>Because Competitive Play is more serious in nature, we want to make sure that player behavior is acceptable. This means that the penalties are more severe than in the Quick Play or Weekly Brawl! modes. Leaving a game early or stepping away from your computer will make you ineligible to join a game until the previous game has ended, and continued infractions could result in restrictions or removal from Competitive Play.
>continued infractions could result in restrictions or removal from Competitive Play.
I hope your internet connection is fucking perfect, user, or you're going to lose access to competitive play.
Joshua Taylor
>removal from Competitive Play
These fuckers aren't playing around, huh
Andrew Lee
>canadian internet Another reason not to pick up Overwatch. Thanks, OP.
Adrian Ramirez
Anthony Fisher
>playing "competitively " in a game so casual it has an algorithm that is arranged to try to gimp your win/loss ratio
Have fun playing against all those Torbjorns and Widowmakers, btw
Ayden Cooper
Dayum they're filtering competitive even further.
This is fucking great news.
Parker Garcia
rip lagfags
Cooper Anderson
So you think it's fair to the rest of the team that you have shit internet and cant contribute in COMPETITIVE play?
Zachary Gonzalez
>Don't want to deal with people with shitty connections
How is this bad? Just upgrade to real internet you shitlord.
Jose Morales
>autists still believe this
Parker Rogers
>One of the best Widowmaker players in the world complained to us about long queue times. We looked into it and found that hundreds of other players had avoided him (he’s a nice guy – they avoided him because they did not want to play against him, not because of misbehavior). The end result was that it took him an extremely long time to find a match. The worst part was, by the time he finally got a match, he had been waiting so long that the system had “opened up” to lower skill players. Now one of the best Widowmaker players was facing off against players at a lower skill level. As a result, we’ve disabled the Avoid system (the UI will go away in an upcoming patch). The system was designed with the best intent. But the results were pretty disastrous.
fucking top kek.
Tyler Jones
it takes so many games to get a warning about the quick play leaving and im assuming the leaving is more severe not that it takes fewer games, so it should be fine.
Jose Edwards
I like how they're coming up with punishments before they create a game that won't make you want to rip your hair out.
>no one hero limit >no map vetoes >OP heroes only
I'm just sticking with quick play, fuck this shit. Enjoy going up against dual widows and a Mercy on Hanamura.
Ethan Gray
>have shit internet >knowingly play a competitive multiplayer fps shooter team shooter game >have your shit internet cut out >ruin the experience for everyone else wah wah, it's not my fault, how dare i be punished for knowingly ruining the game for my teammates because i choose to play with crap internet
Michael Roberts
maybe you should upgrade your internet if you want to compete
Ryder Hall
I think blizzard is cancer but i like their no mercy policy, imagine the amount of third worlders they are filtering with the price tag and severe attitudes. Fuck dota being free, subhumans make most of the game unbearable.
Jonathan Bell
This is a good thing. South Americans will have no choice but to play casual matches. They will never be a gleam in my eye.
Carson Turner
This is a lose/lose for every broken connection by bad service there is a paper thin kid that can't take that loss coming or that grind avoider(can't blame them but it seems points to avoid playing the game to get cosmetics and what not to play the game) which leads to messed up matchmaking That said Overwatch is trying to hard to meet the causal crowd in the same way HotS did which could seriously kill any shelf life it could have had.
Easton Watson
>shitlord Sup Tumblr. I don't upgrade because it'll cost 140 dollars for 200kb/s more download speed.
Benjamin Richardson
a lot of games already have a system like this. If your internet dies you will be able to rejoin the game whenever it comes back on nigga. No penalty.
Jaxson Price
>shitlord has been a word since 2004
Sup newfag.
Who cares about some shit game. You guys have the best medical system.
Carter Hernandez
I have a shit connection that continually has lag spikes every 5 minutes for about 5 seconds but I don't actually ever d/c so I don't care.
People who actually d/c often should not be playing ranked in games and people who quit often should not be playing ranked in games.
Having the very occasional d/c due to your ISP being faggots won't matter unless you're quitting a bunch as well.
Carter Brown
Avoid system?
Liam Barnes
are you retarded? every competitive game on the market right now has matchmaking which is trying to make oyu have 50% w/l >lol >dota >sc >csgo etc
William Gonzalez
Mmmmmmm basket hilt so sexy.
Angel Thomas
Many games have it. You can Avoid a player, and you'll no longer get matched with them.
Luis Gutierrez
>You guys have the best medical system. Sup retard. Paying half your check to taxes with 8 hour wait times for broken bones is by no means what any country on the world calls "best".
Joseph Barnes
Can't wait for competitive play.
Can't wait to see people try to be competitive in a babies game. I should have a hardy chuckle when people start referring to some who play this as "professional"
Isaiah Peterson
Guess people ruined it for everyone.
Avoid function should only be used for shitstains or toxic players that talk shit but barely do any contribution.
I guess i'm going to get queued up with that afk genji who just talks shit on chat every match now thanks to shitters who can't git gud and avoid good players.
