Why do developers stab their fanbases in the back so much just to try and appeal to people who weren't interested in the game in the first place? I can't imagine appealing to people who don't but games unless they're more than 50% off is profitable
Why is this a backstab? How does games like this being on more platforms count as some sort of a betrayal?
Isaac Baker
>sell it to your dedicated fans who actually want to play the game >turn around and throw the game at people who don't want it for half price or lower
Gabriel Sullivan
.....so you're mad that the game will be played by more people, and thus square will have more money for a sequel? How much of a faggot can you be?
Kayden Morgan
>throwing the game to entitled pirates >thinking square will make money from that
Adam Allen
Wasn't star ocean 5 a flop compared to 4? The japanese hated it, and apparently the game is short as fuck.
Joshua Wright
i finished till the end of time and my 12 year old self decided i would not touch this shitty series ever again
let the pcfats have it i say
Matthew Hernandez
You aren't a dedicated fan because you want it exclusive to a console. You're definitely a dedicated faggot though.
Dominic Rodriguez
She's the only reason I'm interested in the game. GDI penis
Cameron Hernandez
If you care about Japanese games you own a console. Fact.
Cameron Scott
Why do you care so much about the profits of a multibillion dollar corporation that does not and never will give a shit about you?
Cooper Jones
Times change, PC gaming is just as important as consoles now. If Japan cared about gaming, they'd make more PC games. Fact. Stop being such a fat fucking luddite.
Zachary Sanders
Because I like JRPGs and i find it stupid how devs are wasting their time both shitting on their existing fanbase and trying to appeal to people who walled themselves off from Jap games and demand the same games for cheaper
Aaron Thompson
This thread will, be temporarily noyed;:. ]Inspection[ ends in 60 seconds from post''' Do not post in thread until.:; fully noyed in one minute, Users who: post during time limit of minute will be mandated
Joshua Thomas
>if japan cared about gaming they'd cater to people who pirate all their games then bitch when they're not perfect ports
Brody Johnson
thread [fully] noyed. resume activites,
Lucas Torres
righto friend, lets see how long pc stays relevant to the japs. I'm sure you're going to win
Ethan Miller
ah well,this game was shit anyway
Josiah Richardson
This is kinda true sadly, the first thing people ask for when a PC game goes out is "lol where is the torrent bros". You never see console threads talk about pirating their games, but every PC thread half the thread is talking about how they pirated it. Take the new warhammer space RTS game, half the thread was complaining about crashes, but here is the thing, only the cracked version crashed(There even was a post about it on the torrent page).
So you have a new game from a series that people always say needs more games but everyone just wants to get it for free and not pay.
If a game series does not sell very well, THEN THEY STOP MAKING IT.
Nolan Thompson
I will forgive squeenix for not allowing the PS3 version to come to the west if there was a PC port. I'm still mad yes.
Anthony Cruz
>If a game series does not sell very well, THEN THEY STOP MAKING IT.
So why are you bitching if putting the game on another platform will potentially generate more sales?
Wyatt Miller
Because PC won't generate more sales.
Noah Bailey
Do you have hard empirical data to back that up, lad?
Kevin Jones
Dragon Quest Heroes selling sub 50k
Wyatt Gonzalez
most classic jrpg that appeared suddenly on steam sold like trash, grandia shit like that
Cooper Morgan
The main problem is that they actually think timed exclusives are a premium to a fan rather than a misleading scam. If I have to be forced to buy a platform it has to be because I have no choice, not no choice in that particular point in time. REmake is one thing, but with this shit it's a matter of months.
Ryan Foster
Because the ports are often shit. Before Square was making PC ports, they were making mobile ports and those were often buggy messes. Are you saying people shouldn't complain when a release is bad?
Landon Campbell
PC ports aren't that big an issue. They help fund additional games, make up for any limitations on the console version, and can be modded if the interest is there.
I just wish companies like SE were more honest about them.
Jaxon Scott
Director of the game mentioned earlier that they have to attract more audience with this game so the Star Ocean series would live on. Porting it to PC is actually a good move considering how fast the growing market on pc these days.
>B-but muh exclusivity Just be glad that they're trying their best to keep the series alive.
Nathaniel Fisher
how is letting more people play the game a stab in the back?
Parker Thomas
Giving the game to people who weren't interested in it in the first place and for far cheaper seems like a pretty big fuck you desu
Jack Nelson
Number of sales alone doesn't mean shit. You have to compare to the cost of porting to the first place. Unless there is such data, there is no way to claim that they actually make a bad move by porting it to PC.
Jonathan Cook
plenty of people on the ps4 that didn't want it either
Luke Jackson
How do you know they weren't interested? Maybe they were interested but didn't own a PS4?
Nathan Ross
>I can't let others enjoy what I enjoy Fuck off.
Ryan Brooks
Leo Cruz
If they were interested they'd own a PS4. Pretty simple.
Benjamin Gonzalez
What a horrible character design. Looks like something a 12 year old would draw.
Xavier Reyes
Im gonna pirate this game so hard and nothing you fucks do can stop me
Brayden Phillips
Cool, some further incentive NOT to get a PS4.
