The developer is currently seeking reparations for copyright infringement, breach of contract, and unfair competition...

> The developer is currently seeking reparations for copyright infringement, breach of contract, and unfair competition. In Epic’s lawsuit, it alleges that the hack was advertised as an aimbot that “gives you full control over the game.”

>According to Epic, these hacks and the videos Kreibich created have caused “irreparable harm” to the developer, and will continue to do so because of Kreibich’s ongoing involvement with the hack. Because of this, Epic is seeking restitution and damages, including costs incurred from the lawsuit. They’re also asking for the destruction of Kreibich’s copies of Paragon, any derivative works (like the videos), and the hack itself. All of this has been requested to be handled via a trial by jury.

What is your opinion on this, Sup Forums?

Now, don't get me wrong, I hate cheating scum, even though I play online competitive games once per 1000 years. It still sucks since it devaluates removes the whole point of competitive play. That being said, there is a fine difference between developing a tool that bypasses game's defenses and being a cheating scum.

In my opinion, it is really pathetic to abuse the law to beat the "hacker". If some random german kid know your product better than you and you, as a big company, fail to be betetr than him with all your resources - fucking admit it and buy source. But don't resort to such pity measures.

Where is the fucking spirit of equal sportmanship in it? Isn't it what you were claiming to defend? Facetious hypocrite.

Other urls found in this thread:\

I think the court can decide and jurors can rule on review of all the facts rather than your screenshot

I hope he gets seriously fucked over so other people think a little before doing that shit.

Good luck epic, hang the shitter

whoever gets BTFO, I win some quality entertainment

I hope this shit blows up

If you're going to ruin my game, you can rot, fuck him.

>playing Paragon unironically

So developers can stop putting money in anti-cheating because they can sue whoever they want? We don't need more lazy developers.
How petty do you need to be if you can't fix the particular hack.

He was charging for it so why not? Sue the fuck out of him.

I mean cheaters in general.
>In my opinion, it is really pathetic to abuse the law to beat the "hacker". If some random german kid know your product better than you and you, as a big company, fail to be betetr than him with all your resources - fucking admit it and buy source. But don't resort to such pity measures.
>Where is the fucking spirit of equal sportmanship in it? Isn't it what you were claiming to defend? Facetious hypocrite
You're dumb and don't understand coding.

This cheating fuck deserves the death penalty. I hope he gets it.

apart from it being shitty for legit players this guy is gonna get fucked because he's selling it

not op, but if your payoff is "you don't know shit, stfu" and you're not gonna explain anything, then you're just another ignorable shitposter.

That is the wrong approach.
Instead of wasting money on lawsuits, invest it into more code monkeys who work to ensure that your fucking piece of shit game can't get hacked like this.

I can literally imagine how many in this thread go into fucking mudslim rage mode because someone was merely hacking.
Pathetic lifes you live.

I hope the run the little shit into the ground.

>If some random german kid know your product better than you

Can you explain how a series of hacks by some german guy makes him know the product better than the developer?

Eat shit, faggot.

>bawwww i wanna cheat and ruin others' good times

Fuck you and die in a fire.

Just hire the little shit to keep people from hacking your garbage moba.

I believe everyone should go to gaol.

The Shitter for his cheating hax and Epic for making such a cancerous videogame and having the gall to release it to the public.

... And the OP, for being an immense drama mongering turd.

>So developers can stop putting money in anti-cheating because they can sue whoever they want
He got sued for selling them, you retard.

>We don't need more lazy developers
Yeah, its lazy of them to continue to not want to support a game long after its cycle because some turbo nerd sells cheats.

>How petty do you need to be if you can't fix the particular hack
It cost money and you're fighting an army of people that do it for fun and free.

It would take too much time and I don't care nearly enough to explain to you.

Is there a video? Where's the video?

Let's see Sup Forums delude themselves into siding with the hacker

I'd imagine they are only suing because he's selling the hacks and it tampers with their software

He did it all wrong, he should've told the company about it, companies usually pay good money to people who find vulnerabilities on their products, instead he decided to exploit it and make a profit out of it wich is illegal.

