What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Nothing, it's been shit from conception.

Absolutely nothing

The presentations at E3 conferences were terrible, but everything they showed afterwards was pretty good.

In fact to the point that I'm again full-on excited for this game since Episode Duscae released.

>fixed combat
>fixed framerate
>dat Altissia
>dat flying car

Can't wait until September

Too much road trip and bromance shoved down our throats. They never stopped telling us how they're going to make us love our bros. Every day until we like it.
They don't have much confidence in their own decisions, always asking for feedback. Not that feedback is bad but this game has taken so much that it leads us to believe they're not very competent.
Combat still looks unfinished and the magic system is underwhelming.
They have yet to show a reason why the maps are worth exploring. Not a single early game example of a cool hidden secret that is one of many. Areas look painfully bland.

Played Duscae 1.0/2.0 and platinum demo.
Pretty much what I wanted. Had a lot of fun.
Sup Forums will say it's bad no matter what

Is the Cidney car skin Japan only?


Shitty DMC combat with none of the DMC fun

Fujoshit designs with all black leather party making it look like a gay porno

Shitty engine actually intended for high-end PCs.

Hack director and devs who rely too much on surveys rather than vision

Story being reduced to standard videogame story compared to what Versus promised

20 fps 900p with shitty LoD all over the place

Movie with completely changed designs for no reason

Combat looks shit
Enemies are shit
Summons are shit
The fuck is with the faggy main characters?
Why can we only place as Noctis?
Open world with fuck all in it
Tiny world map
Did I mention the fucking godawful combat?
Cause it's terrible. Like it wants to be an action game but you just hold one button to attack and then another to dodge.
Enemies have millions of life and the party does only a couple hundred per hit.
Style over substance.
Fucking can't drive the car on roads, it's autopilot unless you take it off road

dat shitty water

Literally nothing, playing it right now and having tons of fun

>itt contrarian no-fun-allowed faggots who will be wrong about the upcoming game as usual

But it'll get worse once bazztek arrives to this thread, so it's best to leave.

They changed Cidney's name in the English version.

I want to lick his nose!

>fixed combat
Wait, when did they fix it?
Is it turn based now?
Did they get help from another team that actually knows how to make an action game?

I stopped following, and canceled my preorder after that garbage Platinum demo. I'm out of the loop.

Sup Forums went wrong.
Looks fun.

>Shitty engine
This is one of the worse parts. It's so bad that SE pretty much abandoned it after only one game and immediately switched over to Unreal.

>Altissa is literally the only big city

How can a game that isn't out be bad?
How can you know for sure that a game you haven't played is bad?

I Sup Forums always like this?

Well, we have played it.
Twice now. Both demos had boring ass gameplay, but Duscaes world was nice.

dead on arrival

It's cool to hate popular things.
It makes people feel like they know what they're talking about.

They should've done the same for XV but they needed to get the game out fast. Luminous is bad. There's even interviews with Tabata where the engine team is advicing against open-world but Tabata rejects those warnings in his blind western wannabe attitude.


I can find dozens of bad YouTube comments about any well known game.
Don't be an idiot

>3 months from release
>still adding shit like wait mode
>combat is still a mess
>dogshit graphics

Nothing other than Mat playing like shit on stage.

I do personally know those two girls in that pic. I wonder how that gif made it to Sup Forums.


Fuck off Nomura-kun.

>That was gweat

Nothing you said is true.

How did we go from this... to THAT?

Be honest with me, Sup Forums.
If you're excited for the game, and are going to buy it day one, that's fine. Fanboys have done crazier things.
But you don't actually find this combat enjoyable, do you?
There's no way.

>How can a game that isn't out be bad?
Well, that's literally the reason why a game wouldn't be out yet. It's not up to the developer's standard yet.
>How can you know for sure that a game you haven't played is bad?
You should have this ability by now if you didn't start gaming after 2006. I've dodged many bullets. Brink, FFXIII, and RE6 being the most recent ones. FFXV is definitely "borrow from a friend" material.

Also we've had two demos and they were awful. Handheld game tier.

I prefer goofball Prompto
His back story about being a fat fuck that lost weight made him a lot more sympathetic

It isn't, Altissia, Tenebrae, Solheim and Niflheim are all the massive cities with Altissia being the biggest, places like Lestallum are just regular towns and places like Galdin Quay, Hammeehead, Coernix, Caem, Chocobo ranch are outposts. Insomnia serves as a large battlefield like Duscae or Lucil or Leide where there are monsters and enemies roaming the map.

Fuck of FFXV-kun

even with people playing properly the boss fight was still monotonous

although May's redemption fail was hilarious

Yeah, pushing a button to do an attack/spell in a Final Fantasy game.
Unheard of.

I'm gonna play this game, enjoy it and spam Sup Forums with threads about how good it is. :)

Fuck of FFXV-kun.

There's a huge difference between an "action" game, and turn based.
At least you tried to come up with a witty reply!

