
The horror genre doesn't seem to get much love here.

Whats the scariest / best horror game you've played.
Also, what point in any game made you shit brix.
Looking for some spoopy stuff to fuel my adrenaline addiction.

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I bought the Wii for the sole reason of being able to play Fatal Frame.

It never came.

I have since swore to myself to never ever buy another console for the rest of my life.

>never came

Homebrew channel man.

>I'll start

My choice for best (obviously from pics) would be Fatal Frame 2.
Actual scariest game I've ever played, and has a great story and lore to back it up.

The scariest part for me was that fucking doll you find just chilling in the middle of the hallway.
>pic related
It doesn't do anything other than stand there menacingly. It has an aura like its an enemy, but you just go around it and carry on. The whole time I was expecting it to fuck my shit up.

Yeah i planned to import it since its a jap only game, but it was mad expensive if i remember right.

Third one that is

As much as I liked 2 and thought it was scary, I thought 1 was scarier. 4 though is my favorite despite it's flaws due to medical horror.

Another good one was the first encounter with Laura (spider lady) in the Evil within.

That game had so much potential.
But as many good parts as there were, they were few and far between.

I too am looking for something spooky to play on my PC. I did some googling around and it's always just a bunch of stuff like Slender, Outlast, and Amnesia.

The hospital part where the invisible enemies are there is unique and i have never seen something so close to actually improve the genre. Too bad that then the game becomes an action shooter but yes, it had so much god damn potential

Cry of Fear is decent

>play fatal frame 1
>at the last night with no health items and a small amount of health left
>game decides to amp up the difficulty by being really stingy with the health items
>every other room has at least one enemy

dropped the game after that

Yeah that part was dope.
I was like "what do i do, what do i do"

And yeah the point where the "zombies" were shooting at me was what killed it for me

Has anyone tried following Andre?

That's why it's called SURVIVAL horror. You faggot.

Thanks I'll give it a look.

fuck off retard theres no excuse for the game to become retardedly hard in the last night

It wasn't retardedly hard, just run from ghosts.

The first Fatal Frame and Silent Hill.

I got lucky in that I had a friend who owned 4. I did buy my WiiU for Fatal Frame 5 and that turned out peachy.

Fatal frame 2 and forbidden siren. Maybe not the best gameplay wise cause of goofy controls but very good stories and scary parts

Still the best song in the series.


theres one part where you have to fight off a ghost to get some item though

I've played both Outlast and Amnesia.
They have a very similar survival horror style, but are both great games.
If you want more recent and modern, go with outlast.
If you can handle slightly dated, and like victorian era, go with amnesia.

They are very fucking similar now that i think of it..

A bit of a warning the first jumpscare at the beginning is very cheap

git gud

well meme'd

I wish later Fatal Frames had the balls that 1 did. Himuro Mansion is still one of the best horror settings I've ever experienced - way darker and dingier than other FF games - and the challenge level got fairly high in spots and the charge-based combat was arguably at its most unforgiving. Never did get why people tend to choose 2 over it; the twin dynamic is nice but I felt like it's the easiest game in the series without question.

how well aged is 1?
Im thinking of going back and playing it

Age is something a bit against its favor. The voice acting is pretty bad and some of the puzzles weren't really translated so figuring out how they work is trial and error. Gameplay-wise it's not as refined as later entries but that works for and against it; personally I think it's the scariest entry in part because it's the least refined. Well, that and it has the best broken neck ghosts.