Is a GTX 1070 for 1080p/60hz gaming considered overkill?

Is a GTX 1070 for 1080p/60hz gaming considered overkill?

Upgrading from an R9 390

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no is retardet just go for 1080 or wait for the 1080ti and upgrade to 4k

Probably. Just get a new monitor or wait for the 480/490. The 480 supposedly gets near the 1070 if you overclock it

there is no "overkill"
just buy whatever you can afford

No, get a 144hz monitor and play with that.

Sure you can get it if you can afford it but overkill is the same as wasted in these cases.

The rx 480 is supposed to be equal to a 390 so you wouldn't be getting much of an upgrade to go to a 480.

I would still wait until the middle of next month so that prices can stabilize, because the 480 is going to fuck the entire market in the ass if can do what amd claims

390 is still amazing for 1080/60, baka

For most people, yes, it is very overkill. Unless you have the right monitor, there is very little reason to get a top end card.

>AMD to Nvidia

if you have a 9xx gen or 3xx gen card, don't upgrade
if older, get a 1070

until consoles have 1080s in them, you will not need one

I'd imagine youd get 60fps with a 1070. My 970 maxes out most games at 1080 with occasional frame drops to the 40s.


>better than 980
>less expensive

I don't get it

>Let me upgrade from a 390 to a 1080 for a 13% increase
you won't even feel the difference at all, but sure waste your extra income how you see fit, hopefully you have a nice house before for when you are old so your kids don't send you to a retirement house

I have a GTX 780. Do I upgrade to 1070 or wait?

if you have a shit card, get a 1070.
if you have a 390, i would keep waiting.
i already know 980/980ti owners are waiting for the next ti release.

If you feel like it, baka.
I am still running the GTX 560Ti, having no issues running games at 1080p

1070 = mid-high tier card priced accordingly
980 = high tier card priced accordingly

it has better performance because their performance group is close and the 10xx series is supposed to be an improvement on the 9xx

or if you mean why the 980 hasn't dropped in price its because people are still stupid enough to buy one at the moment and nvidia knows

It's not overkill. You can almost always push more out of a game. Downsampling, config tweaks, mods, AA out the wazoo. You can utilize a 1080 pretty easily on a 1080p60fps setup.

System requirements have nowhere to go but up so the card is good for the future. When the Xbox Scorpio comes out there might be a decent leap in fidelity and requirements from PC games.

>or if you mean why the 980 hasn't dropped in price its because people are still stupid enough to buy one at the moment and nvidia knows

This is what I meant

after a point you stop noticing AA and its just better to get a better resolution to actually make the image more clear
downsampling fucks with the UI of most games too or has odd quirks

I'm in the same boat.
Should I just buy a 970? Or save for a 1070?
Poorfag if it wasn't obvious.

>not just waiting for the 1180

You bet your sorry apologist ass it is.

>1080p/144hz monitor
For me I want to get away from 1080p but for people satisfied with that resolution that's a fantastic combo. You'll reach close to 144fps in a lot of games and even if you don't you'll be getting way over 60fps which is a marked improvement...and it's not overly expensive, either.

Can anyone tell me which 1080 is best for your buck. There are so many different versions at different prices and different noise levels etc. I just one that's relatively quiet and maybe on the cheaper side. Don't really care about 2-5% increase, I can always overclock myself if it comes to that.

What manufacturer do you recommend for the 1080?

I currently have a 1080 with 1080p60Hz (next buy is 1440p 144/165Hz G-sync) and yes, it's super fuckin overkill. But it's futureproofing if you're sticking with 1080p for a while, why not.

1070 will last longer, supports DX12 (not that it matters for long w/ Vulkan coming), is faster than 980, and even cheaper than 900-series' cards at best.

>not just waiting for the 1270

>not just waiting for the 1280

>not just waiting for the 1360

I'll never wait for a GPU upgrade for as long as I waited for Pascal (XD BRO IT'S JUST OVER DA HORIZON GONNA BE A GAME CHANGER GONNA BE 1000% BETTER!!). Turned out to be a huge disappointment (oh wow, 20% increase in performance over the current top cards, WOW!) and GPU manufacturer's are pathetic at distribution so you have to wait well over a month after launch to get a card. Waitfags can all fucking kill themselves as far as I'm concerned, they always base shit off of the fact that they themselves just upgraded a year or two ago and have no real need to upgrade so soon.

Would it even be worth it though? Would my CPU bottleneck it?

>not waiting for the 9999

Get the cheapest non-reference card you can find from EVGA, MSI, Gigabyte or ASUS. Check a few reviews about it before you buy but in most cases they're pretty much the same with some minor differences here or there. With previous cards some versions had coil whine issues but it seems like the 1080 doesn't have a lot of problems with coil whine.

Don't most people tend to go with whichever has the best cooling?

Suprised no one posted :

>youll need a 1080 if you want 1080p.

>not just waiting for the 1450

1070 certainly feels like overkill, unless you want 144hz on ultra on every single game with ENBs and shit.

when do the non reference rx 480s come out

>135-140% the performance of 980 Ti for 75% the power draw
What kind of performance increases were you waiting for, exactly?

Bought a 970 6 months ago. Going to buy a 1070 soon. Ill just give my 970 to my brother.

Dude, that's 2500K. It can easily overclock up to 4.4 GHz with a stock cooler, and up to 4.8 or even more if you can manage the heat.

