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Sonic twitter man is a hero.

what did he mean by this?

Hey you blue fuck, you still owe me 60 Dollars for that giant shit you took 10 years ago.

They have made shit games but at least those shit games weren't made from money that fans gave them

Sick bantz.
Now announce the 25th anniversary game.

you got fooled by the blue armed bandit

They didn't have a single programmer in the studio.

They didn't use version control.

They passed around files on usb sticks


He makes me want sega to come back. I want my 90's sega bantz back

Really !!

And what has SEGA been able to brag about lately?

I'm a friend of one of the poor assholes working there.

They used Unreal Engine and did the entire thing in fucking Blueprint. As a programmer myself this is absolutely insanity to me and I called him out on it. He pulled out a USB stick and proved it to me.

Japanese are fucking retarded

They didn't make MN9

Sonic definitely isn't one to talk about shit games but that account is so good I'll let it slide.

Nice proof (lie)

nigga I'm sure it'll get out one way or the other, fuck off

That guy's pretty good at his job. Memey enough to please the teens without being too obnoxious about it.

He's also not afraid of being "savage", as you kids call it.

I have to wonder, does he REALLY get paid to shitpost on twitter?

It worked though. That's the coolest Sonic has ever been in a while, objectively speaking. Guy deserves a raise.

He's the brand manager for Sonic at SoA. He does other things, but shitposting is the most notable/fun.

Took me a bit to figure out what Digiorno's joke was. Clever.

I really can't tell whether people in this place know what this word even means anymore

Before people go on the "well your games still suck" route, Aaron's not afraid of pointing out the obvious bad Sonic games. He's well aware and uses the Sonic twitter to joke about them and their badness.

Yes, the man can be considered a professional shitposter.

He should write all of sonic's dialogue for the anniversary game.

>being an actual meme snob
Shut the fuck up nerd


Alien Isolation, Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza, Atlus stuff

I used it correctly. Can you deny Twitter Sonic is the most hip? Against all the shit games he's had lately?

I honestly can't believe SEGA hasn't realized what this guy is doing. Yeah it's funny for our 'meme magic' but it's incredibly unprofessional.

Pretty ballsy for someone who hasn't had a good game in five years.

Sonic twitter
>Yeah Big the Cat and 06 sucked, we know

>Mighty No. 9
>It's better than nothing

do people really not see the difference and how these things are handled

They're better than nothing.


You're assuming that they haven't. This twitter account is really good publicity for them.

Yeah sega would never ever act unprofessional. And they certainly wouldn't completely market themselves as some sort of video game counter culture or anything.

There are several good Sonic games.
There are no good Mighty No. 9 games.

They know exactly what he's doing.

Remember kids, if you ever decide to make a game, you'll never make such a shit game that digiorno's fucking pizza shows up to make fun of you

there's nothing shitty about his posts, they are pure comedy gold.

more like mighty no. 2
ex dee

Tell them to make another game as good as Sonic Colors or Generations and maybe we'll start to care about this freaking MEME game series.

At least sonic boom didn't cost consumer money to make.

>MN9 made by Inti creates
>Bloodstained made by Inti
>Shante made by Inti

What makes you guys believe Bloodstained and Shantae won't be bad

Sonic is putting himself in a massive fucking glass house, yeah MN9 deserves it but if the next Sonic game sucks, he will be a massive punching bag for years

Pretty balsy for someone who stole a joke from another thread

He already shits on sonic games.

At the very least, Yooka-Laylee will be good.


Shantae is developed by WF, not Inti.

He shits on the infamous moments of the series but got defensive as fuck when GT said he needed to be put down

When will this stop?

inafune isn't involved.

*makes two of the worst games in the last ten years*

so you finna say that we wuz flopz n shiet?!?

t. MN9 backer

go back to your furchan


Phantasy Star Online 2 being one of the more successful MMOs, and lots of pachinko machines

Also live action Sonic movie with Sony, and anniversary stuff soon

But hey! Still better than nothing!

>implying SEGA made the bomb games
>implying MN9 isn't amongst those worst games

Because GT backtracked on generations which they gave a positive review on


Nice try cuck, I didn't touch this turd with a 10 foot pole

>sanic shitting on other bad games
Make a good game, you shitposting faggot. Stop playing on twitter and make a semi decent game, nigger.

But Japanese guys usually don't do that. They playtest their shit a lot. Kirby's Return to Dream Land went through 11 years of playtesting.

Hmm... all those games available for you to buy with that $5 monthly allowance, nice.

Generations was mediocre, people praised it when the series had been shit game after shit game and finally got something passable, boost to win is pretty shit gameplay when you actually take a hard look at it.
They were completely right

>MN9 developed by concept interns
>Bloodstained developed in house
>Gunvolt 2 developed in house
>Shantae developed by Way Forward and published by inti

Wow, great logic fuck face

People like you are why shitty safe car insurance commercials dominate tv today

There is only one Mighty No. 9 game.

more keke

Nice bait

That's an awfully specific example

>Sonic talking about bad game launches

Sonic Boom? Sonic 2006? Shut the fuck up Sonic.

>t. Sonicfag with no argument

This is truly the definition of glass house if anything.

Less than 24 Hours until the anniversary announcement. Will we have another Sonic cycle?

Honestly, he is the last character on the planet that should be shitposting about other games being shit.

It's literally the only commercials that play anymore besides baby boomer pill garbage

I think you mean what does Sonic Team have to brag about, which is nothing.

Sega is doing pretty well though.

Then why is it still Nippon only? I don't even care if they leave out the collaborations because of legal reasons, that stuff is usually dumb anyway.

Sonic Colors, Sonic 4, Unleashed, Rush Adventure and All star racing were the games released before so it wasn't a shit after shit release.

It's actually hard to maintain a boost for the entire stage so I don't see how it's boost to win

Also the GT tweet said that it was the mission mode that made it bad not the gameplay

At least you tried

>There are several good Sonic games
Yeah, about 4. And they all came out in the 90s.

>I'm a friend of one of the poor assholes working there

My dad works at Comcept.

>UN Squadron

Insta SNES buy

>Calling somebody a sonicfag for liking the literally only 2 3D Sonic games that are loved by the public.

Try harder, baka faggot.

He better hope whatever they announce tomorrow isn't shit, or he's gonna look really dumb.

>all these MN9 backers trying to make Sonic seem like it's at the same level

They didn't make a shit game funded by fans, and told them that it was better than nothing.

Two of the four games you listed were shit.

That big the cat VN is hilarious.

Hah. How can you come with something like that?


Digiorno never references MN9. It's just comparing the photo of Sonic as "fresh-baked pizza" while the "other side" is the poorly photoshopped pizzas on the right side of the image.

sorry to ruin the magic.


Not really a MN9 backer or fan but Inafune has a better record than whoever the fuck is behind Sonic at the very least.

It literally is.

>Sonic 06
>shadow the edgehog

If it were almost any other popular character shitting on MN9 it would be a good burn.

>Sonic 4 and Unleashed which were fucking garbage
>Colors that was okay
>Rush Adventure that no one played
>Listing a fucking kart racer to pad out the shitlist
Yeah no
>It's actually hard to maintain a boost for the entire stage
You get fucking handed boost every time you hit an enemy, it's pretty hard to actually have an empty bar for over 15 seconds
>Also the GT tweet said that it was the mission mode that made it bad not the gameplay
That was just a shit comeback
>Still no argument

>Amy Rose
>Not likable

Fuck off

Sanic 4 was literal garbage, and the werehog levels of Unleashed ruined what could have been a good game.