Who was the better Sassy Teen Rogue Daughteru, Neeshka or Mission?
Other rogues may apply but ONLY if they are literal rogues and sassy punks.
Who was the better Sassy Teen Rogue Daughteru, Neeshka or Mission?
Other rogues may apply but ONLY if they are literal rogues and sassy punks.
Come on, don't act like you never played Kotor or NWN2 Sup Forums. Choose your sneak attacking girl.
BOTH were my waifu and there's no stopping me.
Posting the only good rogue from a BioWare game
fuck bioware for gutting her character
Mission. They should have let you marry her.
>choose your favourite "whiner who you drop as soon as other party members show up" girl
No combat ability, no morals, replacable utility (you know what's good at foiling traps? FUCKING BEARS), fuck that.
>no combat ability
It's funny that I keep reading this shit for both characters, even in guides. People REALLY had no idea what Sneak Attack did, did they? Literally tell your rogue to move to the other side of the enemy at the start of the battle, and let her autopilot from that position. Sneak Attack damage on every attack, murders with dual-wielding.
>giga slut
ha, no
This is not allowed. She's a DAUGHTERU.
I never played DA2 sorry
This. Anyone who's played D&D (or any roll20 system desu) should know that backstabs for sneak attacks are fucking ridiculous, especially when dual-wielding or using 2h high-damage weapons.
mission because she's actually a cutie. Tieflings are for tryhard edgelord sasuke-lovin fuccbois
>build Scoundrel in KotOR with a large amount of levels in the class before letting plot force me to Jedi
>absolutely SHIT out damage, double-team literally everyone with Mission on the other side of them, then get jedi powers that mass-disable everything so every attack's a Sneak Attack no matter what
My favorite times.
Too bad about all the shit that's arbitrarily immune to SA in NWN2 though. RIP Neeshka.
I think we've come full circle on demon-blooded PCs Tbh. It's so common to avoid or subvert it that they're fresh again.
Mission has an ASS
someone post it
I know about sneak attacks a lot
I also know sneak attack does literally jackshit to half the enemies in the game given it loves throwing undeads, elementals, constructs and generally crit immune enemies at you
>waifuing demons and aliens
>waifuing THIEF demons and aliens
Absolutely Neeshka. I'm embarrassed to admit I had to install a romance pack like some degenerate Skyrim modder just to go on living.
Wish I could mod that out of NWN2. KotOR games didn't suffer from that shit and did just fine. It doesn't even make SENSE for undead and constructs, they have structure to them and therefore some parts of their body should be weak points.
It's not like a d6 hit die melee class has a good time in most fights anyway.