Which is the bet souls game? Including Bloodborne, not including souls-like's obviously

Whichever you prefer.

I'm looking for an argument, I came here to start a fight, for gods sake this is Sup Forums! This is Sup Forums, what happened to the verbal violence?

Fuck you faggot

Ninja Gaiden

they are all pretty bad especially 3
>70 dollars for game that you can beat in under an hour


The people that beat the game in under an hour are probably speed runners. How does this make the game bad?

>Dark Souls
Best world.
Best Lore.

>Dark Souls II
Best build variety.
Best DLC for now.

>Dark Souls III
Best music.
Best lore.

Best at being good at just about everything tbqh.

Literally anyone can run passed the standard enemies and summon for bosses

>including bloodborne
>not including souls-likes

>Payed $70 for a game so others could beat it for him
Only yourself to blame for being shit m8.

well you don't even need to summon you can just run past everything and the bosses give you enough souls to not be underpowered


You've never actually played dark souls have you?

So what you're telling me is that when you bought the game, you beat the entire thing on your first playthrough in less than an hour by running past every regular enemy and going straight to the bosses. Like, for the entire thing?

Bloodborne and is not even close.

Bloodborne probably has the least huge flaws, but if you don't like the aesthetic then you'll find it to be dull as shit.

This unironically is bretty gud

good job following the rules

>He didn't beat the game so fast time itself got warped and sent you to the near past so you could do it again ad infinitum.

Git gud user, seriously.

I put the least hours in 3

I might be burnt out on the series, but im glad they arent making more

I feel a little burnt out as well, after three I got two, the one, and they're just not as fun anymore, since parrying is easy now and nothing can surprise me

OP here, forgot to add that Demon's Souls counts as well

Which souls game has the best girls?

Awkward moment when you decide to do a Spear and Fist run in Demon Souls 1, forgoing the use of a shield and coming to realize just how reliant on the shield you became.

3, without a doubt.

rhea is pretty underrated

All I need is a Caestus/Parrying dagger

>DaS2 is best.
>Soul Memory is better than the shit-show that is DaS3's MM.
>Adaptability was a good idea that added mechanical weight to rolling.
>Bosses that had multiple enemies were the most fun in the series.

>weaker pvp mechanics
>lore completely ripped off of one of lovecrafts books
>so uninteresting that Miyazaki himself didn't want to invest in it
>easy parry mode
>shitty weapons (though "creative")

Bloodborne is a piece of shit

As far as game mechanics go, dark souls 2 was the best by far (with a few flukes such as ADP)
However, the PvE in dark souls 2 was actual shit
The other three games are the exact opposite, so just pick your favorite

Are you kidding me? DS2 is shit
>The ADP stat is basically worthless, I played through without even looking at it once until the Gulch, and rolling worked just fine in DS1
Soul memory is great though
>Gank bosses are the worst

>want to make samehrai warrior girl type
>suddenly remembered the mad warrior grind on the bellfuck

I just want a samurai armor without that RNG bullshit for God's sake.

Use Sir Alonne's armor?

I'm not into the DLC just yet and I'm getting impatient. Also takes almost the same effort acquiring those.

>Also takes almost the same effort acquiring those.
Does it?

You can get a lot of the pieces of the Mad Warrior set on the way to Sir Alonne too, but I've never done the bell tower grind for them.

Dark Souls II is just not the right game for Samurai build in Playthrough 1. It gets developed too slow. I tried that for my first character, too, and ended up regretting it.

I like you sir

You mean the prowler invasion? Yes you can acquire the set through them but chances are you are going to get duplicates or nothing at all.


>superior combat that does away with boring hide behind shield faggots
>aggressiveness is rewarded in form of health regains
>tons of cool weapons and outfits
>amazing grafix
>great artstyle
>some of the best bossfights
>hunter theme is just that much cooler

Yeah but I don't want to waste the character I made for it so I gotta keep it up. And for all the cloth armor or clothing on all the games there is nothing that resembles any kimono or hakama for a second samurai theme.

dark souls 2's biggest flaw was not equipping you with the proper tools like huge iframe windows and fast attack startups to tackle the large amount of mobs they throw at you

the game tried to be too ambitious on such shit hardware that the whole level design suffered for too. keep in mind that the whole entire direction of the game was changed mid development due to a switch in directors. I'm actually surprised the game came out as well as it did all things considered

bloodborne was dark souls 2 gameplay done right. it gave you the proper in-game tools to tackle on larger mob threats without being overwhelmed.

you can see a lot of the inspiration taken from bloodborne in dark souls 3 which can be found in the faster paced combat

but yea anyway

das3=bloodborne>des=das2>dark souls 1

>huge iframe windows and fast attack startups to tackle the large amount of mobs they throw at you
You don't need either of those things to deal with what you fight though. DaS2 is oriented around positioning.

>bloodborne was dark souls 2 gameplay done right.
They're practically completely different games.

>dark souls 3
Was mediocre and unchallenging.

bb by a mile

Bloodborne because I really like the story/environment. DaS/Das3 if we're judging just by gameplay.

>he thinks das has better gameplay than bb

explain yourself you disgusting vermin

I find Dark Souls 1's music to be the best, although that's probably mostly due to having played it much more.

Dark Souls 1 also had the best thematic use of music. For instance, Ash Lake.
I think we can agree that the best final boss battle music is Gwyn's, just for the way it's used to convey feels in both Dark Souls 1 and 3.

Bloodborne, trick weapons are miles better than any other weapons in the other games. BB has many other advantages as well but that is the main thing to me

shadow tower abyss

I haven't even played Bloodborne and I'm starting to agree just from reading this thread

Dark souls 1.

>this guy

>You don't need either of those things to deal with what you fight though. DaS2 is oriented around positioning

except you do, bosses like the ruin sentinels and rooms with 10 enemies placed inside are NOT fun in dark souls 2
the player character simply isn't nimble enough to tackle these and the combat turns into you running away and fighting them one at a time

>Was mediocre and unchallenging.

well that's an opinion and could be due to the fact that its the third installment in the series thus making it easier
after playing all the soulsborne games blind with no summons, i found blood borne and das3 the hardest in the series

>They're practically completely different games.

yes they're completely different games, dark souls 2 combat is centered around the player character playing like a little bitch because you don't have the tools to tackle large amounts of mobs where as blood borne gives the player character tools to fight 10 enemies at once with it being extremely satisfying as well

Dark Souls 1 for me personally. everything is good in that game

>ruin sentinels
Probably the easiest boss in the game.

>10 enemies placed inside are NOT fun
Fighting anymore than 2-3 enemies means you fucked up and pulled too much shit.

>player character simply isn't nimble enough to tackle these
Yes they are.

>das3 the hardest in the series
How? You can roll so many times there's nothing dangerous in the game at all.

>dark souls 2 combat is centered around the player character playing like a little bitch
All I'm getting is that you either didn't play DaS2 and you're parroting shit you've heard, or you're terrible at it.