Since last night's thread was pretty populair I figured I make another one. I just started playing Subnautica yesterday and I'm constantly shitting my pants but enjoying myself.
Where did you guys build your first base? I'm starting to build a base near the green area with all the weeds. Did I fuck up?
You didn't fuck up. By the time I stopped playing (nothing more to do for me besides get off the planet) I had this base, one one the edge of the green/blood sand area, and one in the purple shit IIRC.
Jaxon Ramirez
>Sea Dragon will be able to eat the cyclops
Easton Campbell
>Plan on waiting until the game is finished or almost finished >Threads make me want to buy it now
I must hold out.
Dominic Murphy
Did you use a wiki? I'm trying to play it without a wiki but I'm having trouble building a base now. I got like the foundation and shit. I really want some new weapons and the seaglide thing though.
Grayson Smith
I'll admit, I did for finding the moon pool parts. Because I had no idea the area they were in existed.
Evan Butler
Just wait for the summer sale I'm sure it'll be on there somewhere
Carson Lewis
Fuck of you motherfucker. You got hyped me on subnautica a month ago a now they are removing any kind of terrain transformation whatsoever.
So there's a premade map with a static terrain. Totally not because of consoles and save size ("we, uh, wanted to use steam cloud saving, and these are too big ;(((").
So no more creative base building, underground building, nothing. Fuck you.
Adrian Rodriguez
Is it possible to like build a base at 3000m depth and then a base at the surface and then connecting them? like a giant elevator or something going all the way down.
Evan Jones
That's nice looking submarine. Can you get it in the game?
Luis Adams
There's a big submarine though but it's about four times smaller. To be fair something this big would be a pain in the ass to drive in the map.
Jayden Williams
Is this game supposed to be really grindy? I'm having a hard time getting all the materials (titanium for example) for everything.
Aaron Harris
You spend quite a lot of your time getting the resources you need, but once you got the Seamoth for speed and knows where to find the material you need you spend significantly less time.
Juan Baker
Don't see why you couldn't Kind of.
Alexander Gomez
Does that mean I can't scoop out bits of sand to make comfy caves or early game storage pods anymore?
Zachary Baker
Impeccable naming sense, mate.
Xavier Moore
I thought they were just removing the terraforming tool, not digging in sand and whatnot.
Samuel Brown
>Decide to finally go down the steep-as-fuck-huge continental slope that's near my base No I'm not swimming horizontally I'm swimming down to the dark abyss
Julian Moore
What could possibly go wrong
David Russell
Where can I pirate this game?
Dylan Hall
That's terrifying.
Matthew Morgan
>Go to filthy pirate this >1000000000 different versions
William Cruz
Just a view of how sheer the drop is if I level myself.
Alexander Edwards
I can't deal with that shit. I get near the edges and nope away. Probably not since they're supposed to take damage from big meanies eventually. I think you'd have a hard time keeping the whole space safe.
Matthew Garcia
It was at this point I started panicking because I was going to meet cthulhu
Logan Gray
>Compatible with VR headsets
What am I in for?
Connor White
Sounds like comfy terror.
Matthew Clark
Still swimming down, mind already broken with only curiosity driving me down.
Camden Flores
Daily reminder that the dev himself went batshit insane after Sandy Hook and decided no projectile weapons will be in game cause GUNS ARE BAD.
Brandon Cooper
Fun, if you've already trained your VR legs so you don't get motion sickness. Played it a bunch in my DK2 and my CV1 arrives today.
Grayson Barnes
Fell for the hoax hard.
Michael Cook
Oh hey looks like I reached the oceanic crust (Appears once you're near the seafloor of ocean)
Adrian Watson
The more I hear about this game the more it reminds me of Sup Forums's old idea for an underwater horror.
Aaron Brooks
Everything will be static. Yes, they are not only removing the terraforming tool (I thought that was only the case as well).
>muh performance and low-end PC's Bullshit. The game has issues and is badly optimized, true, but big saves are the least of it's worries (and the argument for I/O speed is retarded; I doubt anyone with such ancient drives could even run Subnautica).
Long story short, due to devs ineptness console and potato players destroyed a crucial part of the game (which already lacks replayability due to no random terrain generation).
Andrew Butler
Still nothing to do in my game. I really wish there was a threat to sea bases and the cyclops that you didn't have to do purposefully.
