Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

I play as my gender


Do you ever stop making this fucking thread?

Does the game have dress up?

If yes, then girl. No, then boy.

I play as a non-binary gender, prescribed to the enlightenment of my generation, as we all should.

That means you should not enjoy sex.

>premade characters, no stats
Almost always pick girl.

>premade characters with stats
Pick based on stats.

>make your own character
Usually make a guy.

for Pokemon:
Red-Gold-May-Dawn-Hilbert-Rosa-Serena-Chicken Head

I usually go female but for Pokemon I always go male


Nate is the best boy.

usually play male first and female on my second run

If I have the options I usually play as a cute boy or an amazonian woman.

That's not Brendan

I always pick a girl so I can dress her up in cute clothes

I want to be a cute girl.


he aint lyin

in MMOs, male

single player RPGs female

I play as my own gender because I'm not a fucking faggot or mentally ill.

First person? Coin toss.
Third person? Girl.

I want to be Rosa.

Girl because I'm a girl. Only fags play the opposite gender.

I like both.

Just a reminder that if you don't play as your birth sex and race, you're a cuck.

>b-b-but muh brown girl waifu xDDD
If you think that's sexually attractive, you're an even bigger cuck.

>If you think women are attractive you are a cuck

Male in Pokemon and SMT, games with romance elements and games where gender is a fairly arbitrary choice.

Female in games which have better looking equipment for female characters or better looking female character models.

>being on this board
>not being mentally ill

But on a skirt already, you girly faggot.


Oh man, are you a real life girl? Don't listen to what all the haters have to say, they're all faggots. You do whatever you feel like and still be great.

What kind of vidya do you like? I really like Overwatch, do you? Tracer is my favourite main. She's from London, are you from London too? Please tell me you're from London.

>oh neat, a game in which I can fully customise my avatar
>better make them look exactly like myself, wouldn't want people on the internet thinking I'm weird


We're all girls here.

pretty good

>likes tracer
Dyke, innit.

I play as a girl (male)

I only play as boys because I don't like ugly characters.

Guy, but in the case of pokemon white/black2 girl because the boy looks like palm tree.

>pic related
>long hair
>stupid woman sun hat
>gay purse
>shorts that look like a skirt
>no bulge while standing next to that hot bitch

I only see 2 girls there

Are you that if I look like a girl and never get hard, I will become a girl?

male always for a main character / first playthrough
depending on the game ill pick a female either to fap to it or to trick naive kids into falling for scams

anyone who plays a female as their main character is either a weeb faggot or an actual woman

Tuber best boy.

dumb biscumposter

I just play whatever looks better.

I don't care as long as it's cute.