>we need to have a controversy for attention
>let's scare this script kiddie that will likely kneel down like a bitch
Looks like it's working
>all hackers are bad

so why even post


Nice try comy fagots.

Hes germany. German law applies.

Good luck geting a law suit this retardet runing under german law.

Because I wanted you to know that you're an idiot and that you should seriously think about what you're saying before posting.

i don't justify abusing the law for stopping something i hate, especially if it's for a petty cause like videogames.

No amount of hating on cheaters can make me justify this bullshit. Consumers should be free to create and sell modifications to what they purchased.point.
if you activate cheats on their official servers that's a breach of contract and they have a right to terminate your account but that's it.

>So developers can stop putting money in anti-cheating because they can sue whoever they want?
Anti cheat costs the developer money.
Lawsuits costs the developer money, but also scare other people into not developing cheats.
Easy choice if you ask me

You're altering code that's not yours and worse off cheating. Of course hackers are shit heads especially if you're selling it

but you didn't tell me why I'm an idiot. So you're just yet another funposter.

>Where is the fucking spirit of equal sportmanship in it?
>equal sportmanship
>talking about cheats.

I already told you why i'm not going to explain to you.
Although, by now I could have. Now i'm just doing it out of spite, fuck you.

>In my opinion, it is really pathetic to abuse the law to beat the "hacker"

Why? He's selling what is an unlicensed mod of their game. How isn't that illegal?

Meh, developing cheating software is just a fun pastime for most. In itself I would consider it relatively harmless. It's the people that use it that are the faggots that should be hanged.
Although making money off it is going too far in my opinion.

anti-cheat is such a fucking resource sink in multiple ways. If there were no cheaters in the first place it would be better for both the players and devs.

Since he was trying to make money selling a fucking hack for a multiplayer game he deserves to get slammed with a lawsuit.

I personally wouldn't mind if he just posted the hacks and how he did them for free online. If it's not him, someone else would discover it eventually and they wouldn't be open about how it was discovered so that the devs could patch it.

Selling it online like some sort of super hacker secret is idiotic and deserves prosecution. I just don't like the mentality that no hacks should ever be published online, as if that stops other people from discovering them eventually anyway. The responsibility is on the developers to patch out hacks, not for a bunch of shady autist hackers to ignore their own nature.

>equal sportmanship

because unlicensed mods are not illegal.

You're basically saying fuck responsibility m8.

Cries cuz they can't secure their game.

Fuck 'em.

Only a very naive person would expect people with no sense of responsibility to exercise responsibility. There will always be bad people who are trying to do things they shouldn't.

I'd rather have the knowledge of how to achieve bad things be made public so that the people in charge (and us) can know how to address them and protect ourselves against them. You can't contain knowledge, even knowledge to do harm. Not forever, anyway.

>He got sued for selling them, you retard.
So? How is this okay?
You do realize he is not breaking any laws for selling reverse engineered code?
There is a reason why Sony had to buy Bleemcast and not just sue them

How can they sue a german player by filing a lawsuit in the US? I understand restricting his ability to use paypal, and getting rid of the videos on YT (though I'm pretty sure Google can just tell them to fuck off anyway), but how would they are planning on seeking restitution and damages? Does he live in the US?

Of waht?

I take it you don't remember Half-Life 2.

Fuck all cheaters
from the script kiddies to the actual hackers and know the game better than the developer. Fuck them all, their hands should be cut off.

I am so glad Cliffy B. is no longer involved with these people.

But selling them is a copyright infringement.

>unfair competition
He is not competing with you.
>breach of contract
You have no contract with him.
>copyright infringement
because of youtube videos? Ok take down the videos.
>caused “irreparable harm”
If that is so then development of the game will cease right? it is 'irreparable' now as you said to continue would be against the shareholders interest.
Good luck demonstrating that this guy damaged your business. I'm sure the company suing its customers/fans is more damaging.

I guess they hope the jury is retarded and doesn't understand what the guy did at all and just hears the word 'hack' and takes their side.

