He fell for the Seth is good meme

>he fell for the Seth is good meme
Fire Emblem thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Even if you're playing with 0% growths, Seth is good. Your Seth could probably solo the entire game.

I want to complain about the greentext, "meme", and an awful picture of a screen in the OP, but it's still better than a typical FE thread. What do you want to talk about today?

>He fell for He fell for the Seth is good meme meme
Bad RNG, friend, meanwhile on a randomized play through

>Good enough to be relevant in endgame
Yeah he's good.

On another note, even though I feel it's one of the easiest ones, I still love SS. One of my top 3 desu.


>benched set for 18 chapters
>on par with my unit


He definitely cannot solo the whole game, he's the main reason for my resets. FE8 is pretty good though, I'm glad I got around to playing it.

Sacred Stones is really my jam, desu. I've played it the most out of any FE game

It's short and has 2 stories, that goes well for repeat playthroughs.

New FE4 translation came out recently
New Tear Ring Saga translation coming out soon
Shouzou Kaga making games for free

I don't have much faith in IS nowadays, but there's still Fire Emblem stuff to look forward to.