I don't want the cyclops instant exploding, but having the risk of it getting trapped at the bottom of the sea until I can get in and patch it up is very appealing. Same with the sea base. I want some reason to build the bulkheads because I want some risk of flooding for a reason other than "I was too lazy to reinforce" or because I put one of those floaty blobs in my tank.
Jacob Turner
I wish the fucking Sunless Sea game would have it's Zubmarine update.
I own Subnautica but I am not impressed with what's been done so far. It's boring as fuck.
Brody Morales
Hey guys I think I found Pacific Rim
Robert Ward
>DEPTH: 1519M / 300M jesus christ
Hunter Torres
Is there still pop in for shit ten feet away
Jordan Murphy
I can run this game comfortably with 4gb ram and a gtx570. Not a potato, but I wouldn't say it's a powerhorse.
Juan Nelson
As the game nears completion, you're going to get monster spawns out there in the The Void
That's where you are right now.
A part of the planets oceans is just a fucking abyssal pit, and all the big baddies spawn out there and roam freely depending on their ecological depth preferences.
Gavin Moore
Fun fact : the devs plan to spawn Reaper Leviathans and others harmlesses fishes whe you get out of the game zone.
James Rogers
Couldnt they make it a toggle?
If you turn on terraforming just give a warning saying steam cloud will be disabled and you might get performance issues.
Colton Myers
Op here. Apparantly I didn't save last night. Goddamnit everything's gone. Here I go again I suppose.
Angel Harris
I went through that little hole that was on the bottom of the seafloor
I think I entered Cthulhu's realm. I was still able to swim down another 500 or so feet until my warped mind finally had enough and told me to Alt-F4 the shit out of there.
Kayden Campbell
Yes, it's called the Cyclops.
It's not as big. Don't expect to have a crew.
Jacob Campbell
>no, the world will no longer deform as it will be a static mesh Fug
Charles Torres
I don't mean to frighten you user, but you are probably going to die.
Hunter Nguyen
As you can see, they don't want to even discuss it as an option, even though the community practically begged them for it. A few times, this terraformer thread wasn't the first one.
Samuel Wilson
Terraforming was meh anyway. It was ugly and it ruined the atmospheres of some zones.
How can they add some deep as fuck caves sytems like the Inactive Lava Zone if you can have any player aim down and left click for 5 minutes to get to it?
Hudson Scott
If they develop anything in The Void this fucking game will be the end of me
Parker Bailey
>start the game up >huge spaceship blows up >get radiation suit >decide to go there for parts >swim all the way there staying at the shallow parts of the sea because I am scared as fuck of depth >hear some strange sounds coming from the depths >pretend they aren't there and keep swimming >reach the spaceship >get in >get on the top floor >somehow fall down to the water >suddently in the open ocean >START PANICKING >LOOK BELOW >EVERYTHING IS BLACK >SEE THE SILHOUETTE OF A SNAKE THING SCREAMING >close the game and never open it up again
Seriously fuck that game, and for some reason I still want to play it.
Pic for you guys, the sea gets deep as fuck behind the spaceship, the spaceship is basically a line between shallow waters and the huge as fuck ocean, that's where I fell in.
Jason Rodriguez
>Find the fucking bottom, the absolute madman THEN >I went through that little hole that was on the bottom of the seafloor I have no words I'll stay on earth
Hudson Kelly
>traveling the void >cant see shit >bump into something, completely stops you >giant eye opens up in front of you
Zachary Nelson
>Hope it ignores you for the insect you truly are.
Jordan Reyes
It's better to stay at the bottom with your tiny sub than stay around the surface.
Looking down and seeing nothing but blackness is scary, it's less troubles to stay at the bottom where you can see how fast you're going and have a few ways to locate yourself.
Although I won't lie, I got spooked a few times when I dared looking up.
Anthony Hall
>Terraforming was meh anyway. It was ugly and it ruined the atmospheres of some zones. It was crucial for anyone that liked to build comfy bases. Personally I never used it on a bigger scale, but rather a fix there and here when I built (since the terrain flattening has quite a range).
Terraformer tool is small fry anyway, the static terrain is simply shit. No more tunnels for example. Can't make an underground deep sea facility in some tight cavern near lava vents. Shit was cool, I suggest backing up the former game updates for anyone that likes base building.
Luis Garcia
Its actually friendly and starts chatting with you through your mind
Jason Diaz
What would you do if an insect poked you in the eye, user?
Eli White
You know the sad thing is that the devs haven't implemented anything when you go to FUCKDEEP regions of the massive monstrosities that auto-kill you or anything. There's just a whole lot of fucking nothing.
