What's the Sup Forumserdict
What's the Sup Forumserdict
It's shit
Worth it for Harley's delicious clown ass alone.
Good gameplay, shit story.
Asylum was still the best overall.
Arkham games were never very good in the story department. Asylum's story very much included.
City's story might be the best, but even then it went for a fake death shock moment with Joker. Really liked Mr. Freeze, though. Big step up from another bullfight boss.
The Batmobile stuff is the most polarizing thing. I personally really enjoyed it so, with that, it has the best elements from all of the games -- it has great atmosphere, an incredible Gotham, decent writing and the combat is the best it's been. Plus it looks fucking amazing.
The Batmobile stuff isn't as much as a lot of people like to say but it is a big chunk so if you don't like it, it'll probably put you off the game.
Objectively best in gameplay, visuals, sidequests.
Only weak points are the story and boss encounters. Batmobile is good if you know how to use it so disregard the naysayers.
8.5/10 game 2bh.
No no...
As long as it's not as bad as fighting tanks in Devil May Cry 2, I'm sure I'll tolerate it. I heard the game was unfinished. Any credence there?
What's the big gripe about the Batmobile? Is it unusual controls or what?
When are we going to get a GOTY edition?
City is definitely the best one.
>2 boss fights, one of which you have to unlock by getting EVERY riddler trophy
>overall rehash but hamfisted Red Hood story
>no Scarecrow shenanigans even though he's the main villain
If it had boss fights it'd easily be a 9.5 or 10 but as is, it's probably a 7.5/8. As it is really fun.
So is it worth $29 Canadian sheckles for the "premium" edition.
No, the Batmobile stuff is genuinely good, it's just not what a lot of people want in a Batman game and it's necessary for a decent amount of the game. Honestly though, with how much time you spend freeroaming and doing sidequests and stuff, it's really not that much.
As to it being unfinished, I have no idea how that could be the case, There's a ridiculous amount of content in the game and I never got that feeling when I 100%'d it.
Last I heard some random site listed a GOTY/Complete edition to be released later this year. Haven't heard anything since, but that was sometime last month.
>the deathstroke 'boss battle'
just what the fuck man
The lack of proper bossfights was a letdown, specially considering they did an amazing jog with Freeze in AC. Story was too dark for it's own good, too, and too "safe" not really killing Barbara was a coward move with a terrible main villain.
Everything else was fine to me including the batmobile sections. Also amazing graphics and art.
Shame about the scarecrow mindfuckery being gone. Was there any alternative? Ra's Al Ghul's spirit world shit in City was pretty cool too.
The previous arkham games revolved around you jumping and swinging to get from place to place. While that feature is still there, the game really pushes you to use the batmobile as much ad possible. Nearly half of the missions, sidequests, and bosses were only doable with the batmobile.
it is a solid send off to the series.
not much they could have done with the series really other than add new enemy types, new gadgets and new villans.
Joker is dead, so they did him right in this.
The bat mobile is a good addition but the game is focused around it, including most boss battles.
beautiful visuals on consoles
solid 7/10
I rate it as good as city, but not as good as asylum
this,,,he true objective view
Thank Christ. I guess it was PC players mad about how buggy it was starting out paired with MGSV actually being unfinished on release. I love driving too, so all this info sounds like a relief. Getting a PS4 soon and I was iffy about it till now.
The...whole fucking game is filled with Scarecrow shit.
Joker's presence in the game is the Fear Toxin exacerbating the effects of Joker's blood in your system. You're hallucinating him constantly, seeing flashes of the Joker in signs and on statues, etc. The whole game is one big Scarecrow mindfuck. I think it's a lot better than the big set pieces in the previous games.
Definitely not unfinished. Actually that's a word that kinda lost its meaning around here because it's used in the same context as "I don't like it"
It's an excellent game, if you can run it on ultra with an nvidia card holy fuck that game looks fucking amazing.
only downside is the fighting sequences, i don't really like their gameplay
also stupid tanks
>I heard the game was unfinished
lol no.
>Batmobile is good if you know how to use it
holy shit
you really think people were complaining about the batmobile sections because of difficulty?
No you fucking retard, people bitch about the bat tank because of the utter fucking boredom of killing 1000 fucking drones with little to no variation in your moveset and almost no enemy variety
>how buggy it was
no no no, it was made by rocksteady, it is not buggy at all.
just has poor optimization for the PC hardware. I am pretty sure they have fixed it no, you would have to check, like on steam forums.
but like the previous rocksteady games it is near flawless from bugs
You'll like it, I guarantee it. If you have a gaming PC, the PC version is fixed now and runs pretty well. You can max it with a 970 with only occasional drops, mostly if you have the dynamic fog enabled.
