
Rate Tracer's new skin


When are the new skins being released?

I could see Blizzard making parodies of those remodels for new skins.

Now that's an edgelord I could play as.

Sick fucking jacket.

>he actually feel for it

>I could see Blizzard making parodies of those remodels for new skins
And then get sued by the chinks. Now that would be fun to watch.


And no, there are new skins for characters as well as weapons being released. They implied it would be soon but never said when.


How did Adachi get out of prison?

Wouldn't it be funny if Blizzard actually put that skin in as a joke?

I'd love that.

I don't think that'll work. The whole reason they can so blatantly plagiarise Blizzard is because doesn't have much in the way of copyright law.

Looks like Reaper mixed with the Nostalgia Critic

>dat filename

That and the chinese court system will favor the chinese in any international legal battle, it's not really worth Blizzard's time

>Try to sue chinks from america:
>Have to open a lawsuit in china
>chinks are racist as fuck and their copyright laws are soft
>Waste a lot of money and get nothing

>Sue american company from china
>Open lawsuit in america
>Court system actually tries to be be fair to everyone and follow the laws
>American copyrights laws in america are joke thanks to Disney
>The chinks win the legal battle

Also pic related:
tl;dr: China is a hellhole and their only use to this world is be exploited in sweatshops. Otherwise the country should be walled off and observed while they destroy themselves.

Reminds me of chloe from life is strange

>he actualy fell for feel

Ah shit thanks for the pic I remember almost shitting myself in laughter while reading this. And the fact I was working in Singapore surrounded by chinese didn't help

Gold weapons release with competitive but it's not yet known how to get them, they may be season end rewards so an additional 3 months.
Skins are "this summer" so any time between now and the end of first comp season.


rate symmetra's new skin

I always assumed the Chinese were shit but now I have a reason to hate them

r8 Mei's new skin


That's fat, guys. Not thick.

I would

who is she?

Penny Brown I think?

Through a TV, stupid.


Why is her visor orange, when all her hard light bullshit is blue and white? It's clear she made all her own clothing


activision slavery is such a sad spectacle

"I reap them so you don't have to".
He sounds like a kill stealing fucktard.

Where's the bulge?

You missed a spot.

It's not the skin color that needs a change, it's her fucking potato nose.

what spot?

would you use this skin?

Make her blonde and you've got a deal.


Oh yea baby.

Symmetra should've been Irish.
still poo in loo but better


Now add a feminine dick.