Dylan Gomez
And appeals are also entirely plausible given that it's Blizzard we're talking about. This isn't a VAC ban, it's a "get your fucking shit together" ban. Besides, I don't want any of you poor faggots to ruin my experience with the game, so I support keeping you out. It'd make more sense to just put all of those awful people in a league of their own, though. Then everyone wins.
Zachary Sanchez
Well yeah, if your internet connection is shit and often fails don't try to play competitively retard.
Ryder Mitchell
If your internet connection is shit you shouldn't be playing online multiplayer games.
You're making everyone else's experience worse, you selfish cucks.
David Reed
Go to Career Profil or something, it shows you a list of the latest players you played with or against. Select one and you can either avoid or prefer them
James Lewis
>playing rated on a shitty connection
You deserve the punishment if you do this. You're fucking over your whole team.
If you occasionally get disconnected you probably won't get banned.
>need to wait for the match to end before you can join another
That seems like a very fair punishment.
William Kelly
Or, you know, they could have a system like CSGO does, that if you DC you have 5 minutes to get back in the game.
Kevin Phillips
A bunch of Canadians were boasting about their healthcare. What the fuck is going on?
Charles Morris
1000% this. I fucking despise people that fail to load a Dota game after I've been waiting for 20 minutes in queue. Or they abandon because their internet is unstable and I have to play at a disadvance.
No sympathy at all. If you don't have a stable internet connection: DON'T PLAY MULTIPLAYER GAMES
Justin Roberts
>toxic players literally kill yourself faggot
Nathan Flores
>people are sponsored, getting a monthly salary to play a game >they compete in tournaments which award prize money
>not professional
Lincoln Gonzalez
Seriously you make one match worse by leaving why should you be allowed to join another and possibly quit /dc on that one too.
Cameron Robinson
People who don't pay taxes or haven't been involved with the poor, broken system that it pays for would naturally try to chalk it up as good.
Jacob Phillips
t.Toxic player.
Charles Wright
>you're going to lose access to competitive play good if their connection is so bad, it's not like they actually expect to win anything anyway
John Cooper
>living in a 3rd world country
Ethan Brooks
Fucking this. If you have a 50% win rate that means matchmaking is working and you're playing with people of equal skill almost every match.
Alexander Sullivan
>not knowing what a monopoly is
Jaxon Scott
did they say that ranked mode was going to have a higher tick rate or was that just a rumor?
Eli Powell
They did. 60 thic rate
As in, Mei only, final destination.
Aiden Scott
>being buttblasted because you can't handle banter
wew lad fucking kill yourself
Easton Peterson
8 hours for a broken bone in Canada? Where you live, the fucking Maritimes? Neck yourself Newfie
Elijah King
>Pro·fes·sion·al Engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime. "a professional boxer" synonyms: paid, salaried "a professional rugby player"
I take it you don't understand the term because you don't have a career. Poor thing. I hope Jesus helps you find a job someday. Bless you.
Ian Gutierrez
>blame it on the players Meanwhile Blizzcucks only have servers in three regions only.
Americas = US West only get best ping. Meanwhile if you live in east coast or anywhere else like carribean, south muhrika, canada you will get shit ping and possibility of getting kicked due to high ping.
Then they go and punish the players but they refuse to add servers to many regions. How the fuck you can defend this shit with a straight face?
David Collins
is this fucking true? Is that why I get matched with prestige level 90s when im only level 40?
Landon Wilson
Thanks for the warning opiss i will stay away from this shit tier game.
Lincoln Allen
As long as you stop putting people into losing games with 20 second left on the fucking clock.
Benjamin Torres
4-17 hours, my bad my BC friend.
Leo Campbell
Delicious BR tears.
Kill yourself shitskin!
Landon Campbell
Thank god
Austin Rodriguez
>Engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
Yes, that's exactly what they're doing. >inb4 no money Plenty of CS, LeL, and Dota pros are earning 6 figures a year.
John Brown
Did you skim what I posted retard? I don't give a shit about toxic players
I care when they talk shit and contribute nothing to the team like most of you shitstains do.
Kayden Peterson
It's just a game, bro. Chill the fuck out and stop taking it so seriously. It's not my fault comcast is shit and holds a monopoly in my area.
Jason Fisher
>Removed prefer/avoid
Daniel Perez
It doesn't match you with people of equal skill. It matches you with slobbering retards when you need wins, and full friend teams running pro setups when you need to lose.
I fucking checked the profiles on the last match I lost. I have like, 40 hours on the game with less than 8 hours on any one character, same for my friends.
It paired us against people who played over 100 hours in the only character they played that match, with Reinhardt, Lucio, Mercy, McCree, Genji, Widowmaker.
Jacob Bennett
Bantz is one thing telling people to kill themselves is what a 12 year old does and nobody wants to play with children.
Ryan Sanders
>I hope your internet connection is fucking perfect It is, I don't live in America.
