Post terrible custom characters from MMOs

Post terrible custom characters from MMOs.
>Source doesn't matter.
>Bonus points if it's not a joke character.

Let's see those abominations Sup Forums!

I got you bro.

This guy right here

I don't even know what to say...

Not many people around this time of day or I'd have more to entertain you with

>every girl I know makes their characters anorexic skinny

What game is that


What game is this that keeps producing these gems?


It's BDO's better big brother, but there are some real abominations running around.

Nexus:TK. Ancient, but a lot of work still goes into it. Most devoted community you'll ever see.

If you're interested in trying I'd love you forever, all of us are trying our best to get new faces in.

>the femogre lover is mad


What's the age range of the players?


Heck if I know. Most people are mature in their mannerisms but that's true even for our younger players, so that's hard to tell.
It's been going 20 years and there's certainly some faces from back then still around.

Ok I was just wary of playing a game mostly populated by younger kids. I'll pass

It definitely isn't full of kids if that's your objection. Young people aren't interested in games like this these days. I'm not here to drag you in though.

are there any games which punish poor aesthetic character choices and reward good ones?

This faggot is seriously annoying, and every time it posts I die a little more inside.

The same guy made this thing as well.

>run EX roulette literally 3 times a day to beat queues since patch dropped
>still dont have the MCH jacket

Fuck everyone that has it, you look like shit.

Sadly, not that I know of.


>from MMOs

There's some good ones as well of course. Ranei a cute.

In a game like this where everyone knows everyone, I wonder if any of the other players will catch this thread.

Style Savvy ONLINE.

Fund it.

[Muffled Linkin Park in the distance]

pic unrelated?

Pic VERY related.

looks cute.

I disagree.

that's alright.

>being a a literal furry


i beat my sausage to a lot of things, it doesn't mean i'm those things


>there are redditors on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that pretend to hate furries just to fit in
when will the fursecution stop?

When I first tried the character creator with an existing character

Go yiff your pet cat, faggot.

Wow okay user, just because I'm a bit of a furvert (hehe) doesn't mean I do teh lewds with my animals

we posting /xivg/ abominations?


Does this count? Because I would let it fuck me.

I used to have a huge collage of shitty characters from when I played FFXIV.

I'll dump some shit I have unless you don't want the thread to be nothing but XIV.

>play WoW again
>all these terrible transmogs
I honestly think some of these people are colorblind



>game has a vote function that allows you to rate a characters appearance
>rating influences charisma
>charisma affects charm and control spells
sadly, people would just game the system regardless, upboating each other

that's just the standard warrior armour though?

I wish I had more fun playing ff14... I really do. The game is so aesthetically nice, but the gameplay puts me to sleep nowadays.


that's not colourblind though

the colours compliment each other, even the haircolour fits


>2 different shades of yellow

>not seeing orange
found the colorblind one

>mmo thread
>/xiv/ invades immediately

>posting normal-ass characters in hopes Sup Forums will support your shit taste

I'm glad the thread's dying.

We posting terrible shit from /xivg/ now?

Despite being so goddamn long since last halloween was, I still run around in this costume. Just so I could tell people that they work for the mercenary, the mascot man

>thread is over 3 hours old
>58 posts

Took this from /swgg/ months ago

Yeah yeah, male Draenei, I know.

>all these people with their fancy ass pixels complainin about what they got
Back in my day, this is all we had.

any sparklecat or saiyan

Man, that's pretty damn terrible.

Yeah, he has seen better days, that's for sure.

Is this roleplaying only or is there fighting and stuff
is it like furcadia's "dreams"?

this game sucks i wished i didn't spend 200 hours on it

>ashamed of being a cute fluffy

Which game?

>mfw I have 1000+ hours logged into gw2
most of it was just sitting in lion's arch on guild chat, but still


is that secret world? is it worth jumping into?

>the mascot man

>violent culture where beauty = ferocity
>looking cute and harmless isn't shameful

>is that secret world?
>is it worth jumping into?
Lore and stuff may be interesting. Combat can be turn-off to some people, especially to those who don't necessarily understand how the skills work and in return either get their asses kicked or then the combat can last for a minute or two per normal enemy encounter. The investigation missions are kinda cool, but some of them require real out of the box thinking to figure out.
If you're unsure, just wait for sale or something so you could snatch the ultimate edition for cheap.

Back when I played GW2 I always took screens of the most ugly characters I ran into.


>Download Vanilla WoW
>Game is locked to 800x600 until I can get in-game and change
>Make blurry character
>Get in-game and set to 1080p
>4 hours later I realise my character looks like an angsty teen with a face full of piercings I couldn't make out
>Don't want to reroll character


>vanilla WoW
>screenshot was from a month ago