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What newcomer would you want to have in the next Smash Bros?

Hardmode: No third party
Ultra Hardmode: Stick to the original "Nintendo's All-Stars" theme and only suggest characters from the popular mainline series

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female inkling

Posting again, desperately want Wonder Red and either a "fixed" Ganondorf or just a LttP style Ganon added, anything else is just icing

The kid that's literally 100% guaranteed to get in

Fixed Ganondorf would be great although that requires Sakurai stepping down and another F-Zero character probably being added to take the moveset, both of which are unlikely

Toon Ganon almost made it into Brawl iirc, which would have been neat


I would also like Baito to be the host and introduce all of the fighters.


I want Good Gameplay to be added again. He hasnt been in smash since 2001.

Inklings, also someone from Hyrule Warrior, Lana or Cia.

holy shit yes

Bandana Waddle Dee or, more preferably, Dark Matter swordsman form.

Dorf is five being a semi clone fuck off already it fits him still. If you must change his side B to a dead man's volley attack so he doesn't get shit on my projectile users everything else is fine.

What does need to change is Toon Link who still plays the Young Link role. It was ok for YL to be a clone of Link because they are the same but Toon Link is a different guy.

Give him the Deku Leaf as a Up B a attack and recovery option

Give him the skull hammer in place of boomerang for a high powered attack

Change his Final Smash to multiform since it's common to see multiple Toon Links in games he is in and let them just gang up on whoever gets in the way

>Mfw smash will never be good again

Wonder Red is by far one of my favourite vidya characters ever. Why the fuck don't more people like him?

He's such an amazingly charming character.

Why the fuck do you people keep asking for boring humanoid Pokemon.

Pokemon is a series with fire breathing rock monsters and flying hiveminds and angry shark-toothed ferrets

So why do you guys just want the boring punchy kicky things?

>I want TL to play like he does from his game
>but lol who gives a shit if Ganondorf doesn't play like he does from his game fuck off

Anyone from a Nintendo only roster, fuck third party. Why the fuck is a Capcom fighting game character, Ryu, able to do 15% to 16% of damage with ONE aerial attack, when the rest of the cast can't do that unless it's probably DDD or Bowser? Why? Because he's DLC so he NEEDS to be good? Because Capcom wanted him to be stupid? Fuck that. That sort of shit ruins Smash.

Back in Melee, EVERYONE had damaging aerials. So they nerf the fuck out of everyone, and then Mr. Basic Fighting Game Character himself gets added and he's suddenly dealing massive damage for no good reason at all, AND he has a move that can kill anyone at like 80% safely and almost guaranteed if he's at rage.

Third party characters fucking ruin Smash. It's a sad fucking day when one of the best characters in a Nintendo game isn't a Nintendo character at all, AND he's DLC garbage to boot. Keeping Sakurai around was a mistake.

Explain to me how Ganondorf would fight like he does in Zelda.

The most actually fighting he does is in TP with a sword, you want another swordsman? When Dorf was created in smash the only times he actually fought was in OOT where he shot a energy ball and then turned into Ganon. What fighting style could you go off of just that? On top of that when Melee was created he wash rushed in at the last second as roster filler and they only choice was to make him a semi-clone or drop him entirely.

It's too late for him to change since it didn't happen in 4. He's already a long time vet and his mains don't want such a drastic change all of a sudden after all these years

Toon Link is different he's only been here since Brawl he's got another game to change

Not a really unique request, but I'd really like to see Spyro have a go at the game. But only if they bring him back to a time before the accident that was Skylanders.


There is nothing wrong with sword characters so long as they have original movesets. And Ganondorf mains in the last thread were discussing moveset changes. Sword Dorf would at least be accurate to his character. And even then he could at least use magic instead of clone kicks and punches.

Literally just make Ganondorf unique and then give his moveset to another F-Zero character.

Too bad that's Ganon and not Ganondorf idiot

>another F-Zero character.

Never ever.


>giving TL a unique moveset

Never ever.


I want Wonder Red, but I have no idea how he would work.