Brandon Reyes
we all live under the finger of comcast, AT&T, and Time warner. Nowhere in burger land is the price difference that big unless you live in bumblefuck and can only get the satellite internet which at that point you dont deserve to play in online competitive games
Benjamin Flores
If you are retarded enough to keep on trying to play while your internet is going in and out you deserve it
Isaac Lewis
This is how it's supposed to work, but blizzard uses algorithms that, for instance if you're having a loss streak, will put you up against a much weaker team so you can win. One assumes they won't be retarded enough to use this in ranked play though.
Landon Morris
Good, fuck you retards playing with shitty Internet fucking up the match
The only fags against this are BRtards and ausfailians
Jeremiah Gonzalez
>All this asperger over the "restriction or removal from Competitive" It's the same as CSGO Bans you stupid cunts.
Brody Green
You should probably stick to Quick Play then.
Elijah Cooper
Sebastian James
>Plenty of CS, LeL, and Dota pros are earning 6 figures a year.
What the fuck, do they pay in amiibo or some shit?
Andrew Clark
Hudson Nelson
That doesn't refute anything I said at all, friend. I live in a city, just not fortunate to live with good options for internet. Expensive bills are just the tip, after a few months they'll put hidden costs in. My only solace is that I don't have to pay for any packages, and can just get internet.
James Long
>Rogers overselling their capacity >Every night, at a random time between 3pm to 1am, Internet goes down due to unresolved handshakes >It's either Bell or them, every other private ISP just borrows their landlines so it all goes to shit at the same time
Jace Carter
>lagfags btfo This is a good thing
Gavin Watson
>fell for the powerline meme because I live in an old house and I'm not paying out the ass to have holes punched through my wall >anytime someone turns something on my internet surges >pretty much dropped all online multiplayer, only ever play it on console because wifi is more stable online multiplayer is cancer anyways, even the nicest person IRL becomes a shit eating cock slurping fucknugget who emote spams, taunts and goes UMAD UMAD UMAD XDDD. No fucking respect or sportsmanship at all in vidya, who would've thought a bunch of nerds playing a "competitive" (enjoying that forced 50% win rate still) game become the true pieces of shit they are?
Caleb Phillips
I've never seen proof of this. Just anecdotal evidence.
Xavier Phillips
Sponsorship money, tourney winnings, and streaming ads pay a lot
Get with the times grandpa
Owen Rodriguez
I'm fine with this, I'm not fine with however their bullshit excuses for them sticking to 20 tick servers and allowing hero stacking. Those are complete bullshit and their responses are nothing but "You think you do, but you don't" all over again.
Ayden Walker
fuck widow players
Carter Evans
level is time spent, not player skill
David Reyes
>Already having bugs fixed and getting shit done when TF2 takes months before fixing some minor shit
Why does Sup Forums hate Blizzard so much again?
Logan Hill
But every other game I get a disconnect from Blizzards end.
Why am I getting punished for their fuck ups?
Logan Price
use the block option you faggot
Easton Hernandez
>mfw i did this a few times There was this hanzo that shot really big trucks at me non stop from huge distances, getting headshots non stop, so instead of my blood pressure going up, i just blocked him.
That, and a lot of "gg ez" tryhards, so that would explain why some cunts on these forums think the game is dying when they have to wait a lot in the queue. You've just been 'avoided' by allot of people who you pissed off.
Nathan Jackson
Mute and report
Kayden Bell
>20 tickrate >Hero stacking >Other dumb bullshit like projectiles you fire disappearing when you die >Capture point maps that pros won't touch with a 1000 foot pole because of how badly they are designed >They think this game will be competitive and not a joke Wish they couldn't throw money at it like they did HS, this game doesn't deserve an esports scene.
Robert Ortiz
>West coast >Have SHAW >80$ 7mbps (Megabit) = 2.2 MB/second connection >Get throttled randomly for usually a week at a time >Playing online is completely ruined for a week at a time.
What a time to be alive in canada
Lincoln Turner
> 6 figures > FIGURES > amiibo
There goes my joke.
Connor Lewis
>Now you will be matched with assholes and players outside your skill level constantly Fantastic.
Caleb Cooper
>waah my hugbox Blizzdrones will defend this
Joshua Morgan
>low skill ceiling Overwatch who aimed for the tumblr, underage, and shitters who can't play FPS worth a shit
Anthony Bell
"Forcing" a 50% winrate works perfectly for games that are 1v1, since it just means paring you against a stronger or weaker player, in a team game it doesn't work well because it has to give you random team mates, which have to be better/worse to get the 50% winrate.
Mind you, overtime you should still rank up or down based on your own performance (Which many people don't like to believe so they can pretend they're not bad), but it requires you to play for much longer to rank up and isn't a good reflection of your own skill level.
Jason Williams
Tead the thread. Shitters were a using it by avoiding good players and causing the good playes to get put into matchmaking hell.
Liam Williams
CSGO's cooldown system is basically perfect.
Camden Morris
>leaving penalties in a fucking FPS
Sebastian Peterson
Dumb underage newfriend
Adrian Kelly
because some widow player complained getting 30 minute ques because everyone put him to avoid list