Was he right Sup Forums?

Was he right Sup Forums?



Yes both games are shit at full price

Overmeme is more fun

Battleborn is less fun.

and both will we dead by holiday because battlefield.

Hit the nail on the head

>eceleb threads

To an extent. I've had fun with Overwatch, but there is always this depressive awareness regarding multiplayer focus games and paying full price for a game that will inevitably be shut down when the server populations start to dwindle.

why are you posting last week's episode?

he's shit at video games

go watch his lets drown out channel that he does with his fuckbuddy bogan boyfriend who thinks he's crocodile dundee.

every time yahtzee plays video games he's terrible at them

He's a fag, but also right.

>people still watch yahtzee
Guy is more washed up and unfunny than AVGN

Plus he's a worse game journo than the average game journo

I do agree with his point of Overwatched being made entirely of focus-group catering. It always annoys me when I see products built on such shameless pandering.

Because today's episode is useless, as nobody cares about ME:C. I didn't even know it came out already, and also I was expecting it to be E3 episode.

Never watch LDO, just keep the sound and do something with poor amount of audio content, so they can serve as a white noise. Otherwise you'll get mad at either their complete inability to play games or one of them being colossally smug about something he barely understands.

Battleborn is more fun, but Overwatch is more shilled. Choose your poison

It's a defensible opinion. But then again he consider Painkiller to be the pinnacle of the FPS genre.

Battlefield is going to be trash. Infinite Warfare will probably sell AND be better.

>I miss the days when you could buy a game and that was it and you didn't have to keep paying money beyond that
But you don't have to buy lootboxes. It takes less than 2 hours of playing the game to earn one. Just play the fucking game and unlock them. And beyond Origin Edition content, any unlockable can be earned through a lootbox.

Hell, buying lootboxes is a fucking terrible idea in the first place because you're literally just buying random cosmetics, not even the specific ones you want.

Of course, Blizzard didn't have to put this in but as far as this shit goes it's the most inoffensive microtransaction ever.

Surely this complaint that "games used to just be one purchase but not now" makes more sense if it was directed at Battleborn, which has a season pass, meaning you do actually need to pay more money beyond the base game asking price to keep up with content.

>70 dollars for overwatch
what shit country does he live in again?

Spidercuntland. He does like to talk about how he'll soon move to America where he'll be super respected and paid indie game developer, but that won't happen.


He meant the fact that once the servers will be shut down you won't be able to play it since there's no online and no dedicated servers.

Never played Battleborn. Don't really have an issue with what he complained about in Overwatch really. I mean, I don't think the game is flawless, but I REALLY don't get why people are so pissy about the cosmetics. I also don't get why "pandering" is bad when he even admits they pander to basically everyone.

You can still play Diablo 2 online. Starcraft online. Hell, they ADDED Warcraft 2 online. I don't see why he thinks the servers will shut down ANYTIME soon.

Because pandering is rooted in complete lack of respect towards the consumer, you are viewed as a one big mindless wallet that will dispense money the second he sees sexy chick/samurai/cowboy/edgelord.

I've never understood season passes. Its like gambling that the DLC for the game will be worth however much money. I mean, just wait. It saves you money longterm if you want ALL the DLC, but come on. Who WANTS all the FO4 DLC, for example? No one.

Not soon, but the day will come at some point, at from that point onward you won't be able to play the game again no matter what.

>become video game critic
>move to a country with awful ratings board and over inflated prices on the rare occasion that they even get a games

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Activision Entertainment account.

I don't really see that. I could see it being a lack of respect toward your own creative team, but the entire point of a game made by any company is to sell, so obviously they will try to appeal to whatever they can. Its not a lack of respect. Its a matter of necessity.

The only place I see respect come into play as far as a consumer is concerned is the quality to price ratio of the game itself. Do they disrespect you enough to sell you a broken piece of shit for 60 bucks? Thats the only question that matters.

But he became game critic way after he moved to straya. Although he moved there to chase a chick, which I'd argue is the absolute worst reason to move.

Hardly. If the game is something people care enough to BE playing when that happens, sometime a very long time for now, people will figure out a way to make their own servers, like they ALWAYS do.

Well they sell you a multiplayer-only game for a full price with not a very large variety of content. Can't see much respect in that, and Activision already have a large track-record of disrespect towards their clients.

They let you know exactly what you can expect right up front. The game is fully functional with virtually no bugs, near 100% uptime, and very little jewry. It might not fit your concept of what a game priced at what it is should be, but thats a personal choice. Not like you they tricked you into buying it or anything.

Now I want Overwatch to release a character designed specifically to pander to Yahtzee.

Also I am genuinly curious wether he's going to continue playing Overwatch and put it in his top five or not.

Considering how much they've been discussing it for the past two LDOs, he may. It actually surprises me how the review makes it seem that he only played it for a bit, while he spends quite a lot of time playing it.

Probably, but I wouldn't expect him to give it a place higher than fourth. First place will be some indie pretentious garbage as always, D44m will have second or third place, dunno about the rest. Also I bet Division will win his blandest game, he said it was one of the few games that he got bored of playing even with podcasts.

Both reviews are pretty spot on but
"couldn't figure out how to equip the gear" in battleborn
Really? It wouldn't have made that big of a difference but I thought he was more competent than that.

I thought you couldn't get Noire for Widowmaker without that Gamestop preorder. Can you get it through lootboxes?

This is a man who played vanilla version of Oregon Trail for more than hour, finishing it once and to the end thought you can't move during hunts. You can't grasp how incapable he is at playing video games.

And if someone points it out he goes full defensive saying how he's not an autist that spends every waking moment playing games, because he has a life and a girlfriend and writes books, so he doesn't have time or need to understand game mechanics.

>Zero Punctuation episode starts
>Yahtzee immediately starts complaining about a video game drought
Every time.