Anybody meet any ragers in Overwatch? The community seems pretty chill and not many people use voice chat...

Anybody meet any ragers in Overwatch? The community seems pretty chill and not many people use voice chat. Even in the normal chat people don't get that mad. Is it just me?

Also, Overwatch rage thread.

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I've gotten pretty damn mad but i never rage on the mic or anything cuz im not a sperg. Haven't encountered it before with others either.

You would have no idea the shit I've been through today.
This might actually soon be like league.

Only one. After two of us picked Soldier three others did the same. The last guy wouldn't shut up about us "not taking the game serious" and how we're running the experience by making us lose. He continued to complain through the whole match even though we were doing well.

We ended up winning the match anyway because Soldier is too good. He just quit as soon as we won.

Overwatch isn't as infuriating as some games. I've seen some shit talking but I've never seen anyone just outright raging. I have voice chat off of course because I play with friends though.

It certainly is less toxic than MOBAs I've played.

How can people play to lvl 60 and still be so bad at the game? Should I just stop caring about winning in quick play?

Some assholes get really mad at their own team or get baited when someone on the other team says "ez". Still, the game doesn't give you much time to argue back and forth during the commendation screen

There was one guy having a mental breakdown because he was being shit as Roadhog and was blaming us because he can't into hook, though he didn't realize the mic was on voice activated instead of push to talk. The team kept typing "lol" in chat and he didn't understand why, so it just made it funnier. Someone eventually mentioned how his mic was on and he just shouted "oh fuck. WOOOW" and then left the game.

Stupid fucking tumblrinas and redditors report me for talking shit. Thankfully nothing has happened yet. But holy shit, some people need to kill themselves.

Seen people raging in text chat but never on mic.
Mostly complaining at their teammates for being bad or so on.

>picking heroes
>three people with mics including mself
>wait a few seconds to see who picks what but no one goes
>pick Zenyatta
>"NOOO we dont need a zenyatta we need a taannnkk"
>Well I want to play Zenyatta
>"well then we're gonna lose"
>so be it

We trampled them, I healed 6K and got MVP with 70% of the game on fire

>"We destroyed them hahaha"

fucking idiot.

I'm a consolepleb so it doesn't really count, but in the dozens of hours I've logged I've had two dudes raging over the mic.


>stomp the enemy team using 6 bastions (playing with friends)
>say in allchat "destroyed"
>some guy with turbo edgy name who was playing reaper calls me a muppet and tells me to shut up
>say "easy game to be honest"
>he loses his shit and starts typing 1 message per second in caps
>calls me a monkey, a mongoloid, a cum stain, a swine, ...
>laugh my arse off
>say "umad?"
>he remains silent for the rest of the second match
>they lose again and he leaves
>an hour later he adds me on battlenet and tells me that he is cursing my entire bloodline and that i shouldnt have messed with him
>deletes me instantly
>laugh my arse off again

Is there an opposite of mad? You know, overwhelming positivism and "feel good" attitude that completely shuts down any criticism someone might have? Because I keep encountering this shit everywhere.

Seriously you can't even begin to suggest someone might be slacking off or advise a character change without someone going "it's just a game bro chill XD", feels like I'm drowning in annoying Germans.

I had a guy yesterday message me that it was my fault for not getting on the objective to contest it for overtime. He was right but also wrong because I would've died the second landed on the payload

easy enough to just report shitheads and move on. games don't last long enough to get super mad

the worst ones are the league babbies that treat the game like it's a fucking scrim at all times.

Can't wait till comp comes out so they can leave qm.

He's gonna be collecting the Soul Globes of your unborn children user.

We must be playing two completely different games.

i rage in the chatbox and make a fool of myself constantly, i'm afraid i'm going to appear on here soon.

fuck off blizzdrones, go to /vg/

Met my first rager today. It was a very close pub match that ended in overtime. "I hate close matches" and "Either steamroll us or let us steamroll you". I don't understand why anyone would be opposed to having a good challenge.

I know that feel, you're dammed if you do and dammed if you don't because even if you did go for it then inevitably died you'd still get blamed.

Occasionally I type some pretty long messages with general advice when I feel the team is underperforming, usually as a last ditch effort to turn things around, and I always get one faggot that just types "u mad XD"

Like for fucks sake I'm merely trying to help out, I'm not insulting anyone willingly.

Every other game I see someone giving their tear ducts a workout in the chat.

Played with some demanding faggot earlier who kept whining that I didn't heal him within 2 seconds of him calling for help so I started prioritising everyone else. Flame shirt and fedora wearing Genji players are the worst.

