I just tried the demo for DOOM on my PC because its still kinda expensive for my Serbian salary

I just tried the demo for DOOM on my PC because its still kinda expensive for my Serbian salary.
Do i have shit tastes or is the game just kinda meh.
Most of what you do is hold W and run around in circles while shooting monsters so they cant hit you.
And mash executions.
Which get tedious fast.

Maybe i am just tired of shooters.
Or maybe i am plying it wrong.

>Most of what you do is hold W and run around in circles while shooting monsters so they cant hit you
that's just because of bad map design, it's not you or the shooter's fault

That's because Nudoom is utter garbage. Just play actual Doom with wads, it's more fun and free.

What they should have done is make executions happen automatically and take up no time, then use the melee button for dashing and make that one rune give increase dash distance instead of execution range.

IT's fun on Nightmare. Other settings don't punish you enough for doing melee kills, and the AI is too stupid to punish you without increases in their damage.

However, the later levels have a very vertical aspect to them with jump pads and double jumping, and it's actually quite fun.

this is what I wrote in the other thread and got buttblasted fanbois telling me I'm lying

no, your taste is fine. The first weeks after the release just resulted tons of legit shills to invade the Internet.

for almost a month now I've been saying that D44M is overhyped and rated mediocre shit.

Thanks to consoles being unable to show more than a dozen 3D enemies on screen at once, they limited almost alm combat to those endless lock down "combat arena" rooms. Glory Kills and HP-Pinata enemies are just idiotic, pacing ruining, and difficulty + exploration killers. All weapons suck ass and can barely hold any ammo. .. unless you spend tons of time in those tacked on RPG elements. Amd as if that wasn't enough, there's also fuckin FP PLATFORMING, and no matter what shills say, tons of cinematic shit

Increasing damage is a shitty way to do difficulty and should never be defended.

what they should have done is make it more like a reaction shooter where you can kill the enemies pretty easily and the can kill you in two or three shots with high accuracy so that just walking in circles isn't all you have to do to dodge them

Who said it was good? It's just the way you make this game worth playing; a way to make the mechanics they've implemented meaningful.

what they should do is greatly reduce the number and frequency of the combat rooms, and have more enemies roaming the maps. Also ditch the modern cancer, like upgrade trees, and design actual secrets that you both don't just walk into, but also provide you SUPPLIES, not some pointless "collectibles".

I dont care what jaded nostalgiafags say, I think the game is fantastic. You may say my taste is shit but at least I enjoy the hobby instead of complaining endlessly about every game that comes out.

fuck off shill

evenI enjoy my hobby (& job), but I hate the wsy people are trying to make the nu-Duum somehow be a groundbreaking or "true to its roots" kind of game. The game just gets more and more tedious towards the end, and it's painfully clear that Bethfucks just had to fish those consolitis bucks and downgrade the whole concept of Doom, all while trying to cheaply compensate this with online memes.

What they should do is improve the music, it's fucking shit

nah it's great, but they really should've used a later level for the demo

Igra je dosadna i pokušali su da vrate quakelike pucačine ali nisu uspeli, valjda će Bethesdin Quake uspeti

How come you cucks never made a Kebab Removal FPS?

It's the only way you make shooters more difficult besides increasing enemy count, health, or giving them aimbot.

>Most of what you do is hold W and run around in circles while shooting monsters so they cant hit you.
>And mash executions.
>Which get tedious fast.

This sounds exactly like Serious Sam 3, executions and all.

It really isn't; I mean I do realize no developer would actually bother modifying the enemies' AI based on the difficulty setting but in an ideal world enemies would actually get smarter and thus harder to kill on higher difficulties.

Game is great, first level is way to short though, they should fire whoever decided providing a single fucking level as a demo was a good idea, instead of 2 or 3 levels. And the whole marketing team while you're at it.

If you can't afford just wait for the crack, last time I checked it was progressing alright, it's just a matter of time.

There's basically 3 levels of shooter AI.

Retarded. Pop goes the Weasel. Too hard. A shooter is where one guy goes around killing hundreds of enemies, if they are actually smart like us they're too fucking hard to fight because one guy can't actually kill hundreds of enemies on his own.

Look at FEAR. Enemies there can still best be surmised as Pop Goes the Weasel + flanking. They're still really dumb, they're just scripted to be more dynamic. If they found like real humans did you'd die every time you didn't use slowmo.