Also unite morphs might be 2big

Captain Toad
Paper Mario(?)
I dunno about Zelda a ton
Fed Force soldier
-Star Fox-
-Fire Emblem-
-Cut Ike, Marth, and Roy
-New FE avatar
-Takumi or Chrom
-Make Dedede more game accurate
-Side-B now hammer spin
-Has 3DS games design
-Maybe Dark Matter or Marx
-Bandana Dee
-Kid Icarus-
-Unclone Dark Pit
-I dunno. Maybe sun and moon character?
-Look at Zelda
-Pikmin 4 main character
-Animal Crossing-
-Wii Fit-
-Punch Out-
-Third party-
-Tifa Lockhart
-A indie(?)
-Dig Dug
-Ever Oasis rep

Is that you Smashchu?

>Cut Marth
Fuck off

Not the user. But to be honest he is old news. And Lucina is basically the new Marth.

>And Lucina is basically the new Marth.

Nice bait?

Marth is like top ten in smash character popularity it will never happen. People love the tipper

That's not bait. That's probably what IS thinks.
Who was given away in cipher cards to be in fates?
Who does IS plaster on merch
Mostly Lucina.
Smash popularity doesn't mean shit. It is what Intelligent Systems wants.

>I'm not baiting I'm just false-flagging

Fuck yourself.

I have a idea!
Get rid of all FE characters besides Marth and Corrin!

Bruh he needs a deku leaf neutral B.
On ground, shoots out wind box (not as strong as Mario, but stronger than uncharged Mario).
In air, it glides as you hold B an then you control direction

I have a idea!
Get rid of all LoZ characters besides Link and Zelda!

That works also!
Cut Kirby down to Kirby and Dedede!


Cut Mario down to Mario and Luigi!
Cut Pokemon down to Pikachu and Jigglypuff!
Cut Melee down to Fox and Falco!

>inb4 Kirby fighters

I just want Banjo god damnit
Fuck all of you

Good idea

Shit idea

Shit idea

Shit idea

>IS not allowing their most popular character into the game because why not
You are retarded
Nah change up B. I like him having arrows still


can we talk about who in Kirby they should put in?
I would adore Magolor or Prince Fluff.

>Japan doesn't exist

Want to hear a good idea? Make a time machine and stop Fire Emblem from ever existing.

Otherwise, stop being a faggot.

Because People didn't buy TW101.
Even then the mechanics are apparently too hard for people to understand.
What a gay earth.

Susie from Kirby Robobot in her mech suit
Splatoon inkling
Replace lucario with mewtwo

Kirby, Meta-Knight, and King DeDeDe

Not really convinced it needs any more than those three.

HAL is always making crazy Kirby spinoffs, and they've already been shown to be able to make a competent kirby fighter game.

Maybe one day. Hell, 3D kirby actually happened so who knows.

Kumatora from Mother 3?

I'm not convinced FE needs more then Marth and Ike but here we are.

Better question.

Where do we go from 58 characters?

How many newcomers do you propose Sakurai will add at start and then at DLC?

We went from 12 in smash 64 to 26 in melee 39 in brawl to 51 characters at the start of Sm4sh and 58 by the end of the DLC.

That's a total of 12 newcomers without DLC and 19 newcomers with DLC from Brawl to Sm4sh.

Phoenix Wright.
Wonder Red.

Sucks for you I guess? Perhaps you could provide justification for the characters that you would like instead of making a 'I hate FE' shitpost?

Cut a few anime shitters and Shiek, add the usual amount, and round it out at 64, just to come full circle

Fuck off FEggot


Maybe when you don't make "I hate Kirby" shitposts

Well, since Sakurai originally was gonna have Lucina as a costume for Marth, maybe it'll turn out that way like the Wii Fit Trainers and Villagers where her data is shared with Marth's, but model and voices change.

Not sure why you hate Sheik as a playable character though.

I can see Shulk getting replaced by Elma though.

>All FE fans are spergs
We knew this already though

Paper Mario
King K. Rool
Krystal (Not before Wolf though.)
De-cloned Lucina
Mecha Fiora

Fuck off waifufaggot

Hardmode and Ultra Hardmode cleared.

>not wanting more Kirby characters = hating Kirby

Fuck yourself, my man.

So with the patches done there's no more whine threads around here, so I'll ask here?

How's everone feeling about post-nerf Bayo? Was it too much or just enough?