Some guy was raging a few games ago about a Bastion and Torb wrecking him, my entire team proceeded to make fun of him until he quit.

>30 hours in
i made a russian mad once, called my team bad twice

matchmaking is really fucked up though, the vast majority of games are a complete stomp and playing against premades is infuriating

I generally tend to laugh at stupid shit that happens to me. Now, when I'm healing and the entire team just fucks off in different directions and then dies one by one, i get pretty salty. Never get stupid over the mic, though... I rarely even have it plugged in.

Keep it up, blizz already said they weren't going to ban anyone

how do i micspam anime songs

can i get a source on that, my friend?

I've had teammates run halfway across the map from me to grab a healthpack and then act confused when they can't take it since I healed them to full health. And these aren't new players either.

I've had surprisingly little frustration in this game beyond being angry about some team compositions (when you instantly get a fucking Hanzo/Widowmaker and Genji on attack and none of them switch to support), some cheap bullshit kills, and getting stuck fighting Premades.
Never been verbal about it. I have asked politely once if one of said Hanzo shitters would switch to something else though.

I've only seen two counts of people actually raging in chat/mic:

- A McCree getting mad that people weren't pushing as a group on Anubis
- Some fag saying he carried his whole team followed by everyone on his team (and a couple on mine) calling said fag a giant fag

I talk stupid shit to my teammates, also I try to trigger the second team, or talk funny shit to them. Its pretty sad cause noone, or barely anyone responds

This game makes me turbomad, I have never experienced this level of frustration with any other multiplayer game before. Not even League of Legends could rustle me this badly. I start literally yelling at the screen after a couple of hours.

Most matches I can contain myself, but occasionally I'll run into some autistic Hanzo player that spends the entire game trying to snipe people from halfway across the map, and then I sperg out all over team chat. I actually don't play it as much anymore because of that.

>Go all Torbjorn on Egypt Map
>The enemy team shits blood
>Can't counter our sick PS4 strat

Playing with your friends kinda remedies that desu. For me playing solo sucks shit in every game

Every time I play Hanzo.

Overwatch is so chill I can't even get mad at it.

Well, except at the useless Hanzos and Widowmakers at the back trying to make a fucking montage instead of being a credit to the team. But other than that, nah, it's pretty hard to get mad at Overwatch.

It's either a prestige player or a McCree/Widow main main that start raging or just going full passive aggressive in chat

there's plenty of ragers, you just don't see the names because 98% of them are faggots that quit during the final seconds so you end up taking their spot in a match just to see DEFEAT

Yeah, ever since I hit level 30 and started getting paired with people up to 100 levels higher than me I'm getting a lot more people raging in chat after being defeated. Usually it's someone shitting on the healer for not being good enough and costing us the game.

Lot of people bitching about no healer, but refusing to go healer themself

the hatred i get for spamming "A-MEI-ZING" after every kill as mei is pretty heavy, but deserved.

People will silence you for shit talking too much. Watch your mouth user, Blizzard isn't Sup Forums.

"hey chill out" is the best

>Winston leaps in to the middle of the enemy team
>Drops his shield

they fucking expect Mercy to charge in like it's not hot shit over there? I've made it a point to just heal the teammates that bother to push/cap.

Flanking is part of getting the objective you dummy.

>act like a child
>get treated like a child

>reporting someone for talking shit

>act like a child
>get treated like a child

Well stop expecting me to follow you in to the Bastion nest like it's my fault.

winston is one of the tanks that's supposed to operate without a healer, fuck sakes some people are beyond help

>being an umarufaggot
holy shit kill yourself

I get pretty damn angry at this game sometimes. It's just annoying when you play with people who pick heroes that either suck in the comp or suck on that map, and then when you ask them to change to a hero who will actually contribute they just say "why don't you." Makes for a very shitty time playing because the game is team based. Also when you spam "group up" in the chat and everyone runs in how dumb can you be?

I get the regular “sorry for noob team“ guy but it normally ends with the rest of the team just going all Torbjörn and mocking the PRO while the match wins itself.
The community right now is pretty relaxed

I played the beta and liked it a lot, bought the game and as soon as it released started getting really annoyed while attacking vs bastions and getting reaper fucked every 3 minutes.

I don't rage over chat or voice but I get really fucking tired of it. I feel as if every game is similar and I get frustrated even if doing well or winning games. I've uninstalled twice

Every online community has terrible people. In all honesty compared to Dota, CS and MMOs Overwatch is pretty chill.

About as many ragers as glory days TF2, that is to say, not many at all.

