Here have some autistic map analysis
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This word just makes me cringe now.
Game looks good though.
I wasn't sold on the game before E3. I'm pretty hyped now.
I'm getting PTSD imagining the twitch chat spamming "HYPE" and "RIP COD" anytime BF1 was on screen.
>Unironically cringing at 'hype'
Do something other than post on Sup Forums then, that's actually extremely sad of you to admit
i wanna put my pee pee in link poo poo
Anyone else feeling HEAVY SOTC vibes? I know they took inspiration from Princess Mononoke and the like, but the way the horse controls, the horse jump, climbing big monsters and a silent overworld really give me SOTC vibes.
>people are actually happy the map is this pointlessly huge
I'm very discouraged. Waiting to see what the NX is before I even consider myself interested.
Not only that, but they're glad music was sacrificed at the altar of pointlessly huge maps.
I really hope the physics based puzzles and dungeons make up for it.
same desu
>game won't be out for another nine months AT THE EARLIEST
Help me Sup Forums, I want to get off of Mr. Aonuma's wild ride.
This is some MGSV:TPP type of hype. I must stay away from these toxic threads if I wish not to be dissapointed again.
Even that skeleton hand can't wait to grab link's butt
In case anyone was wondering, pressing A while blocking is how you do a parry
>Generic Zelda game + Generic open world game
I'm really disappointed about the music. Zelda's OST is one of my favorite parts of the series and the single piano notes every now and then just doesn't cut it. Boss battles seem to have full themes at least, but what about the other 80% of the game?
Shrines have music so we can assume dungeons also will.
>Nintendo thanked Wii U owners who stuck with them through hard times by cucking them with the shitty version of Zelda.
Is there anything you retards don't cringe at?
Go outside
>this triggered by one comment
You underage twitchfags really should get out more.
Please shut the fuck up about the music already. Theres no overworld theme, but literally everything else still has music.
To my understanding the ambient piano notes are mainly for the overworld because it's too big and varied for a single overworld theme.
He's right though, you're a sad human being
>night bright as day
fuck this shit
Is there gonna be quick travel or is walking part of the outdoors experience? I mean the world looks fuck huge and you don't have giant robots to fly in.
If the snowy mountain in the picture is the same icy area they went to in the E3 footage that map is fucking tiny.
We all hear the discordant and sparse little chimes that qualify as """"""""""""music""""""""""" in the game so far. Not impressed.
That fucking downgrade.... might as wel have no grass mate...
There is fast travel
Re-read my post please.
The bit that says "Mt. Hylia" is the icy area. The E3 footage is the starting area.
>what is the moon
that's how night looks. you'd know this if you ever left your mom's basement.
It's not. The snowy area shown at E3 is roughly where Mt. Hylia is.
It clearly isn't
smog and bloom, the game!
>This is some MGSV:TPP type of hype
We're WAY ahead of you
I've got to admit, I've watched everything that's available to look at about the game.
It looks really bad. I don't understand why people are so excited for it. I've never really loved a Zelda that wasn't Wind Waker or Four Swords, and even then I had a ton of complaints about it.
Could someone explain what the draw of BotW is to me? I want to understand.
So anyone else surmise that the 2014 version we saw, with the better lighting, shadows, and more objects might be what the NX version is like?
That's right, Jay.
What games do you like?
The e3 area is the part of the map that has the player cursor, where Temple of Time is.
it's not, they never left the plateau in the E3 demo.
Weird, if your favorite Zelda game is Wind Waker I'd figure you'd like this one too
it's easier if you explain what you find bad about it, or what you liked about wind waker
I was just thinking that, consider how fucking good that would be for a second.
Better combat than other Zeldas
Better enemy design with cute touches
General technology shenanigans
Items are actually useful now
I was talking about the shitty shrine music we've heard. Do you have access to the sound track past that? Because what has been shown so far is not impressive at all.
Yes, I'm aware there's a decent one minute looping track for a rock monster.
Once again, shitty discordant chimes in place of music in the shrines and HOURS of dead silence on the over world is hot steamy shit.
>autist on NeoGAF figured out the temple of time and hyrule castle in E3 demo line up with OoT's placements
>outline of central area matches OoT's market town/Hyrule Field where map outline where castle and temple of time line up
>Aonouma said towns are important to story
>implying over world starting off isn't a ruined, post apocalyptic Hyrule and there isn't time travel, with OoT areas making an HD comeback
It looks extremely fun to get lost in
Again, reread my post please.
