>Overwatch removed the ability to avoid players because the top ranked Widowmaker was blocked by so many people that his queue times were long as fuck.
>Overwatch removed the ability to avoid players because the top ranked Widowmaker was blocked by so many people that his queue times were long as fuck.
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I think people blocked me too since my queues used to reach 5 minutes.
Is she the most dangerous character?
Retardet to let gazzilions suffer so one autist can play.
Deal with it. Its casual money milking game not a skill based game.
I guess this was before patch so why wouldn't you block someone exploiting a broken character?
>make fun game with fun characters
>ruin it by adding a retarded, boring sniper that also happens to be ridiculously overpowered because she has none of the usual sniper weaknesses
good job blizzard
also probably an aimbotter
i block literally every widowmaker player
the hero is infuriating
i dont care if you can aim. i'm more annoyed that you mash 50 damage bodyshots on me constantly after you fuck up 30 shots.
fuck off, really
She's dangerous for my dick.
What the fuck, if you block someone then you'll never play a game against or with them ever again? That's so fucking stupid.
who care's about this retarded ass game anyways?
I'd enjoy that but for the exact opposite of OP's post.
I'd keep away from all the shitters and squeakers
Who fucking cares about this meme-game, it's the FPS equivalent of Smash Brothers. It's for all these normie ex-moba players that never played TF2.
Easily the most shallow thing Blizzard has ever put out.
They could fix the whole thing by just making it so you can't block people with MMR higher than you.
Obviously don't tell players that's whats happening though.
You get matched with blocked players all the time. OP is full of shit and a fag as usual
>using tf2 as an example of hardcore games
Truly the most casual of casuals.
>guy who always played only one hero
He deserved it 100%.
They removed the ability to avoid players because it wasn't working, it was being resetted every time you went back to the main screen.
I'd guess that they probably didn't find the source of the bug yet and then decided to hide the feature until they find it.
She's still pretty broken post patch. All her "nerf" really did was make Zenyatta survive her bodyshot.
Which doesnt mean a lot because headshotting is piss easy in this game.
>For all its complexity, the system sometimes goes sideways. He explained how Blizzard decided to turn off the “Avoid this player” option after “one of the best Widowmaker players in the world” complained that he had to wait excessively long times to get into matches. It came to light that hundreds of players were avoiding him, not because he was a jerk but because he was so good—kind of like Geguri—and so it was taking a long time to find him a match. And when it did, he was often placed against lower-skill players, because the system had “opened up” to a wider range of possible opponents.
I'm genuinely surpirsed they bent to the will of one guy and fucked the other 99.999% of players.
>i got blocked because i am so good
More like you got blocked because everyone blocks this boring no-fun character.
This would make dota the best game ever
If I had known you could block people I would've blocked every McCree player I've come across
It's almost definitely not just one guy though, there's going to be others affected by this.
Seems unfair to screw over legit players because retards are abusing the system.
>obvious aimbots all over SEA region
>can't avoid them now
well done blizzard
Any developer who has half a braincell would do the same.
It's an actual slippery slope problem. Sure, one guy getting excessive wait times from being too good at the game isn't a big deal, but there is no logical reason this is an isolated issue. Butthurts aren't going to limit the I MUST BLOCK ANYONE WHO KILLS ME to one person. Then you have sizable portion of the playerbase blocking everyone till only the people they can beat easily are left.
That's the kind of BS you put a stop to before people notice it enough to become alienated.
Overwatch has a lot of cancerous characters, I can easily see why people would avoid mains of said characters.
Plus hackers really have been on the rise, a complete lack of any sort of vote kick system will make the game hell.
Votekick would be nice so I could remove every single Genji player who contributes nothing.
go play halo you little bitch
Imagine a game where people didn't go D.va
>not allowed to avoid faggots who camp every game with the retarded wallhack 1hko sniper anymore
>not allowed to avoid the actual aimbotters who are blatantly hacking in kill cams and potg
>not allowed to avoid autistic saltlords who spam chat and are also terrible
Totally unsurprising actually. This is Blizzard we are talking about.
How is the game already so dead that it cannot find players you haven't played against yet?
Let me guess: you "main" a class that is hard countered by snipers.
>I'm genuinely surpirsed they bent to the will of one guy and fucked the other 99.999% of players.
It's an illustrative anecdote, not the sole reason.
Well currently in overwatch, thats every class.
