that you get cucked by the BETA and are literally okay with it.

I stopped watching romantic films a long time ago because I couldn't stomach the horrific writing. Every now and then I still let my girlfriend drag me to some romantic comedy and after all the shitty dialogue I have sat through, none of it was as cheesy and generic as this.

How the hell can you people be into this shit? Are you really sitting through such awful writing for some drawings of people having sex? Please raise your standards, this is embarrassing.

It's the console version and extras ported to PC, so it's "new" in that EOPs haven't played it.

But seriously, play the original first so you can better appreciate the franchise as a whole.

>I don't like it therefor nobody else should

Fuck off

What is the difference?


"my girlfriend" really triggered me 5/10

>mother russia
>hot as shit
>strong as fuck
>experienced as crazy
>gets taken out for giggles
>because lolpolitics
>while humanity is bang raped sideways by massive BETA cocks
>in order to preserve human greed
>in the face of an adversity so strong that losing experienced soldiers on the battlefield can have massive effects on the survival of the species
>but this happens anyway, because fuck logic and story-telling

Who gives a fuck what /jp/ thinks?

>better appreciate the franchise

Why would anyone want to appreciate the Naruto of the Visual Novel community?

you realize the "original" doesnt even run on modern OSes right? which is the entire point of this official release

none, he's trolling

>you should read this VN it's amazing
>the beginning sucks though it gets good after 50 hours

Normally, we'd agree; but this one time, /jp/'s got it right. It's entry level garbage.

extra is good though, and it doesnt last 50 hours

They have the most experience with VNs in the same vein that Sup Forums has better opinions on Anime than Sup Forums and that Sup Forums has better opinions on video games than Sup Forums.

>modern OSes

You mean anything below Windows 8? Because ML and MLA both ran just fine on 7.

It has a CG gallery and other minor stuff I think.

called it

Voices, sprites, scene composition, the gutting of all 18+ content, which is actually important in this game. If you want to get into the Muvluv franchise, play the original trilogy first, not this release.
Don't reply to obvious bait/retards.

It sucks until you reread it again.

Weebs are literally mentally ill. You HAVE to be mentally ill to enjoy most non-entry level anime

Muv-Luv is stupidly overrated.

I still don't give a fuck what /jp/ thinks.

That said, fuck the Steam release and any cucks who support it. Muv-Luv itself is fine, but most of its fanbase is fucking insufferable.

I hope the obtains meme status with the normies and we get ebin reaction videos.

ikr, these fucking pedos should all be incenarated

Sometimes the obvious bait deserves at least ONE reply calling out their retardation because there are plenty of people dimwitted enough to see something posted on here and take it as factual.

>fuck what /jp/ thinks.
>fuck the Steam release and any cucks who support it.
>its fanbase is fucking insufferable.
Ask me how I know you're underage.

>you know all age versions of eroge are an actual thing right?
Those aren't eroge they're VNs originally written for all ages.

You're absolutely right, user. There's absolutely nothing noteworthy about this completely generic and average high school romcom that is utterly unremarkable in all aspects.

It's already obtaining meme status with normies because of Tumblr. The Steam release is a product of that.

Don't reply to obvious bait/retards.

Gonna play it on Vita

But I want the full package, porn and all

How do you figure, cap?

The dev on the steam forums said they translated the 18+ content and are going to release a patch to restore it.

Does the original not have voices? Are the sprites just better quality? If that is the case I don't mind playing the new version and skipping the old version.
Isn't this trilogy supposed to be really long? How long is it compared to Clanned or Fate/stay night?

I noticed a trend where all the popular and "critically acclaimed" VNs rely on a fucking time-travel or time-loop gimmick for their story.

Here are just some examples:

Find torrents then, faggot, like the rest of us did.

They're releasing a patch for it so patch it and you're good.

Because it's "deep". The same way Muv-Luv and AoT are loved by Tumblr because they're "dark".

Time Travel and violently killing of main characters at random are easy ways of making a series look more mature/deep than it is. Retards like tumblr lap it up.

Wonder what the all ages versions do about Sumika's giant erect clitorispenis.
Wonder what the all ages versions do about the fact that the only reason shit on Sadogashima went so wrong is because the 00 unit was pissed that Takeru borked everyone else in the previous timelines.

I heard supposedly that replaying the first game after playing the trilogy makes alot of the subtle foreshadowing more poignant

Any examples? Spoil me i aint got the time to read it any time soon

Where was the time travel in Umineko?

Then replace the file that will be available on release retard. It takes less effort than pirating and running the full game.

You can stop pretending to be retarded you're in a thread with people that download chinese picture books. We are all aware of all ages versions.

The shoe

Holy shit that shoe

Go back to your shitty company and market somewhere else. No one here cares about your butchered release.

Should have imported it.
The voices are just different, not a huge issue if you don't care. The sprites design is worse. It's not that long, 2-3 days if you're slow.

You can play this release first, but if someone that wants to get into Muvluv and cares about quality is reading this, play the original trilogy before you read this new release.

He said time loop. It's literally an endless repetition of 3 days on an island with varying results.

Some of us don't have the brains to handle that import business. Glad the devs have a spine and will release a patch after it releases.