Sup Forums constantly complains about hand holding

>Sup Forums constantly complains about hand holding
>BOTW literally wakes up Link and sets him loose with next to no information without so much as a cutscene, exactly like classic Zelda

Where were you when Nintendo saved video games

Game sucks, enjoy your gobbling Nintendrone

>thinking that Sup Forums will ever admit to being wrong after shitting on Nintendo for months
>thinking Sup Forums will admit to liking something that is popular and liked by reddit

Okay, this only means that it might be good. Not that its already good. It could still fuck up in other ways you oblivious turd.

>the game's garbage that would have been outdated even as far back as 2005
>b-but it doesn't have a tutorial so it's good!
Why are Nintendrones this retarded?I see the NIDF is pulling out all the stops. kek

Yep, I'm excited but pessimistically expecting tutorials

>Thinking Nintendo is savvy enough to hire shills

Nintendrones like meself will gladly do all the work for free

You mean saved Zelda.

I don't see how going back to its traditions somehow save video games.
Fucking nintendrone mindset.

Guess you missed the constant Navi-style handholding where the voice in Link's head keeps pointing out where he should go.

Sup Forums doesn't have a problem with that

It's the shit graphics/performance and high potential for emptiness and tedium that Sup Forums is worried about.

wow, so it does something it did 30 years ago and should've continued doing.... brava, Nintendo. brava.

in reality nintendo makes games primarilt for kids and families. this zelda will be no different. even in the E3 gameplay every step had a tutorial.
it will most likely have a marker telling you where to go,

I can't think of a single thing BOTW is doing that past Zelda games haven't already done in some capacity. well, maybe the bullet time/horse dodging trees.

> Owning a Wii U

I guess when BOTW releases you will have TWO decent games for the system(other one being bayonetta 2)...such great library of games Nintendo!

I don't get it. Did people qctually watch the gameplay videos? There was something to do every five steps. Something to collect, an animal to hunt, enemy bases, hidden things. Final game will also have NPC and towns.

Looks like someone didn't get Bayonetta 2 in your beloved console :(

>he hasn't played splatoon

I honestly can't see doing any of those things more than once or twice. the "hunting" looks painfully boring. and you'll probably just be able to buy potions, etc. so the cooking will probably be largely pointless. did they even say if there's a point to going shirtless in the snow? if there is none then eating peppers is meaningless. I saw two cold meter things, so maybe it gets colder in some areas? but even at two just wearing the tunic seemed like it negated it just fine. and even then, I'm sure you'll be able to buy/find warmer clothes. meh. looks like a lot of neat ideas, but poorly implemented, like most zeldas (especially SS)

makes me sad when I realize if they didn't focus so much on such a massive, detailed map, we'd probably be playing this right now, and with much more polished mechanics that have weight/impact.

I don't see the appeal of fuckhuge maps. RDR was agonizingly boring.

Changing clothes to accommodate environment seems boring as fuck to me anyway. Red Set prevents fire, Blue set for underwater, etc, was enough for me.

Is there more to do than collecting shiny shit off the ground, or killing copy-pasted animals? Gliding will get old, once you do it off the top of death mountain once you'll be over it, same with shieldboarding.

Waa waa it's too complicated

I guess we'll know when the game fucking comes out, won't we?

Its not complicated, its just not interesting.

Both Bayonetta's are cluster fucks that suffer from too much style instead of any real substance, a terrible, terrible control scheme, and an oppressive amount of long, boring cutscenes.

And you know this.

>and with much more polished mechanics that have weight/impact.
Like what?

Well he already said there is lots to do, and there isn't.

Progressing in the game?

With this mindset, any game will get boring after you've experienced the cool stuff once.

And the new Zelda doesnt seem to have much so it will be even faster.

He said something to do every five steps, don't just pick up random posts and reply without reading.

Only on Sup Forums will you find people unironically complaining about exhausting a game's content as a negative aspect.

Anyone who has more negative shit to say about BotW than good aren't the kind of people you want to be holding a legitimate discussion with in the first place.

>this game I never played sucks
Sonyggers are great

I do actually.
They are a company that has been making products for over a hundred years now.
You can't tell me they haven't hired shills before.

With the absolute clusterfuck that Miiverse is, do you REALLY think that Nintendo has any clue how to use social networking and marketing at all, let alone enough to know that they can hire a shill, or beyond that, even be able to coordinate shilling at all?


The western branch of Nintendo isn't just for show.

They know how to shill. they just don't shill to a audience they know won't buy their product. Such as yourself.

>such as yourself

Oh boy, guys somebody help me with this one

That's been their tag line with every single game for the past 5 years, and it's never been true.

>our game is hardcore! not unlike those casual sony movies!

Yeah, right. I'll believe it when I play it.

>Oh boy, guys somebody help me with this one
Why? Because you don't actually have anything to say to back up or denounce anything I said. So you are now pleading for someone either more intelligent that could find some way to spin a false idea or someone far stupider than you to just plane speak like a moron?

The last starfox literaly had an invincible mode

It's nintendo, they never fucking learn

Nah man.

Because "muh mature gamers such as myself"

And assuming that I don't purchase Nintendo products because it suits your apparent agenda. Nice little world you must have there.

You're throwing around words and acting all tough and smart on the internet. Good for you, dude. Have a cookie.

Remember the forced gyro and gamepad usage from Zero? Guess what? They are not here in Zelda anymore, but they were on the Game Awards 2014 footage. They certainly never learn XD