>moba shit
I do not care about a company that makes mobashit or the cancer that plays them.

The only reason why German power structures cooperated is because FBI was involved. In Newell filed a lawsuit like them, he wouldn't produce shit out of this

>You have no contract with him.
Every software has EULA, dumb faggot

>because of youtube videos? Ok take down the videos.
A mention of Paragon that SELLS cheats on the site can get you that. He doesn't need to literally sell the game or use assets, he only needs to mention the brandname. That's also the reason why you didn't find mention of Blizzard or WoW on those vanilla private servers.

Game is complete shit anyways.

EULA has never and will never hold up in court. Name me one instance where an EULA has ever held up in court. Oh right, EULA doesn't overrule Federal or State laws. Any lawyer with half a brain would destroy any company trying to enforce EULA as blatant harassment and even conflict of interest in very rare circumstances

If you have an aimbot, or something similar, it's usually really indicative of designing your game really, really poorly.

It's like clipper/cupper in FFXI. It existed because your characters position was handled locally and not server-side. So you could temporarily disconnect from the server, move through a wall, then reconnect to the server with your updated position, which allowed you to bypass walls, doors, large areas, vertically, etc.

If theres any kind of hack, at least 50% of the liability on the developer.

I think cheaters are cancer but you shouldn't be criminalizable for writing software that does some funny shit on a computer of a person that decided they wanted to use your software.
If they can't add proper security in their fucking mp game and their game is left open for all kinds of exploits in 2016 it's their fucking fault.
If they are suing instead of fixing that means that every person that decide to buy his own "private" wallhack n shit suit from a programmer will be undetected.

Just fucking link the whole RPS article you lazy cunt

>bawwwwwwwwww cheating in a game should have legal consequences
take the stick out of your ass

> UT4 is still an unfinished piece of shit
>make a moba

>companies usually pay good money to people who find vulnerabilities on their products

Hey, man. Thanks for telling us about this bug that if exploited would have killed our already dying game.

What? You want a handout? Hahahahaha go fuck yourself. You're not one of our professional beta testers or bug finders. We have betas for people like you to do our work for us, for free.

The lost sales argument kind of makes sense actually. It's kind of akin to slander.
That said, they'll not make much cash off of some random script kiddie.

lost sales makes no sense
if they claim they lost sales because someone pointed out a vulnerability in their product, it's their fault it exists, not his for pointing it out

This thread is the example of how Sup Forums went to shit and why I don't bother visiting anymore.

The act of him pointing it out is what causes the supposed lost sales. That's a conscious decision on his part.

You don't blame a bank for having a bank that's easy to rob. Well, you do, but you ALSO arrest and prosecute the robber.

Everyone's a loser here. Them for making a buggy mess. Him for capitalizing on their incompetence (and getting caught because he's all about me me me). And finally us, for now actually knowing that Paragon exists.

Nothing happend.

Kek all stayed in germany. German law. German citzen.

Demanding trial by jurry. Ahahahaha ffs how retardet are you.

Letting 12 hillbillys decide ones faith.

>Just fucking archive the whole RPS article you lazy cunt
Fixed that.

good, fuck cheaters

hope he ends up in a cell with Muhammed and friends

>game in alpha
>someone create hack for game
>in place than use this to make the game hack-proof
>sue him!

He's right you didn't explain why he's wrong, just that your opinion is that he's wrong
IOW, fuck you you're a retarded faggot

Why can't he charge for something he coded?
Its fucking hypocrisy to say a game company is allowed to write and sell code but that a bedroom coder isn't. Fuck off all you nigger dips who are siding with Epic.
Kill yourselves you slaves of the jews

>yfw nothing at all happens to him

But they're not the robber.
They're the guy standing outside the bank shouting that it's a lousy bank and pointing out how exactly it's a lousy bank.

It's not slander if it's provably true.

>It's not slander if it's provably true.
That's really not how slander works.

Then it works wrong.

Yep. AFAIK only a few big corporations actually pay significant bug bounties (see: Google).