They should've just done a big budget version of Bravely instead.

They added that last year idiot, ages ago they mentioned a different battlemode that they would reveal later
Combat has been improved and so has graphics

To be honest user, I can understand people not liking it.
But compared to the wreck it could be the combat isn't all bad.
Not all good either but it could be so much worse.

Fuck of FFXV-kun.

This meme is starting to confuse me. I thought XV kun defended the game.

It's standard Final Fantasy except you move around and don't take turns.
I'm sorry you don't like video games.

>Wanting more of the abortion that is the Bravely series

>Light hearted inspirational back story about a character finding the resolve to improve his appearance and general quality of life.
>DOZENS of articles bitching about fat shaming

Burn it all down

Versus was always open world.

None of that is mutually exclusive and even when he said it's not versus he was talking about the fact it's not a spinoff any more and isn't treated like one because it's mainline, and then went on to say it's still has the things important to versus in it while being a bigger and expanded game.
I wouldn't expect you to do any actual research Nomura-kun.

Fuck of FFXV-kun.




You know that Prompto helping Noctis stuff is still there right?

It's actually not.
I don't think you played either of the demos.
I'm sorry you defend shitty combat.


What's with this meme post?

>its this standard turn based rpg series without the turns

how do you remember to breathe. game can turn out fine, at least don't offer up shit defenses like this.

More like Noctis helping Prompto, that goofball can't do anything right.

Fuck off Nomura-kun.

I legitimately want to know how you can enjoy holding a button, and watching the game play.
No epic memes here.

Fuck off Nomura-kun.

Fuck off XV-kun

Fuck off Nomura-kun.

Fuck off yourself I saw your post from page one and applied street justice.

Bravely Default is the laziest excuse for a JRPG in the last 20 years, and it's sequel is worse.

I really thought things couldn't get worse when FFVII dropped and everybody started shitting themselves over graphics, then THIS happened and now a generation like you exists.

One after a-fucking-nother. Just end this industry and all those who inhabit it.

Oh and XV looks worse than MN9. Whoever this XV-kun motherfucker is, just drop it. Shit is DOA.

You mean like the button you press to move forward?
Or in a more visual novel sense where the game doe everything while you read.

Because honestly I'm a little confued.

Ok so you are meme posting.

Oh god, please no. I love the Bravely series, I'd hate to see Squeenix ruin it by focusing on fancy visuals and forcing in shitty, weightless action RPG combat.

Fuck off Nomura-kun.

Everything he said was true. WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW, BITCH?

Fuck off FFXV-kun.

Bravely is abortion.

I don't know man, how was using one button to attack fun in all the turn based Final Fantasies?

Where are you pulling that from?

And you still don't have an answer.
What the fuck does meme posting even mean?
If you want to buy the game, that's fine, but I want to know why you enjoy the shitty gameplay.

Fucking your mom.

Fuck off Nomura-kun.

They weren't action games. Simple as that. It's embarrassing how you even try to compare the two.

>Bravely is abortion.
I bet you unironically like FFXV. And XIII

Someone already tried that earlier.
Action and turn based aren't even remotely similar, so that comparison falls flat.

WTF is with this "Fuck of this and that" when have FFXV threads became this shit.




You are being disingenuous in your premise and thus you don't warrant being taken seriously.

>I Sup Forums always like this?
This is how Sup Forums works in general.

Man, she's moving up in the world.

Also, fuck off FFXV-kun. Go to a XV fan site or something, you autistic spergmaster

Good god Sup Forums is at an all time low.
Someone needs to invent a generator that powers itself off of bitching and moaning.
Could power a fucking country

Fuck off Pesmerga.

XV already is better than anything I played in BD and B2, XIII was even bigger trash than Bravely.

Watch for threads about 3-5 months down the road saying "Now that the dust is settled, etc" or "Apologize." This whole board is just one hilarious cycle of ignorant screaming and flip-flopping.

Youre trying too hard

>How can a game that isn't out be bad?

A game can look like shit before release, genius. Stop replying to yourself.

Fuck off Pesmerga

When Nomura-kun decided to call anyone who defends XV as XV-kun.

Mostly just asking because it seems like your saying the game needs the player to press a button for actions to happen and the game to progress.
Over just pressing a button and waiting till the next prompt. Like a VN.

Can I just wait till the game comes out and play it?

Sup Forums

looks fun


Question, would removing Crush opening attacks make the combat faster?

Lets be real here only FFXV-kun would defend shit like this.

Just XV-kun arguing with himself as usual.

Yes Ive put a few hours into the plat demo and enjoyed it

Im sorry that you dont like the things I do

Both demos have been a disappointment. Most games don't even get the luxury of one demo, these days. FFXV's combat seems completely overshadowed by that of Nier Automata, for one example - Type-0, Kingdom Hearts both have better combat as well, FFXV is disappointingly bad in comparison. Can't judge the characters or the plot yet, naturally, but everything else I've seen so far has been rather bad.