No NX is only going to be marginally more powerful than Wii U. Remember how GC TP and Wii TP were practically the same?
Lefty here. I gotta admit, I'm a bit salty that they made Link a righty for this one, but... Them's the breaks, I guess.
Got it. You're just retarded.
No you just keep disregarding my post.
>Anything goes with Death Stranding is not a thing
Same, I'd be less upset about it if the explanation for it wasn't fucking retarded.
>haven't owned a nintendo console since the gamecube
>zelda has always held a special place in my heart
>botw looks pretty cool aside from how terrible link looks
>don't want to buy a wii u/nx for one game
What do?
It's kind of hard to explain. I guess I would describe my problem being that it looks directionless. Wind Waker always had me going somewhere for a reason, which I liked, even if I was just exploring a place for the hell of it there was a good reason to do it; but it also had tons of chaff and water that was only there to buff out the space between where I was and where I needed to go, which pissed me off.
I think my problem is that BotW looks like most of the map seems to be that same chaff rather than somewhere I want to see up close?
We have no proof one way or the other on what the NX is going to be spec wise. No, not even Reggie's interview. He didn't confirm or deny its power being high or low if you actually paid attention to what he said, it was all just PR shit because he most likely doesn't know about the specs. Even if he did, he most likely on his own would not be able to tell what he's looking at.
That said, Nintendo's history is against them and you're most likely correct. Just saiyan.
This is literally the game that has made me turn against Nintendo. I hope it fails and all of your are butthurt as fuck when it's terrible.
>getting lost
aonuma please go
wait for a price drop
get that, smash, bayonetta, pikmin, mh3u, etc
I addressed the overworld (first half of your post "Theres no overworld theme") and everything else we've heard (second half "but literally everything else still has music"). The overworld lacking music is shit. Everything else we've heard is sparse, discordant shit. The sound design in this game has been the audio equivalent of prolapsed anus leakage.
You. 're. A. Retardid.
Just don't play.
wait for the bundle with the NX. guaranteed this will be a launch title.
Why? no gimmicks or casual puzzles for babby? Welcome to my world since 2006 when the Wii was announced kiddo. Enjoy.
>What do?
>enjoy your 4 (four) dungeons and 100 (one hundred) shrines
Thats all subjective. Alot of people have praised the overworlds ambient sounds. You seem to be the minority.
oh yeah remember all that hunting in TPP? and those varied environments? boy, that snow area was something else.
How do you know there won't be overworld music? The game won't be released for almost a year, who knows if they've even finished the score?
can you roll?
>Lel, Link's a righty 'cause the attack button's on the right side of the gamepad.
Fuck outta here, Aonuma.
>4 dungeons
>Trying this hard to look like a retard
Even if there are only 4 dungeons (which is not confirmed)
>What is majora's mask
>get that, smash, bayonetta, pikmin, mh3u, etc
I don't really care about any of those games though.
>Just don't play.
But I want to.
>wait for the bundle with the NX.
I guess that's an option depending on the price.
they said they're 90% finished. also, there will only be 4 dungeons.
Fuck off attention whore.
>go through 6 hours of pre-dungeon quest
>get to dungeon entrance
>sorry you must complete 37 shrines before entering
>have to run around for 12 hours finding shrines you haven't been to yet
Anouma explicitly stated that the music is supposed to be minimalistic and hidden behind the sounds of nature. There won't be overworld music.
Not trying to attention whore. I think the game looks great and really fun but I don't want to buy a console for literally one game that interests me.
confirmed for never actually being outside at night
even a street with lampposts is darker than that
>not liking mh
>people actually want 8 boring forgettable dungeons instead of a handful of good ones
no thanks. I'd rather not have to go through the obligatory fire/ice temple again.
>majora's mask
It was developed in less than a year. They've had how many years for this? 6?
Find other games that interest you that are available for Wii U
Wii U emulator is the only solution
Not in the E3 demo. I wouldn't expect that to change though, unless there's an item that lets you.
>everywhere is the same
The problem is that they clearly focused on shrines. How many of the hundreds of shrines do you honestly think won't be boring rehashes?
>I don't really care about any of those games though.
Just trying to help you justify your purchase
How do we know there'll be 4 dungeons? Even if so, if there's that few they'll probably be really expansive
None of the shrines weve seen so far have been the same.
has the series had 100 anything else in the past?because that actually sounds terrible and like a huge waste of time. why not add boring padding later as DLC? I don't want to wait because of this.
how many have we seen though? A dozen? If it's really hundreds like they said, that's less than one percent.