Well it means he knows how to exploit poorly written code, therefore code that the developer was too stupid to see that it was not secure and easily exploitable. On top of that, their approach to this seems to be stopping a source rather than patching their game after properly reviewing what parts of their code can be exploited.

Germany. The country where Football Manager is banned because EA owns the license to some football clubs.

Yeah, no way a lawsuit works there.

In general, reverse engineering isn't again the law. What he did was a proper example of RE. And he has right to sell his OWN code.
Now, if he did steal Epic's code or someone leaked parts of it to him and he used it to make hsi shit - then it would be illegal.
But he did all the job himself, so he is good.

the idea that you can't do something with a product you own and the idea that a video game is something to be licensed and not such a product is ridiculous.

also literally who and literally what are paragon and epic games?

That's because hiring a lawyer is cheaper than hiring a competent developer it seems.

This is because of the common practice of firing 95% of your development staff once a product is actually released, or hiring them under limited contracts in the first place.

Now that they're working with a skeleton staff and nobody wants to work with them anymore, anyone they DO hire to try and fix the problem will be wading through code mud for months trying to figure it out all while their bosses are collectively squirting rage cum onto the back of his neck until he eventually quits.

cheaters are fucking scum and I hope he lose money for doing that shit and spreading it

And Epic games are in their full right to sue the shitter - he is spreading cheats that impacts the experience for their entire playerbase, and Epic Games are in trouble if hundreds of players stop playing their game (and paying for their skins or whatever it is they are selling)

THAT BEING SAID where the fuck is their anti-cheat software? Shouldn't something like that be standard in games like these? Is the german guy really that good or was there nothing?

>create something that cannot be used for good, only to cheat
>hurr dont blame the hackers


>should we pay alpha/beta tester?
>na we have a fanbase enough retarded to do it for free even if we dont fix the game before release
>ut3/wow expansions
are the ones that come to mind now\

now apologize for spouting bullshit, moron

Paradog is the new hot moba
EPIC is the faggots who once were cool and made Unreal and UT but then went into shit so even Cliffy left them

>That's because hiring a lawyer is cheaper than hiring a competent developer it seems.
Also, easieer to win, all you need is to pour enough money until kid can't afford good lawyer.

>he was actually selling it
he deserves everything

>he is spreading cheats that impacts the experience for their entire playerbase
That's correct.

>And Epic games are in their full right to sue the shitter
No, they aren't. They are in their full right to implement anti-cheat system, not to abuse law with their power and money.

>and Epic Games are in trouble if hundreds of players stop playing their game (and paying for their skins or whatever it is they are selling)
That's not his fault, that\s developer fault for not being competent to protect their creation.
Hacker has no advantage here - it is a pure battle of intelligence on a fair ground. Can't win? Well then hire him or buy his shit and shutdown for good.

Bullshit. It's not legal to steal, even if someone was to leave their door wide open.

Sales would be lost because there's going to be an impression that the game is full of hackers. It's grounds to sue.

Killing people with kitchen knifes is bad, but are kitchen knifes or the company that produces them bad in any way too?

Your altering memory on your computer, which you own. and he was merely selling a program.

Hope the jury find him innocent.


>Sales would be lost because
I assure you there's more than one reason that shit show is doing poorly.

Them blaming it on someone else is just the preface of the novel that is their mistakes.

>monthly subscription fee for hacks

Is this literal nigger serious?

>cheating is bad
I guess I should go turn myself in for using a gameshark when I was 8

I won't, because you did not read it:
> The unauthorised reproduction, translation, adaptation or transformation of the form of the code in which a copy of a computer program has been made available constitutes an infringement of the exclusive rights of the author.
he does not reproduce copy of a program, he produced a completely separate program he owns ALL RIGHT TO SELL OR REPRODUCE.

The only case when it is illegal if he used someone's else code in it that is protected by specific license or law that forbids such commercial usage.

That shit won't work, though.

He's German and is living in Germany, German law applies in that situtation. They would have to sue him in a German court and they most likely don't really give a shit.