Sebastian Bailey
Nice bait thread.
Connor Torres
the game is shit anyway, and this is not trolling.
Nathaniel Cox
Why do you guys make such a big deal out of piracy? You are literally the only board that does this, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, none of them complain about piracy, why are you guys such corporate cocksuckers?
Xavier Ward
I wish I could draw like that 12 year old.
Evan Price
Interesting how consoles managed to become this fucking obsolete so quickly. Barely took more than one gen.
Only Nintendo home systems and handhelds in general have a reason to exist at this point.
Oliver Perez
Go there if you actually want to talk about the game instead of giving (You)'s to a retard.
Wyatt Thomas
As an idort i will never understand people who boycot games because of ports, it just seems petty
Landon Ortiz
Fuck off thief
Xavier Evans
oh, you damn well bet I'll do my best to stop you
James Lopez
It's literally the same shitposting.
Jason Campbell
>Supporting vendor lock-ins AUTISM
Connor Johnson
I'll never understand why people claim to like jrpgs then be anti-console when japs develop for consoles first and foremost.
Nathaniel Morales
Even if i'm interested, i don't buy a console for a single game
Isaiah Nelson
Threads like this are why people hate Sony fanboys the most.
Jayden Edwards
>one game meme Every time
Jaxon Sanchez
m8 they're raking in the cash. See the sales data on Valkyria etc. Minimal investment for large payoff.
Landon Gonzalez
>thief Is this supposed to be an insult? Because it is not an argument, and especially I refuse to believe there is a person alive in the world over the age of 5 with access to a computer that has never pirated anything You do realize that if your friend ever sent you a song via bluetooth you pirated right? So shut up, and stop being a moron
Bentley Lee
But japs develop for portables and mobile first and foremost
Gavin Richardson
>100 pony points have been deposited into your Sony account
Angel Wood
Then you are not really interested. You play if it's available, but that's it.
Justin Martinez
it being on PC means I don't need to buy a PS4. That's a good thing.
Samuel Campbell
There are maybe 2-3 games i really want and are already released.
Bloodbourne and Disgaea 5 are the only ones i remember right off the bat, i can play most of the other interesting games on ps3 or vita
Caleb Murphy
don't worry, I don't want your garbage game and neither does anyone else here on Sup Forums
Gavin Powell
Nobody would ever buy a PS4 for this kusoge, stop trolling. This game flopped hard in japan
Isaiah Collins
Monster Hunter is the only single game i bought an entire console for
Jason Morales
>Bloodbourne >ourne fucking brits
Ryder Evans
It's okay when Nintendo does it.
Brody Watson
David Ramirez
I mean the PSP Go
Ayden Foster
I buy a console whenever there is a game I want to play on it. I don't care about other people's opinions.
Elijah Adams
It's okay when i can get 300 hours out of it
Joseph Ortiz
I'm pretty sure "kusoge" implies that the game was intentionally shitty, user.
Austin Hughes
Is it bad? I've heard that it's pretty alright so was interested slightly.
I've literally seen no real press on it though
Chase Campbell
Stay mad sony fag if those games were really so unprofitable on pc they wouldn't even think of porting shit.
Angel Turner
the game is shit, give it a rest. If automata gets ported you can shitpost, because that is a quality game
Matthew Cook
Imagine the tanlines
Kevin Thomas
> You never see console threads talk about pirating their games Literally every Persona 5 thread has been "Can't wait to pirate it on my PS3"
Grayson Jenkins
> literally buttmad becuase PS4 has lost one of it's two exlcusives
William Myers
Is it me or was there some sexual tension between these two anons?
Elijah Edwards
The second i hear Sup Forums say a game is censored i lose all interests and just pirate it when it releases.
i vote with my wallet.
voting with your wallet is the only option because all these companies care about money
no they do not care for gamers or you. only money
Juan Roberts
It has nothing to do with the fact that it's a reskinned musou, which there are already a million of on Steam. Nothing to do with that at all. Nope.
Jayden Ross
>half the thread was complaining about crashes, but here is the thing, only the cracked version crashed And the best thing about it was that you just needed different crack, the CODEX one caused crashes during release. Fixed it myself with 3dm crack, I believe.
Easton Sullivan
But they aren't porting it to pc for japs, but for westerners you silly user.
Logan Reyes
If they're continuing to port stuff, it's because it's making them money. This thread is really stupid, OP. Porting a game costs way less than developing it and Steam sales are quire profitable to them. This isn't a betrayal to you in any sense, the only way you could see this as a betrayal is if you wanted to use the game as an argument on why people should buy a PS4.
Nicholas Murphy
>the first thing people ask for when a PC game goes out is "lol where is the torrent bros" That's just Sup Forums. It's hard for medium-functioning autists to hold down jobs, so they can't afford vidya.
Brayden Reed
Honestly I think it's a shit move to release the game on a better platform at a later date. They should release on all platforms simultaneously or make it absolutely clear if a game is coming out on other platforms later. This bullshit with being ambiguous is just deception.