D44M thread

D44M thread
>tfw stuck on Ultra Violence and scared to start Nightmare

Other urls found in this thread:


>this game
>walk around in circles
>punch any enemy that comes in your path
>win game

I hate this shit game

Literally all you need to beat the game is the upgraded super shotgun, railgun type thing and maybe the BFG to beat the final boss. That's it. If anything the game gets easier as it goes along.

Did we play the same game?

I played it on the hardest mode the game let me before unlocking rest of the difficulties

DOOM 1 & 2? no I doubt you did.

You are lying then, because on UV and up, enemies don't stagger from basic punches, and you'd have been reckt

Oh hell yeah the daily betheshill thread. Fuck off. The game is pure fucking console kiddie shit.

I have the shotgun mostly, shoot once or twice on the shit in my path and punch them to death

try it

Where are you stuck? I'm at the part where you get out of hell and come back to the destroyed base. and it hasn't been anything very challenging. At most I've replayed an area 2 or 3 times on ultra violence.

>some random scrub like OP is able to beat the game on Ultra Violence

Now you're not the Doom that I used to know.

kek someone played it on baby mode.

You can do that to the imps and the harmless zombies. Anything else you will get destroyed just getting close and punching it does nothing. You didn't play the game probably because you can't pirate it and your mom wont buy it for you. you're just spouting memes like a 12 year old retard.

it takes like 3 close super shotguns or 2 lock ons from the rocket launcher just to kill revenants so i dunno what you are smoking

it works on 90% of the enemies you encounter

then some bigger ones require aimless walking around while emptying some gun on them, which is even more lame

Are you running out of ammo mid battles? just whip out your chain saw and refill do it on something big not a little guy. Rocket lawnchair is the best gun before you get BFG. it's fast and powerful use the auto target upgrade and you will mow down everything.

>you actually have to shoot guns at big enemies and move around

That pic doesn't prove shit and it works on the weakest enemy's you find the fillers which is literally 2 enemy types. you're lying. keep it up summer baby.

there is not fun in walking aimlessly while waiting for the enemies to die
100% MAD

That picture made me laugh audibly

>before unlocking rest of the difficulties
But all the difficulties are unlocked from the start.

Thanks for confirming you haven't played it, assdevasted pirate friend.

When was DOOM ever hard?

no you retarded stain of shit

ultra meme difficulty was locked you shit



The only hard part of Nightmare is the beginning because you have jack shit weapons and ammunition (feels kinda cheap imo). After that it's pretty easy.

Just played the demo. It was pretty fun, found two of the little Doomguys, liked that they played snippets of Doom music. I don't care about Snapmap (because regular modding would have been much fucking better), and I have no interest in the multiplayer, so I'm just gonna wait until the game goes down to like 20 bucks and buy it.

Do this.

I tore hell a new asshole with the fully upgraded Super Shotgun and Gauss Cannon.

shhh just let them believe doom 1 was super complex and difficult

how was I supposed to know that ultra meme didnt translate to ultra violence?

>But all the difficulties are unlocked from the start.
I see you thought ultra violence was the highest difficulty you fucking retard

you should have figured it out from the context of course since I mentioned the locked difficulty

Also, it's the same difficulty as Nightmare, you retard. It's just ironman mode.

Ultra-Nightmare is the same difficulty as Nightmare. You can go back to Sup Forums now.

yeah I didn't play it because it was locked
>redirecting to Sup Forums from fucking Sup Forums

>Dr. Samuel Hayden
>Samuel Hayden
>S. Hayden

r8 my theory crafting pls

>Stannis Baratheon

Where's the MOOOOM version.

Stannis was a good man and excellent father. Sad that he went down against Bolton cucks.

Thats a weird dildo.

Even as a show fag I was buttrustled when he burned Shireen. I mean this happened like one or two episodes later youtube.com/watch?v=WHCm56L-lTY and then he fucking burns her. What the fuck?

>implying you don't want her to peg you with it

You dirty little shit.

>and scared to start Nightmare
Ultra Violence is baby tier stuff, come on. Just learn a good rotation and unload everything on everyone.
Sadly, this game is not really hard, it's just punishing when you play it on Ultra Nightmare.


only because it lets you run around and jump everywhere

it rarely traps you in a hallway and fucks you, you do take a lot of damage if you do get hit

Started on UV, but then right before the argent tower I realized the game was too easy. AI is too dumb.

Restarted on nightmare and I'm having a blast. There seems to be more enemies with ranged attacks so you can't always do melee kills. Not to mention you get almost nothing from meleeing now.

I think for people who are used to games like Dark Souls, Nightmare should be picked first (use a console command). It's difficult enough that you have to think about how you should use the environment, and how you should combo your guns.

>only because it lets you run around and jump everywhere
This is good, though.
>it rarely traps you in a hallway and fucks you, you do take a lot of damage if you do get hit
Yes, you do take a lot of damage if you get hit, which makes hallways horrible to play. Several weapons become suicide, so I'm glad they based the game around bigger rooms, specially because you can't just go around jumping like a madman, the Imps will eventually snipe you out of the sky.

can someone post the doom mod chart? interested in some doom mods

>(use a console command).
Nightmare is unlocked from the beginning.