>best weapon in the game has the worst design
whats its name?
starting with the easy one here
Best weapon in the game has the worst design
>not the Great Fairy Sword
you fucked up
Gilded sword is sweet.
>gilded sword
>not great-tier
You should wash down that shit aftertaste you have going on OP.
all the daedric shit in every TES
>gold rajang waist is one of the greatest minmaxing pieces in the game
>doesn't look good with anything but gold rajang set
The best weapon in the game has a fucking awesome design though.
oblivion was alright if you liked to be an edgelord
with shivering isles, the best armor becomes that madness inspired one with the face which looks pretty great
>try to create a good mixed set for end game
>99% of them involves that ugly hairy yellow belt/skirt
Op, not only is that not a bad design, the great fairy sword is superior.
>implying vvardenfells daedric armor wasn't amazing
it's oblivion that decided that they should just look like generic fire and brimstone trash
That sword is wicked
fuck you that sword is tite
LOZ always has great best weapons tho
Ultima weapon from KH2
>not solus
So god damn stupid.
I have to admit it's been growing on me though.
that is the only ultima weapon from the KH series i like
>outclassed by Oblivion, Fenrir, UW
Combo Boost OP
they are around the same strength if I remember right
>best sword in the game is based off a dank meme
>the best looking weapon in the game takes an entire day to obtain, and only lasts 100 hits (it'll most likely break before getting to any worthwhile enemies)
I only like 1's.
what game is that?
exact same damage weapon that costs money instead of keys, for what purpose
>using combo boost when you can instead stack combo minus and explosion/finisher spam
youll cowards don't even smoke crack
2D Minecraft
>this piece of dick
probably my favorite sword in any vidya ever next unlaboured flawlessness
grinding it was such a bitch and beating sephiroth with it was very satisfying
That's good for mobs.
But not good for Solo bosses.
It's really whatever you are fighting at the time
I didn't have keys anyway
Reminds me of this work of art.
>so it's also like a partner to her the of touchest battles."
>joke weapons are the strongest in the game
hate that shit
I've always like the leather whip the best. I don't even understand the design choice behind upgrading the whip because even upon death you can upgrade it to the flail nearly instantly.
Is that Sonic and Shadow?
That's true
That's the best though.
you have no idea how hard flails hit, they're really fucking hardcore
>Sengoku Basara
Mah nigga.
I main Kenshin,
>Combos for days
Everything I could ever want
If I ever make a terraria ripoff I want to include this just for shits and giggles
It really is strange how the whip is supposedly the trademark weapon of Castlevania, but you're not really using a whip at all. It's a flail.
i like it in combination with fran
What's the edgiest weapon you have ever designed Sup Forums?
The Zodiac Spear looks nice, go fuck yourself.
It always bothered me that there's no fucking handle.
>that name
preddy gud, user
its inside that little gold rectangular guard at the bottom
why don't they have shoulders?
This thing is the greatest gun I've ever fired in a video game.
Spraying explosions at the Brotherhood of Steel, as their armror explodes into bits as each bullet connects.... fucking magical
SW Kenshin was here, SB Kenshin is an effeminate ladyboy.
but you dislike its design?
if not, then you missed the point of the thread
Dunmer physique.
Ishida reporting in.
>Pure Stanless Steel
If you were a dumbass teenager in a certain time, like i used to be, you and your friends probably thought up shit just as bad. Thats why this things always funny
thanks user
these ones aren't as clevery named but just as edgy
That's a cool design.
I liked Mitsunari for his combos.
But I used to play Kenshin (Frost) in Devil Kings, way back when, so when I heard Kenshin was coming back in SB3:Utage I instantly bought the damn thing so I can combos the world again.
I only played Mistunari when I didn't realize he was in SB3:Utage. I even used his Second costume to look more like Kenshin
Troy Baker will never do weeb shit ever again, feels bad.
Everytime I hear Troy Baker yell I can only hear Mistunari's unbridled rage towards Ieyasu.
Every god damn time
Yeah, Ishida is absolutely crazy once you get good with him. I broke my Y and B buttons on my 360 controller dashing with him and Zhou Tai in DW8. Fun times.
I'm starting to think all of the swords in Majora's Mask were retarded
Direction+/\ L1+Direction
Dash into dodge and repeat with Mitsunari
If you time it right it looks super cool
Could always be worse/better
he said best weapons user.
The Razor Sword was cool, too bad it was functionally worthless besides being a necessary step for getting a gilded sword.
>vengeful deity mask
please tell me that's just some deviantart user's idea
The first one is pretty cool desu
For nightmare it is
Damage till you drop
would you a Ranmaru Sup Forums
I probably would tbqh
Jesus bow would be instant top tier if it wasn't locked to this asshat. So by design it sucks you have to use takumeme
it's canon
>using minmaxing set
>not using the full set + jewels and charm to get better skill
I'm considering selling some of my valuable nes games just to buy this statue.
Beat me to it
Don't know if this is the best weapon in the game but fuck, is it hideous.
Are you sure Tetsuya Nomura didn't design this thing?
That's not the Ultima Weapon user. X-blade is still goofy as shit though.
It's objectively worse looking than both of the other MM swords. It's disgustingly gaudy.
Ebony mail is the best looking item in all of Skyrim. The dragon shit was highly disappointing though
I always hated how the Razor sword was practically pointless, even though it looked great and they used it for most advertising
Just a shitty design for Hyrule Warriors
This sword is awesome all around faggot
that's Ghirahim though.
Well, the Fierce Diety sword's design seems to be functional irl
Fierce Deity is like 7-8 feet tall in Majora's mask that sword is far too small.
Honestly, all the sword designs in the LoZ are pretty shit except for Master Sword of course and Ganondorf's huge sword.
The white one that he got stabbed with in TP? Yeah. I wanted that sword really bad
Maybe the sword is supposed to be a shortsword?
>Hyrule Warriors
>"Within the Zelda canon, there is the timeline, but there has always been the sense of the main story and kind of a side story. Like, Majora's Mask might be considered part of that, though it does exist as part of the timeline. With Hyrule Warriors, there is a link between the two, but it exists as a separate dimension, so it doesn't exist as part of the main canon."
It's funny because in the story it was literally made by an edgy nerd.
>HW is cannon.