Only widowmaker truly counters widowmaker.
Bawwhaww, that mean Widowmaker player kills me every time I try to play muh high skill Pharah and levitate in the air in one spot like a retard.
pls nerf Widowmaker :(
It's one of the few characters in the game that require for the player to actually aim and not just shit projectiles everywhere for tacticool "map control".
Some players do not get that getting good at the game and learning to defeat seemingly impossible odds is fun. They just want to have fun, but if you are a scrub you are just gonna end up frustrated.
Solo queue is pretty frustrating in it's self, though.
D.Va is fine.
As long as you have a real tank.
Why aren't you jumping on her and giving her the monkey dick?
why do snipers even exist
>When you can't enjoy the real widowmaker as you enjoy the cosplayers, because the real widowmaker has a broken spine
One job blizz. One job.
Not excited about that change. I always avoid players who fuck up team composition or refuse to switch heroes, even if their choice makes no damn sense.
>"We need a healer."
>"thn u play one"
>"I'm the only tank on the team"
>"lol who cares, its just a gaem bro"
Yes, it's a game. And getting curb-stomped because you have either no sustain or no front-line is a waste of time.
Can't wait for competetive so shitters like that get banished to low-MMR-hell where they spend all eternity with people like themselves until they rage-quit the game and shit up some other community.
Because he only plays a single class and is butthurt that it can be countered.
There is nothing D.va can do better than winston.
Not a god damn thing.
>Actually requires aim
Not really, her damage and attack speed are so retarded that you could miss 90% of your shots and still be effective.
People abused it to not get MMd against better players.
Even this very thread is full of shitters that are too retarded to just counterpick.
I actually think its more effective to spam with Hanzo and Widowmaker than it is to carefully aim.
Although, they also didn't mention this widowmaker's strategy. If he's supposed to be one of the best and he shuts you down just outside of your spawn, then that's just not fun... And if he's the best he'll likely out snipe you if you try to counter...
Though he could be much nicer than that... I just know that a real good widowmaker can be REAL annoying, but I always try to deal... But the ones that are super good at spawn camping are straight up no fun, legit strategy or no it's just lame.
Next patch, her ult announce sound will be global instead of the quiet whisper it is now.
>D.Va is fine.
Does anybody actually believe that a hitscan sniper with a wallhack and extreme mobility is a good fit for this type of game?
Ranked play will revolve around who has the best widowmaker, and I think that is extremely boring.
Better DPS on a single target only if they can land headshots most of the time
>tryhard complains because nobody wants to play with him
>feature removed
Glad I didn't waste money on this piece of shit game.
Blizzard caving into e-celebs is digusting. I remember when an e-celeb got unbanned from WoW after rampent cheating because his fans complained. Guess that esports audience is more important than actual players.
Well, the game is full of anti-widomaker tools.
Not good, fine; as in she isn't actively ruining my team by feeding the enemy team kills and wasting a slot.
Fuck Genji
Well you're lucky then, D.Va is a legit CP against Widow.
>reaper tbag'd me cause I sniped him
>shit on him till he quits
Pic related
other thread died as soon as I posted this
the broken spine makes her womb look huge, ready to take a big steamy load inside of it
I seriously doubt Comp match making will do anything to remedy this.
Especially considering Quickplay is supposed to be ranked.
>Takes 5 minutes to find a match when there are 10 million players
Is Blizzard lying about numbers? Or do they actually mean accounts made instead?
In what fucking world.
Proof? This sounds like the kind of anecdotal shit that people throw around, but that has a million other different reasons.
Like people believing they changed Tracer's pose because of SJWs or a single forum post, instead of it being a bad pose from an animation point-of-view, as well as ill-fitting for her character.
These changes take time and work and no big company would just do that on a whim if they didn't already see a large trend that'd warrant the change.
Because I'm the only tank or support in this shitfest of casuals that refuse to follow simple instructions.
Not in high elo dumbass. And it's a quote directly from Kaplan.
>Being a flat downgrade to another character
If you miss 90% of your shots while actively changing positions you're not really helping your team at all.
If you can constantly sit in one position and shoot more than a few rounds without getting killed you're playing against low skilled players in which case the game isin't being balanced around you.
No, the broken spine makes her look unhealthy, asi fi she's suffering from some nutritional deficiency that is literally warping her skeleton. I don't want unhealthy women.
