ITT: Artificial difficulty

ITT: Artificial difficulty

I feel sorry for you senpai

How is that even hard? Just don't stand there waiting for it to fall.

This could literally not be any simpler.

Annoying, but doable

Dash onto the platform without jumping, then shorthop onto the next one.

Alternatively, jump on the platform and stand on the very edge so the thwomp won't hit you, then jump onto the next platform while it's going up.

Third alternative, jump far enough to make it fall, but then go back. Jump across while the thwomp is rising.

Stop being shit. Mario isn't fucking hard.

Holy shit colour your arrows properly.


I hate the modern mentality towards games: levels have to be clean, everything has to be perfectly telegraphed, the game can't surprise you, the levels can't be hostile towards the player or have tricky parts.

Except games likes mario are linear and once you know what happens it's no longer a surprise. Shove it up your ass shitdick.


Can you really not just jump onto the platform then away?

What's wrong with them? Red is first jump, blue is 2nd jump. What isn't there to understand?

>mario isn't hard
>lists all of these deep hidden mechanics just to get across one platform that you'll never use before or after this fortress

Bait the Thwomp which you should've figured out at that stage in the game

Maybe. Definitely not a full jump. You won't have time. Been a while since I played it though. As in twelve years.

>And once you know what happens it's no longer a surprise.

Please point to one instance in ANYTHING THAT HAS EVER EXISTED when this has not been the case.

>Jump / run timing, something common to all platformers
>Hidden, deep mechanics

>deep hidden mechanics
>dashing and shorthopping
>standing on an edge
>changing direction mid jump
Now I know why people hate people who worship Nintendo. None of this is deep.

Please die.

A heart attack

what the fuck is your problem? you said a retarded thing and I asked you to clarify, which you couldn't do, due to the retardation. Kill yourself shitposting scum.

>he doesn't know how to wall jump

How is Mario not clean and perfectly telegraphed. Big red balls bounce out of lava, i wonder what you do. Big spiky stone is on ceiling, anyone over the age of 12 can predict what will happen. Please die.

you havent played a mario game have you
they always through wrenches in the works


I have. Only thing that i had to get used to was the movement. The rest is childs play.

Wait a moment. A wrench?

I always thought it was a bone

It was always a wrench

fuck off you spacky cunt.
If that's too hard for you to get bent out of shape about, you truly are a spastic.

Yeah same
childhood status: ruined

Super Mario Bros 2 (Lost Levels in USA) have some real artificial difficulty. 3 and World are fairly easy

Is it some epic new meme to mock the Queen's English or are you just thet daft?

You fucking clod, that's not what I said was retarded. You saying "Once you know what happens it's no longer a surprise" is retarded. A surprise is defined by not knowing that it's coming.


Death to traitors and freedom for Britain


It's pronounced "culler," you crooked-teeth limey bastard.

>I thought Rocky Wrench threw a bone
His name is Rocky Wrench, not Rocky Bone, you fucking retards.
Google, or just play Mario Maker for 5 seconds.

and it's pronounced "al-loom-in-ee-um" you burger-scoffing gun-slinging faggot.

>walk into undodgeable trap arrow corridors
git gud xD

it's literally not, though. it's aluminum. al-lu-min-um. sound it out, britcunt.

which one?
I've managed to dodge all of them

This piece of shit on Lunatic/L+ mode

>They tell you the place is filled with traps.
>Not becoming a paranoid fuck that checks everything.

I honestly can't understand why people say this game is hard, every source of damage can be easily avoided by being patient and knowing how to roll.

>Paper Mario: Colour splash

It's actually pronounced the american way

Britbongs got so fucking assmad at it not "properly" following their autistic naming convention they pronounced it wrong out of spite


You can actually jump forward a little then move backwards midair to the same platform you jumpped from to trick that sucker. Then just move on while he slowly goes back up.

> he didn't enter the level with Racoon Mario
You did this to yourself my friend

>Start Morrowind for the first time
>Make a character
>Go deliver a package as told
>Attacked by a wild crab thing
>I try to attack him back but my swings don't connect for some reason
>I flail my sword helplessly until it kills me
Bullshit, I couldn't even do anything.

>And once you know what happens it's no longer a surprise.

Clever boy

tanooki bro. look it up. even "magical" raccoon is a better description, probably.
lol. Google + Gamefaqs, morrowind is notoriously, how shall i say it, shitty in the combat? but power in the magic!

>Start Morrowind
>Make a character
>Knowing I'll have to kill things, I put all points in combat skills
>I can kill almost every enemy I find
>Complete the game in less than 10 hours
>Shit game

Dude, Mario's transformation after he gets the Super Leaf, not the Tanooki Suit is literally called Racoon Mario. Mario Wiki it if you think I'm bullshitting.


Lunatic is doable if you know what you're doing. Lunatic + is complete RNG bullshit.

Any game that relies on grinding

That jump isn't hard. Super Meat Boy has tougher stuff and it's totally fair.

>That jump isn't hard. Super Meat Boy has tougher stuff and it's "totally" fair.

git fucking gud

are you retarded?

These levels were way worse.

Figured this shit out as an elementary schooler.

World 5 is easy, both portions.

Doubt you've beaten the entirety of World 7, though

i doubt youve ever been with a woman

le upboat xD

No you didn't

Oh, it's an ironic thread, right?

>encounter thwomps through the whole game
>normal human beings with normal sized brains will recognize they fall quickly when you get close, but rise slowly afterward
>spend entire game being able to change jump direction in mid-air
>encounter this
>not putting 2 and 2 together

Shit, user, I did this at age 7. You just need to pay the fuck attention once in awhile.

>banter is now reddit

>lmao bro you can die all the time
>also if you dont put points into very exactly skills, you get fucked
The most "no fun allowed" game i've e ver played.

That world blew my mind as a child

>"Holy shit, now I'm on the sky!"

>meme text pic
>using the word "fucking" to exaggerate
>ironic posting (XD, upboat etc.)

fuck off

To be fair the narrow axe bridges can be tricky
But anyone who seriously dies to the arrow traps is an idiot

Tanooki suit and racoon suit are different you incredible reddit youtube newfag.

want a tissue, fuccboi?

"hehe, i bet ur a virgin bro" is pretty bottom of the barrel bantz.

Just fucking dash and drop onto the platform, then jump to the next one before the thwomp has time to hit you.

I seriously hope this is a troll thread.

>hurr durr i le dowboat ur le post lol xD

fuck off leddit cancer, thats not how sage works

Triggered virgin

Then you would hate system shock 2


>SMB3 is the best mario ever
>also, the more difficult

haha ebic post
le upboat xDDD

I've beaten every single level of SMB3 on console

World 7 can suck a dick, underwater scrolling stage with electric jellyfish everywhere go fuck a rake