What comes to your mind when you look at this promotional image for Watch Dogs 2?

What comes to your mind when you look at this promotional image for Watch Dogs 2?

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pandering to the wrong audience


Political correctness.

Why the fuck is he giving the finger to the robot?

What the fuck is that robot anyways? Fucking R2-DINDU?

They think Black Lives Matter have time to play games instead of burning up convenience stores.

>that notebook with "hacker XD" stickers and shit

man oh man I laughed so fucking hard

Saints Row 5, the new generation.

Absolutely shit fashion style. Except for the one on the left. This one is pretty cool

Focus testing group
design by committee
Trend hopping
Jet set radio except shit tier

A retarded nu-punk "fuck the system, and you too mom and dad!" aesthetic that I thought was dead years ago.


>it's a Sup Forums episode
cuck and trump meemees inbound.


its going to piss off stormweenies

>Girl with headscarf
Gee, I wonder what her character is going to be like

not interested in playing a black dude. pass.

Makes Trump and Clinton supporters buttmad, so that's good.


>cop block
>Monster Energy Drink

Probably could think of more, but whatevs.

>What comes to your mind when you look at this promotional image for Watch Dogs 2?+ 0 post omitted.
Honestly it looks ridiculous and I'm happy for it

Watch Dogs' biggest weakness was how pofaced it was, that game never wanted to have fun.

fuck the system my man, i'm a cool hacker my dude, anarchy and stuff my bro, yeah fuck you, fuck everyone, statue of liberty hacked

A guy is wearing a mask with light up emoji eyes and you pick on the other stuff first?

I find it amusing that the graphics we've seen from this game are already for worse than the Watch Dogs demo from 2012, and this one hasn't even had its inevitable downgrade yet.

to be honest the main character being black doesn't bother me. It's going to be the side characters and all the other sjw shit that will kill it.

Besides that, I really feel like Watch Dogs 1 could have been an amazing game. It had all the ingredients, but couldn't put it together. Here's hoping the second works out the kinks

>legs exposed

>Hakorz r towts kewl 2bqh pham.

Honesty it looks like it's just pandering to hipsters that thinks knowing how to install antivirus software makes them a computer genius.

They're being inclusive about cultures they don't understand at all
Look at the muslim girl, she's showing off her legs which completely defeats the purpose of the scarf on her head. They just slapped it on the generic girl model, "ok here's our muslim character" and called it a day

'Sticking it to the man' with just the right fashion and your expensive phone.
Corny as fuck.

It absolutely does over here

i want to play as anyone but the guy in front

Exploding vans

emoji eyes guy is cool though

1990s pandering to MTV kids.

It's hilarious.


Isn't it hot as hell in California. Why are they dressed like its cold?

Doesn't feel too long ago people cared about the quality of the game instead of who it panders to.

I can't believe more and more developers bow to those spineless human beings.

>it's a everybody who doesn't share my opinion is from Sup Forums episode



looks worse than wd1

im curious whether it will sell or not

Tony Hawk's American Hackland.

>dude free shit lmao

this render

Saints Row: Unironic edition
Now with 70% less fun

at least they're trying

I know this isn't going to happen because the game has a "fuck the man" vibe, but I hope at the end of the game you do more harm than good.


Pleasing the Tumblr crowd to stop them complaining, even though they didn't want to play it in the first place.

lost potential


i think the funnier part is she has the smallest hotpants ever made

>Short shorts
Not sure if haram or not

It's brilliant, remember Hackers and how it didn't even try to be accurate and instead went for as much fun as possible

It's that design

Don't lose hope that probably will be in the game
Not intentionally though

Clearly i am not the target market. Thats all i can think bout this game

Watch dogs



young adult fantasy

the paralell's between sjw's and you guys are amazing.

the meme is true.

>went for as much fun as possible
yeah, im hyped for 15-20 hours of boring cover shooting

Trump and Clinton are the presumptive nominees of their respective parties, kid. No one cares about Sanders anymore.

It looks hilarious
I can't wait to see Ubisoft try to be cool and down with the kids
10/10 will pirate on youtube

probably this

I'm Donte the demon hacker! Has a nice ring to it don't you think!

deep anal massage

a modern western take on a tokusatsu show that will broadcast on cartoon network.



No one except you, evidently.

I work as an Information Security Analyst in my companies Information Security dept, none of us look remotely close to these le dank script kiddies.

It's 2016 user, Raishma is a strong independent woman

Utterly out of touch

chicken legs on the left

"We want Jet Set Radio Future to appeal to today's gamers"

They would literally stone the muslim girl to death in the middle east for dressing like that.

I don't even care that they made the characters look like the cringy characters from hacker movies of days gone, I care that it's the same fucking shit. You expect me to believe this sheltered nerdy as fuck silicon valley black kid has fucking spec ops level gunplay and physical ability? It should've been more of a stealth game. This is only one reason the original watch dogs was shit. This game will also be shit. Ubi can't do a single thing right.

>now realism comes into play

Sup Forums asshurt

wet fantasy of liberals

They'd first take turns raping her for several hours.


A bunch of corporate stooges looking at the front page of popular repost sites like imgur and 9gag and creating personas based on the content and quality of posts. Basically a, "what sort of people browse these sites?"

Then they have to use the feelings-safe brand character design so nobody gets offended by the lack of representation while giving them outfits that look like some shit right out of back to the future 2, combined with le ebin nerd culture, with a heaping spoonful of modern anarchy. Trust fund kiddie white picket fence anarchy that can afford hot topic skinny jeans at full price, not the actual kind of people you'd find at initiation. Basically the exact same shit from Infamous: Second Son

The only way anyone reasonable could stomach these characters is if they go full ham.

A game that doesn't know if it wants to be as serious as a GTA IV/V or as campy and zany as a Saints Row.

Then you're simply not trying hard enough.Now go to Hot Topic or wherever it is kids these days buy their shit and get yourself a uniform.

strong, independent, progressive woman and muslim are literally antithetical, why are they trying to put them together

Which one is the transgender one?
Anyway i like the one next to r2d2
Aside from that, i think i like the idea of playing as a nigguh in a nigguh city since not many games do that. Still, I'll be neutral towards it till the actual game comes out. If it's well written and more fun than the first one, I'm game

I can see it being like the end of DmC where you have no indicators that you did a good thing other than all the characters telling you that you did a good thing.


Hang niggers

go to and let them pick your new look

Let's see.

>edge lord
>token black guy
>geeky white guy

Are Ubisoft writers the kings of stereotypes? They claim to be progressive, but this is arguably worse than the Sup Forums Doom wad.


Those clothes are definitely Californian. You see how the black guy is wearing a jacket, a shirt, and a shirt underneath? Guaranteed you cannot wear that in winters elsewhere. Coldest it gets in SoCal is 60 degrees. Don't be fooled by how warm the clothes look.

I like how they dropped out instead of running against them

It's called the regressive left.

It's stupid,but better than the dull bullshit they went with for the first game. At least this game seems to have some sort of personality,even if it is kind of a shit one.

Honestly I'm getting the same vibes as the Sunset Overdrive trailers, like it would've been cool during the time when Nerf commercials had epic metal riffs and extreme sports were vying for more mainstream attention for their dedicated athletes. The whole thing just looks really fucking passé, it's definitely trying too hard

That they're gonna make the white kid in the back betray the rest of the crew to push forward that whites our evil. Calling it now