Holy Shit

Holy Shit.
Should I play the first game too?

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So I know it's all ryona but do the games actually have any fucking in them?


I don't know, I think I'm still at the beginning.
like wtf man

>tfw you like gore horror games
>tfw some degenerates actually play it with their dicks

What game, OP?

>horror games
Dude, these games are like genre-defining examples of ryona. There's no escaping who they were actually made for.

Is....is that Demonophobia?
Like holy shit I forgot about this game


It's the sequel, xenophobia.

it's the sequel

so you kill refugee in this game?

I thought xenophobia got abandoned, jesus christ where is it I want to play it.

>30 minutes in
>My face already

pls give japan another hiroshima.

Is quiet girls out yet?

This one's basically RE

where is a non-russian link

where's the link

It's so old at this point you probably have to buy it

it's right here but there's a password

What's this?

>try ryona as a guess
>it works

I'm searching 黒形の箱庭 on google.co.jp but not getting anything.

It's 異形の箱庭

based god, thank you so much

Oh, I thoughts the first character was kuro. Thanks for that.


You probably won't ever get the true thanks you deserve, but thankyou, user.

Any reason why I'm crashing at startup

Where do I click to download, am I just retarded?

It's pretty good

insert password in the middle where the empty field is and click the button right next to it to validate
Then click the button that appears after that and download

thats stomach punching, or just plain old beating up

I mean wow, nice one user seriously, you deserve every (you)


>Visual Studio 2005 以降、.NET Framework 2.0 のようです。
>また DXライブラリ (homepage2.nifty.com/natupaji/DxLib/) が使われているようです。
>アーカイブに同梱されている TwistPr32.dll は、ファイル名が変更されているものの内容は
>DXライブラリ C#版 (Ver2.24c) と同一の物でした。
iunno man

This tells me nothing

>Boss that only allows you to damage it within a short timeframe
>Distracts you with infinite spawning minions and poison so you can't get a hit in without taking damage
>Getting too close is an instant kill
Fuck that boss.

It's called Pain Princess and it's on the sadpanda side of things.

I have the latest visual studio, .net framework installed with jap time and locale and this thing doesn't run. I have no idea how others do it. There's something with that DxLib but they don't seem to have any runtimes to use.

link to this?

>have to run .net framework 2.0 sdk to get the game to run
>can't install sdk because of windows 10
I was only able to run this game once and that was with vista back in 2009 and the game crashed instantly after leaving the start area. Fuck me what is with this game.

Realistically, that punch probably actually gave her a severe and fatal concussion, but since it's anime she gets a bruise that makes her cry for sexy loli ryona purposes, right?

that bg looks familiar


Install Visual Studio, run Developer Command Prompt and follow the pic I've attached.

>cd xeno
this is choosing the directory where the game is, so if you have it somewhere else then either navigate to that folder or move it to your root folder
so example you could put
>cd Program Files\xeno

to change drives simply put
whatever letter you want to put

>CorFlags.exe /32BIT+ XENOPHOBIA.exe
this is what fixes the game to run in 64-bit environments, make sure you have command prompt pointed to the folder for it to run properly.