>1070 certainly feels like overkill
Unless you want modern "triple-A" games, where they'll be horribly un-optimized because the publisher assumes you'll just throw money at new hardware to play their shit and will allocate jack shit in regards to PC support staff as a result

It was worth it

Is your CPU OC'd?

>upgrading from a 390
my 390 plays everything at high settings or better at 2560x1440. Why would you need more for 1080p?


yeah, 4.6ghz

yes, you are best getting a 144hz monitor if you plan on 1080p gaming with a 1070

>mfw upgrading from a GTX 260 that hasn't worked in two years and a laptop with a Quadro 1000m

Partner card benchmarks can't come out fast enough.

I have a HD 7990 and I have no idea if a 1080 or 1070 or a new Polaris would be worth it.

The 1070 is overkill for 1080p with the current games and when game that come out that will actually use your GPU there will be better ones out for cheaper...I just ran DOOM demo at 1440p 60fps on my 390 why would yo need a 1070 and dont say future proofing cause that cost you most in the longterm when you arent using it.

I don't remember seeing benchmarks for Doom, but the 1070 is hitting 70-80 FPS 1440p for a lot of current games maxed out. It's not a crazy amount of overkill.

It's the 1080 that's in kind of a weird place where it's crazy overkill for 1440p, but still only gets 40-50 fps at 4k for a lot of games. I guess it's good for higher refresh rate monitors.

Go for it

its not overkill when it wont be able to max out the fresh batch of AAA games next year

face it its a big business and bloating releases so you have to buy new shit is part of it, there's no reason why a fucking 660 shouldn't be able to max out shit like fallout 4 yet it would be barely playable on one

for 1080p yeah its overkill BUT if you even think about VR on pc you will need at least a 1080.. maybe even wait for the 1080ti.

>there's no reason why a fucking 660 shouldn't be able to max out shit like fallout 4

Surely you can't be serious

>spending all that money on hardware
>only one monitor
how are people this fucking stupid

That's how Nvidia works. You buy and AMD and wait for the new Nvidia card but by the time you wait for the price drop a better AMD card comes out. So you buy AMD again and say "wait for the xxxx Nvidia card".
The cycle then continues forever.

are there any new game engines coming out that games will use to merit cause last time I check they came out already and run really damn good on current mid range hardware for 1080p/1440p.

why not, anoninsky? It looks like fallout 3 with a revamped lightning system, some better animations and slightly better textures and it fucks drops to 40 fps on a 980 in boston and I dont even run it at ultra

same shit for dark souls 3, some of the armor textures were literal DeS tier yet it needs a 970+ to keep stock 60fps at ultra
no idea

No it's not, fuck off. 2016 releases at ultra settings are already beyond the range of 970s, a 1080 will comfortably last you a couple years.

I've been waiting for this

>not waiting for the 9001

>other than the vastly improved lighting and shaders, better animations, and textures that aren't muddy, low-res garbage, what could possibly be more demanding about Fallout 4?

Yeah, really makes you think.

name 5 that arent nvidia infected titles

>buy the latest high end GPU
>59Hz monitor

m8 the game looks last gen through and fucking through

A bit. Get yourself a cheap 144hz monitor and you'll be set for a while.

You also said it only looks like Fallout 3, so I don't give a shit what your blind ass thinks it looks like.

you need quick lasik if you think they aren't similar

Wait for the RX 480, benchmarks so far show that it's just a bit slower than a 980.

Been really fighting the urge to grab a 1070... I must keep fighting the good fight.

>played the doom demo at all maxed 60fps
I see no reason to upgrade as of now.

Ya'll suckers.

They have a similar style, in the same awful way all modern Bethesda games do, but in terms of visual fidelity, absolutely not. Try replaying Fallout 3 without a million texture mods and an ENB some time. It looks like vomit.

m8 its only that way because of the awful filter and worse lightning system, but horrible LOD and poor textures - these are in fo4 as wellt

>one monitor
top kek

pay attention at the 970 side at 0:44+

I currently have a 7950 3gb. Should I upgrade soon?

someone explain this epic meme

And somewhere in that cycle you can't play games because AMD forgot to fix openGL support for a shitty fucking engine where every surface has a unique texture

>he's not waiting for the 1488!


judy hopps fuck my ass gtx 960e :v

but it get´s SO FUCKING HOT.

63 celsius in idle..

Why would you buy 1800 worth of hardware and not get at least a second monitor?

is this a recorded phenomenon or should this user clean his case?

why would you get a second monitor for video games you stupid retard holy shit

my case is clean and i have 3 120 mm fans

What do I need the second monitor for?

Intel Core i5 4690K @ 3.50GHz 36 °C
Haswell 22nm Technology
16,0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz (9-9-9-24)
Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. Z97X-Gaming 3 (SOCKET 0) 28 °C
SAMSUNG (1920x1080@60Hz)
DELL U2415 (1920x1200@60Hz)
8192MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 390 Series (MSI) 63 °C
232GB Samsun SSD 850 EVO 250G SCSI Disk Device (SSD) 30 °C
1863GB Western Digital WD WD20EZRX-00D8PB0 SCSI Disk Device (SATA) 29 °C
1863GB TOSHIBA External USB 3.0 USB Device (USB (SATA))

I'm running a mildly OC'd 390x and it idles at 49 right now.

waste your money in another way normies



fucking retard

how is your case cooled (and what case?) i have fractal r5

no reason why it should idle at that even with OC, I have midly OCed ref 980 with an open case that hasn't been dusted in 4 months and it idles at 30

guess it really is an issue