Honestly I don't even know. Most complaints are that "it's used too much" whatever the fuck that means. If you know how to play, you'll use the secondary weapons to dispose of enemy drones way quicker.. I guess most people had trouble with this.
It's essentially an extension of the freeflow combat since you build combos and can do better stuff when you play well. Besides if the car wasn't implemented well or even at all, people would say it was shoehorned in or the game was another rehash.
Just goes to show that Sup Forums's never satisfied. They were creaming their jeans when the batmobile was announced.
>Little to no variation
I dunno bro. You have three secondary weapons, your boosters, vulcan cannon, etc. You can take out drones quickly and effectively if you know how to play so it's not such a drag.
I hate to be part of the "git gud" camp but that may actually be a bit of your issue here. If you're just aiming and shooting with your main gun, it can definitely be a lot more tedious.
>No, the Batmobile stuff is genuinely good
>shitty shooter
>easier then the regular combat and that's saying something
>small pool of enemy types
>your own arsenal is pathetically small as well, with anything that isn't "shoot cannon" being limited by the special attack bar
the same fight over and over again is not "genuinely good"
First time I noticed those shifting billboards and statues I was spooked. That shit was so subtle and well done.
I liked the batmobile. I mainly traversed in the skies because the gliding is amazing in knight, though I used the batmobile to boost me higher often.
I didn't like that the game does focus around it lie it is it's own character rather than a gadget.
2 main boss battles (of the 3 that there are) are the same battle against a massive tank in the batmobile,
You know, there's more to the Batmobile than the tank combat. Traversal is fun and fast with it, the races are unique, etc. The combat I think comes down a bit to getting into a good rhythm. As an user above mentioned, it's almost an extension of Freeflow. You can build meter quickly and be banging out secondary weapons frequently when you get better.
You may not like it and that's fine but I think they did a really good job with it.
Asylum blew my mind, City did too, then Origins felt underwhelming.
Now Knight I couldn't even force myself to finish, it's batmobile simulator, doesn't feel like the previous games imo. Still gonna go back to it eventually.
I think I spent less than 10% of my playthrough inside the Batmobile. Maybe you suck at the game?
>You have three secondary weapons, your boosters, vulcan cannon
compare to how many gadgets and special moves you have for melee combat
>taking out drones is easy
and it's always the same every single time. That's why its boring.
>If you're just aiming and shooting
m8 everyone uses the special weapons. You'll still be shooting the glowing weak point every time. Anyone who played a shooter in their life can instantly kill a drone. Doesn't make it fun to fight 100 of them in a row, and once all the enemy types are introduced, every fight is the same.
Tried it about 6 months ago, as far as I know no patches were released since then.
Game was unplayable with a GTX 760, which is pretty mediocre, I know, but I haven't had ANY performance issues with any other game.
Also I pirated it, since I wasn't about to buy it with all the backlash about performance. So don't take too much stock in my opinion, maybe some more patches were released/cracked since I last tried it.
>it's almost an extension of Freeflow
freeflow never throws that many enemies in a row outside of specific challenge rooms. That's for a reason: They know that it would get annoying if every fight had dozens of enemies.
It's not the games fault retards can't remember what options they have at their disposal. Using drone virus, EMP, missile barrage all together even makes those 50 drone fights go by in 5 minutes.
>little to no variation
Did we play the same game? There's normal one shot drones, scatter shots, helis, cobras, missile launching ones.. all of them together keeps you on edge and actually provides a challenge, again if you're not shit at the game.
>Joker's presence in the game is the Fear Toxin exacerbating the effects of Joker's blood in your system. You're hallucinating him constantly, seeing flashes of the Joker in signs and on statues, etc. The whole game is one big Scarecrow mindfuck. I think it's a lot better than the big set pieces in the previous games.
that was just another way for them to shoehorn Joker in.
2 games we got Joker fucking everywhere.
Batman has arguably the BEST rogue's gallery, yet it's all about fucking Joker.
I just wanted a Scarecrow fight like Asylum had.
Or even a thrilling climax for any of the side quests.
Trying to compare it to the melee is silly. Think of it as a supplement to the melee rather than some kind of replacement. It's something to break up "predator room, combat room, predator room, etc."
>once all the enemy types are introduced, every fight is the same.
That goes for a very vast majority of games.
if you think batmobile fights provide any challenge at all you haven't played a single shooter in your entire life
the problem isn't that they're difficult you moron. Just the opposite. They're pure tedium. 5 minutes of pure tedium every time I disarm a bomb is not fucking acceptable.