Such a missed opportunity. There should be some like 0.1% chance if you go to deep on area loading that literally some chtulu monster pops up and skull fucks you to instant death
Luke Richardson
I swam to the end of this crevasse and down the the hole at the end. I swam to the very bottom hoping to find some interesting discovery but there was nothing there.
Ian Howard
But they are implementing humongous creatures too.
Benjamin Gray
It still scares the living shit out of me even if there are no monsters put in yet.
Pitch fucking darkness under thousands of feet underwater where you can only see your glider/your hands(if you're swimming solo)
Samuel Hall
>Early Access games are incomplete
Liam Collins
Next big update will be about the Sea Dragon, a literal underwater kaiju spitting fire and hanging out in a castle made of lava. Unlike the Reaper Leviathan, if it catches your Seamoth you're dead on sight.
Luis Moore
The thing is there's no reason to be scared in the deeps because you know from a programming stand point that nothing is there. If they added really low % chance for things to happen it'd make exploring it a thrill.
Especially on VR, I'd literally shit myself
David Scott
Do I have the option to not play as a nigger?
Asher Davis
I pirated it. I'm really hoping they fix the performance issues and they add in more biomes.
Also I really want the ability to turn the lights off in your base
Cooper Torres
It's also a lot bigger than reaper leviathans. Pic related.
William Campbell
Can you even kill this? I want that phat loot
Chase Bell
stop overreacting
Alexander Fisher
I want it to be HUGE. FUCK HUGE I want something that everytime I see it my penis will retract itself and my colon releases its contents. And the sound has to be one of the most unnerving, creepy or scariest sounds ever produced.
Bonus points if the new monster sneaks up on you
Parker Evans
Not all anons have an immense fear of the deep sea, user.
William Flores
>stop overreacting Finding myself in the dark, open ocean without anything to be seen in the horizon is my biggest fear. There are some rumors saying that the crashing of the ship happened because of a sentient huge creature living in the sea shot something at it.
Juan Gomez
how do you get food?
Joshua Baker
Pick up living things, including fish.
Easton White
First base was pretty A E S T H I C
>that fucking feel when you have welded the Aurora and you have to exit through the back and you KNOW there are Reapers in the depth there
Dylan Kelly
>sea dragon >sea emperor >sea god soon Just imagine I want more colossal shit
Christian Evans
Before you have a Seamoth, you grab fish and cook them. After you get the Seamoth, use it to head to one of the floating islands. Once there scan a grow bed or plant pot, and collect Lantern Fruit. Head back to base and plant the Lantern Fruit in the planeter. At that point you are set for food and water from then on (as long as you're not away from base long enough to starve)
You can also plant Lantern Fruit on the cyclops for portable infinite food/water.
>I want it to be HUGE. FUCK HUGE It's about twice as long as the Reaper. And it's not even the hugest thing in the game.
Austin Ward
>besides get off this planet You can leave? I haven't played the game yet
Ian Wood
I am absolutely terrified of the sea in video games. Is this the perfect horror game for me or is it just another early access survival piece of shit? I bet I got this from playing Jak&D or Ratchet&C as a kid, where a big fish would kill you instantly if you jumped into open waters. I'm sure Ecco the dolphin didn't help and neither did that one time where I thought Crysis's beautiful ocean would fix my problem. It didn't seem like the type of video game to have sharks
Gavin Roberts
this game worth it to get during the sale? watched some gameplay looks pretty fun
Jason Cooper
see Game is unfinished atm so it's just exploration/base-building. But it does a good job at the whole deep sea spooky theme
Robert Walker
Is that an early concept Cyclops or is there a bigger sub planned than the Cyclops?
Angel Miller
Found the liar.
Aaron Rivera
Early concept
Liam Sullivan
Pretty worth it, constant updates and content. It's hard to pirate up to date and the devs seem to be committed to actually finishing this EA game.
Plus, it's unique, awesome art style and not your standard crafting/survival. Lots of potential.
Jack Reed
all watch for it during the sale then
Liam Ross
It's fun for a while, but you max out your shit pretty fast. Once you build the best sub in the game (takes maybe 4 hours, possibly more if you want a ton of other stuff) there is little left to do. I enjoyed cruising it around and made some power plants I didn't need just to justify driving it around a bit.
Aiden Thomas
In all honesty?
Wait till it releases, i bought it almost day one and i'm already burned out of this game.