>Any FE character
>All star from a popular mainline series


At least I'm not a cuck ;^)

>there are people who don't want to shit all over everything with Metal Face
Mercy is for the weak.

Don't be jealous just because K. Rool is my waifu.

>>Get rid of all FE characters besides Marth and Corrin!
>and Corrin
Holy shit, kill yourself. Corrin is the first FE character that should get removed. At least Lucina is a reskin for Marth.

Eh I'd more or less accepted that I'll never enjoy playing as Bayonetta but I still like her as an addition.

Fire Emblem has something like 16-18 Main Characters, not even counting villains.
Most other series in Smash don't even have half that, even counting villains.

The characters they chose to represent FE are kind of bland, but it does deserve at least 4 reps.

Jack Frost with some sort of smirk mechanic

You're a Fire Emblem fan and that's almost as bad.

FE should just be Marth, Ike, and a De-cloned Roy

Pokemon has more than 720 main characters. And none of the pokemon in smash are clones of another character

Sakurai is no stranger to cutting characters.
We can afford to lose obvious clones like Girl Marth, Dr. Mario and Dark Pit who never should've been included in the first place. Add 9 more characters and you have an even 64. (67 with Miis) It's a modest number of newcomers but then you'd have more room to focus on buffing characters and narrowing the power gap.

If you need DLC characters for whatever reason you could conceivably get to 70 but that's unheard of



>Paper Mario

Honestly with Color Splash shenanigans and Paper Mario being gutted as an RPG because Mario and Luigi exist, I kinda don't want him to be ruined with Sticker Star and Color Splash shit

Roy is better than Robin, Lucina, and the other guy.

You're a Rosterfag, you literally don't care about anything else but 'muh favorites' getting into Smash Bros. You're the entire reason Smash Bros fans gets a bad rap around here.

>Pokemon has more than 720 main characters.
Going by your logic, now Fire Emblem has around 300+ main characters.

No, I just don't think an irrelevant dating sim like FE that is only alive BECAUSE it was turned into a dating sim deserves 60 reps with 30 marth clones

Let me know when one that isn't a sword user gets in
Meanwhile every Pokemon is completely unique and play nothing alike

And? There's all the other lords from 4 to 8.

What's so special about Roy?

he's our boy

I'm not defending the shitty selection of FE Characters, just pointing out that the series deserves at least 5.

>What's so special about Roy?

>Tropical Freeze outsold the entire FE FRANCHISE
That's like saying Wonderful 101 deserves 5 characters when just Wonder-Red and/or Blue would do

All I've wanted since Melee was Banjo and Kazooie

Just right, all the scrublords who used her to carry them to Top 32s vanished and the actual good players stuck with her and are getting better results than before since they have to think more to get combos and kills. She's doing much better now

Looks like someone's never played FE, too hardcore for you?

Are you actually retarded?

I played Awakening and it was shit
I had never even hward of FE until Melee and I only found out that it even came to america when I saw Ike in Brawl. Sinxe they included 6182629 FE characters in 4 I thought I'd give it a shot and it just turned out to be some autistic board game shit. I thought it was an adventure game or an RPG.
I beat it and then realized I could have spent the last 10 hours playing an actual good board game like Fortune Street instead.

>Dark Pit
>Dr. Mario

Ike and Marth had multiple games and marth was the first main char so they're fine. Corrin and Robin are main characters and play uniquely so they're okay. Whatever the next new FE game is will probably be represented with its own new char so there is no need to keep including them when we can cut older characters.

Inkling should get a spot. I personally wanted Squirtle to come back because I mained it but if we're getting any new Pokemon, it'll probably be a Gen 7 rep. Complete Zygarde would be a really cool addition.

I disagree with K.Rool since the DK games prove they have no intention of using him again and he hasn't been used in 10 years, and that was for a Mario Sports spinoff.

I'd like the Ice Climbers to reappear but to be perfectly honest their game was not memorable at all. I only appreciate their dual character gimmick.

Smash 4 is so much better with mods.
I've added like 130 custom songs into the game. I finally have a reason to play on Final Destination, Halberd, Boxing Ring, and Port Town: Aero Dive.

I plan to overhaul about a third of the entire Smash 4 soundtrack, if I can.

I should have said before Awakening, I know weebs ate that shit up