>Sup Forums-video games
That's true, I'm just saying if you're playing against someone who is one of the top widowmakers you're not as likely to have those tools work for you, and they're not likely to switch away so even if you DO succeed she'll just be back and shutting you down in another spot...
He shouldn't be punished for it by people avoiding him, and he may not be as bad or hell, he could be worse, but unless you're in a pre-made and can co-ordinate, a real good player is often more of a nuisance and irritation than a challenge, as you watch your pubbie team mates charge into a killing field.
i honestly didnt know this shit was in the game
sounds like assfaggots garbage that shouldnt have been in in the first place.
>muh safe space
>muh toxic bullies
I want faggots to leave already
>Fly at widowmaker, have shield up
>She hookshots away
>She fills you with lead because both your charge and shield are on CD, and all you have is that shitty shotgun that sucks at 3feet+ to attack with.
yeh man Im with you having a shooter without a vote kick or some type of player management system is fine...
>when you can't enjoy the cosplayers as you enjoy the real widowmaker, because the real widowmaker has an amazing spine
One job blizz, and you did it well
Don't forget the giant critbox. Honestly even as Mercy I win 90% of the D.Va encounters even in 1v1 and if she's at full health. Not even sure what her role is supposed to be, because it sure as hell isn't tank.
yeah she isnt healthy. The blue skin should've tipped you off.
She is the kind of woman you lock in your basement and you just use for your sexual gratification. You dont care how the spine looks, if it makes her ass and womb look better you can just get more hard.
>Widowmaker SMG-mode
>against 400 points of armor
Not saying Winston doesn't outclass D.Va in most situations, but a D.Va that gets outtraded by a Widow needs to be checked for brain-damage.
>who are winston, phara, junkrat, genji, tracer, mcree, hanzo, roadhog ?
fucking hell you people must suck something awful at this game. its so easy and casual and fun yet in every thread there are a dozen idiots complaining about characters.
>Fly at widowmaker
That's where you fucked up.
You fly to a position where you can run at her, and then when she notices you and tries to hook, you are ready to fly again.
Meant to be Winston: Aiming Edition.
I think his point was that she can just zip away safely and unload into you in either SMG or rifle mode, whereas Winston has a little more staying power with his barrier and longer range weapon.
acshually the canon explanation is genetic engineering slowed down her metabolism, so she can be the coldest most heartless sniper capable of holding her breath for weeks. this for some reason turned her skin blue.
Oh shit, what have I become...
Fuck Overwatch, Blizz sucks dick, SJWs and jews and shit
D.va is slow
D.va's hitbox is huge
D.va's massive headshot hitbox is in the center of her model.
Any good player as any class vs d.va will make that 500 hp bar feel like a 200 hp bar.
A low skilled player can just randomly shoot at a chokepoint and be semi-effective as Widow.
A high skilled player just wipes entire teams in seconds if the entire enemy team doesn't change their composition JUST to counter one player.
Widowmaker's charge speed seriously needs to be doubled.
Its an AR you fuck, not only is it an AR, it does comparable damage to S76's with a higher clip.
>this game literally has a sniper that gets wall hacks that share with the entire team, can grapple to any position, has a short range smg, has a mine to cover blind spots, a rifle that charges in 1 second with negligible reload, 200 health which is more than some actual combat characters, and also every map is a hallway so you barely have to move at all to dominate
how did blizzard think this was ok? i cannot comprehend it.
How the fuck do these heroes counter widowmaker are you fucking retarded holy shit
The rest of the heroes you listed are good against her though.
>play on PS4
>no hackers
>just CoD shitters
>but you have to play with a fucking controller
I honestly don't know whether to feel elated or feel like shit.
>Countering Widowmaker
holy shit do you even play this game.
I liked how community was handled in LoL. You could rate your teammates in the end of the match with "good teamwork", "helpful", "honorable" etc and could aslo rate them with "doesn't communicate", "toxic attitude". And then the servers would match players based on their scores. Positive players were matched with positive players and negative players were matched with negative players. After they implemented that, my queue quality improved thousandfold. From that day forth I didn't see any instalockers, there were no edgy dudes fighting over who can play the latest cool champ. It was heaven.
I believe that Overwatch can benefit from this system.
yeah, that sounds really healthy
How come you don't dominate when you play Widow then?
Oh right it's because you're just spouting bullshit.
>but you have to play with a fucking controller
I'd rather play with hackers tbqh