>play JRPG
>it's either a shitty ATB system or a slow painful cookie cutter TB system that adds no depth or fun

"Beat it yourself, you slut."

>play JRPG
>it's a shitty action game with no depth or fun, but since it's an action game you can't put your controller down or multi-task in the middle of battle
Fuck FF7Re and FFXV

Go play The World Ends With You then.

If you don't like turn based combat, and you don't like timed combat, and you don't like TWEWY, I'm pretty sure you just don't like JRPG's at all.

And that's fine, I don't like racing games.

But you don't see threads about how racing games are shit because they require you to accelerate and turn down corners to reach the end of the track.

Better than looking at a menu constantly.

That doujin was nice

The only JRPG I ever got into enough to beat was Xenogears, Skies of Arcadia, and FF10.

>play jrpg
>realizes he doesn't like jrpg
>makes a thread to bitch about jrpg
And that's how OP became a faggot

ATB killed the genre

>t. ADD baby

Now JRPGs are being reduced to the same action-derived shit like any other genre. Might aswell call them action games with potions instead.

>calling someone an ADD baby while posting FF

>muh outdated gameplay must live on

top kek. Grow up, grandpa.

>It's outdated because it doesn't satisfy my constant need of flashy moves and power fantasy
The turn-based genre has a place in gaming. Games like Bravely proved there is still plenty of refinement left to do in the genre.

>>realizes he doesn't like jrpg

I like them but when they are basic shit with no depth there is just no point to me. They need to have that extra push in gameplay.

>green text with a reaction image making implications

You confusing FF with Tales of games, champ? Nothing ADD about most FF games. Tales of Faggotry is.

Just play Jagged Alliance 2 or wizardry and call it a day

What's it called familia



You're right. The only jrpgs in existance that have good gameplay are SMT and it's spin-offs.

It's also the only jrpg series that has setting that aren't complete garbage, so that helps too.