Honestly I believe Rocksteady didn't playtest this game with outsiders. If they did, most would have the same complaints as those we've seen post-release. I actually give them kudos for sticking with their vision in that case. Some of those riddler puzzles left me scratching my head too.
and yet for the actual melee fights bamham knight manages to keep a nice variety of fights all the way to the end of the game.
It'd be fine if they didn't have so many of them in the side content. Getting the deathstroke fight was absolutely horrible.
And the fight itself was the most disappointing thing in the game.
>and yet for the actual melee fights bamham knight manages to keep a nice variety of fights all the way to the end of the game.
Bamham has always been about fun, easy, beat-em-up combat. I can't speak for Knight, but the first two games were definitely samey as hell. One just didn't give a shit because it was very enjoyable.
You're playing a video game for Christ's sake. Which solely involves repeating the same shit, pushing a sequence of buttons to progress.
In this case, you're actually required to have situational awareness with managing helis, shooting down missiles all while dodging enemy line of fire. It's more engaging than 90% of what other games want the player to do.
>Which solely involves repeating the same shit,
Good game design involves making you not realize this. Like the melee combat in bamham.
Batmobile fights are good game design.
Even the most casual shit eater still managed to think the fights were too repetitive.
I know the game has its problems but I have weakness for Rocksteady's presentation. The crazy level of detail in everything. And the goddamn animations. Everything has a silky smooth transistion. The way you glide, enter the batmobile.
>Entering the clocktower for the first time
I didn't buy a batman game to get into mechatank battles seriously
It just breaks all immersion and turns the game into more of a boring grind especially with the garbage story and weak environment design
>I didn't buy a batman game to get into mechatank battles
The second they announced a drivable batmobile this is exactly what I wanted to buy a batman game for.
Well it's a good thing this game has bamham combat then! Seriously if you hate the tank battles, there's plenty of other gameplay options you can do to mix it up. Predator rooms, combat challenges, riddler puzzles, detective shit..hell the militia checkpoints were mainly designed with variation in mind.
You're acting like the mine disposal stuff is the only side content in the game.
weakest game in the series
For a standalone batman game, or even just a superhero game, it was a wonderful game and would have set a new bar if that standard wasn't already set by the previous installments in the series
Then you should've done your research beforehand. Or replay asylum, city or origins for the 50th time.
You loved it and you know it.
Shit bosses, Arkham Knight is Red Hood with a coat of paint, Batmobile segments that weren't combat or chases were stupid.
In some regards it's better than Origins and others it's not.
Maybe its because I'm a DC Fagboy but I loved every second of it. Beat it 3 times 100% on hardest diff, asylum is still the best, imo.
Couldn't get enough of the batmobile either, smashing through shit and shattering everything like butter never got old.
ranges from good to even amazing in all areas except for boss battles
holy shit they dropped the ball so hard w/ bosses
also some of the worst DLC i've experienced
I'm glad you enjoyed it, but you at least have to admit it was a setback if you enjoyed the series for what it was
It felt so out of place and gimmicky. I appreciated batman because he was a mere man that beat his enemies with his fists, wit, and maybe a few gadgets. Not drive around town with fucking explosions destroying helicoptors and running people over.
>But its okay you shoot them with sleeping darts ;)
>Those other tanks you blow up are unmanned drones ;)
>The explosions in the streets won't harm anybody because theyre indoors ;)
>don't worry about the enemies you run over at max speed, or the helicopters you explode, theyre just unconscious ;)
It was also shoehorned into half of the story and most of the side shit too. They obviously ran out of ideas. On it's own it wasn't bad but it was a disappointment to a good chunk of people for a good reason
A matter of family was great
Rocksteady didn't make it though.
was it longer than 15 fucking minutes though?
i only played the harley quinn one and felt burned on it
fuck off with your shit comment
I bought it the week it came out expecting it to at least have a decent story, and the level design and narration of the previous games, it did not.
What was I supposed to do? Watch a bunch of youtube play throughs to spoil the entire thing? Read some reviews? lol arkham knight 10/10 ign literally flawless just like city
Its pretty short but its the longest from all of them, 1 hour for me
>asylum>city>origins>the shitty taco I ate this morning that gave me the shits making me spend the whole day shitposting literally>knight
Why it costs less than Mad Max now?. It hurts me as a big fan of the series.
I mean, like WB thinks Mad Max is a more valuable game, don't get me wrong.
I want this series to keep going. Should it be a sequel, a prequel or a reboot?.
was gr8 except for the boss fight and batmobile
like the best parts of the game were the ones that were indoors without batmobile like the airship and the movie studios and it's ridiculously disappointing