All told, don't expect Battleborn to be a big contributor to Take-Two's bottom line this earnings season...

> All told, don't expect Battleborn to be a big contributor to Take-Two's bottom line this earnings season. At roughly 400,000 copies sold, realizing an average revenue of $35 per copy sold (considering the discount), Battleborn should contribute about $14 million to revenue by the time all is said and done. With weak numbers like this, it's questionable whether Battleborn was even profitable at all.
Take-Two undoubtedly expected more out of Battleborn. With Evolve eventually clocking in at roughly 1.5 million sales
>"Revenues are expected to be lower as compared with the first quarter 2015, driven primarily by our assumptions that revenue from Battleborn will not meet expectations." - Take Two 4Q earnings call

Even financial analysts are burying Battleborn. Is Gearbox finished?

>Is Gearbox finished?
All they need to do is make Borderlands 3 and they'll rake in the dosh.

>post yfw Gearbox has to spend millions on a dead game to make and deliver the promised DLC in the season pass

>Try to make new and boring characters for a game
>Don't make it Borderlands FPS DOTA

Fucking stupid.

this desu

>Spend millions on a dlc pass only like 10 people bought.
>Spend on resources to make microtransactions that will return a couple thousand at most

I wonder if they'll just make it f2p and bail out.


Not with these retards in charge

I refuse to believe they can get this idiotic...

Gearbox spent 90 millions making battleborn and employed 132 people.

Thus far they made approximately 14 millions dollars of revenue. That means a 76 millions loss over battleborn.

This is a really good news don't forget that gearbox is the conpany responsible for :

- Alien Colonial Marines
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Suing the Eduke 32 dev
- Suing Apogee for wanting to make a new duke game

Expect them to go bankrupt shortly. Thanks Overwatch

>Evolve eventually clocking in at roughly 1.5 million sales
>1.5 millions sales
What the fuck is wrong with people.

I don't think they'll go Bankrupt any time soon. Remember that they still have a publisher that can bail them out, as long as they can keep remaking the only successful formula they've ever made: Borderlands.

Also what happened to that Brothers in Arms reboot? Was it axed in favor of this bullshit?

I don't they didn't make any announcements yet.

If they don't go bankrupt we can at least hope they will be forced to sell their right over the Duke Nukem franchise so we can hope to see a great duke game again

Wait, AND they have Evolve?

Maybe it's not just Gearbox that needs to go, but Take-Two as a whole.

This exists btw

Does it have more ccu than Battleborn?

post your face when you didn't buy stillborn

This game bombed so fucking hard. Which idiot is responsible for the release date?

Good fuck gear box and that sheister, Randy



damn the character design is hideous