He's supposed to leap back out and get healed.

I haven't uninstalled or ragequit but I know what you mean about every game feeling similar. Team comps aren't as varied as they were initially and that makes it less fun.

I never use it because voice chat is a pointless feature in general. You're always either grouped up with idiots who can't strategize to save your life, or faggots who immediately discard any plan everyone agrees on. You're much better off improvising on the fly and adjusting to your allies movements.

Aren't they making a mode where you can't play multiple of the same heroes on each team? It's pretty tiresome having to find a new game when people cheese with 3x torbjorn and shit.

It's common sense

Games like dota2/CSGO that have millions of players cannot possibly be policed. Blizz can't pay enough mods to enforce the rules.

So you either go full nazi mode like RIOT and have tribunals (letting player base do it for you) or you do what valve does which is essentially fucking nothing, whenver you get enough reports you go to LPQ for a couple games.

Obviously the latter is preferred.

This is my biggest gripe with Overwatch. I have more fun being challenged by competent players and supporting competent players. Those end up being close games. Steamrolling means lots of people are tarding out, which isn't fun.

Way to prove his point, moron.

Holy fuck this

>Widow kill my mercy

Its ok, maybe they didnt see me getting killed.

>My team literally let Winston jump by them and kill me again, while i was fucking healing them


Imediatly change to roadhog

>''Why? now we dont have support!

I had one today. He got all pissy about Reaper's Q-to-POTG and started typing in all-caps.

The Reaper kept poring fuel on the fire though.

I'm glad I left.

>Guy has his mic on constantly, all I hear is his obese breathing, little kids sperging around in the background, and every mouse click/key press
>tell him to fucking use press to chat
>gets legit asshurt and calls the Overwatch community shit

Can't rage on console. No text chat, no one uses mics. It's probably the least rage game I've played.

I thiught everyone knew the rule. If 3 people pick same class, the it's a one class party

Fuck off Chris

Here's your answer

>implying this guy has friends

Oh god my sides

It's hearing a couple Sup Forums idiots arguing.

People need to stop taking this garbage seriously. It's just a casual shooter. Find a new server if the team is retarded, its not hard.

>guy has his mic on constantly

I fucking hate this. Every time I play World of Tanks (yeah, yeah) there's always one fucker with his mic permanently on who has his kids running around in the background, yelling and screaming and shit.

It's as casual as you make it m8, there's nothing stopping it from being competitive

Sounds like someone doesn't like fun :^)

>Blizzard already said
>Its just common sense

Yeah really this.

I'm not sure what's going on . It feels like everyone thinks quick play is a ranked matched or everyone is just one man armying it to get to 25 to unlock ranked mode.

No teamwork .

Guys swearing on mics like it's a fucking MLG million dollar match.

Nobody commending nobody and being salty lone wolf's.

It's really not competitive material It's like saying HOTS is competitive. It's just a casualized game. Doesn't mean it can't be fun, but seriously - quit - find new server - if the team is terrible. No need to rage hours without end.

It's not fun getting cheesed by a premade team.

I always yell YEEEHAAW and shit when things are going fine. I hope you are a okay with that, user.

I pretty much leave a match as soon as we get a Hanzo when we're attacking. Feels pretty good desu.

I thought so too. Some people just don't know how the game works.

I had a dude rage at me (while playing Mercy), but then three other teammates told him to calm down lel.

But Hanzo is the most broken hero right now. Have you seen the arrow spamming retards? You know what, nevermind, I know what you are talking about now.

He's not the most broken, just the easiest to get a good Q out of. Most of those idiots can't get a kill otherwise so they're a net detriment to the team.

>Some retard is raging at me
>Instead of doing the smart thing and ignoring him I bicker with him for the rest of the game

How do I break this habit?

I always make the effort to say thanks and say gj but i honestly cant help but call people out for bad picks on def and attk.
Recommended someone didnt go Symm on attk on Kings Row and his mate called me blackie since I was lucio. also not white irl. was just like eh ok.

In the past month of constant playing, I've found only one rager, who was mad that I picked McRee, and everytime I killed him it was hilarious.

gg ez

yesterday I was playing as 76 and there was a pariah who just kept killing me all match, after his team won he said "ez" and started spamming really mean insults, it made my belly hurt since I was already frustrated and I couldn't help but too start crying, after that I quit and took a nap but still it proves that there are some really mean people out there.

I had one today, kept blaming us for having no Reinhardt while he picked widowmaker on Hanamura Attack.

guess he has to experience tranquility

>That Junkrat

how low is your mmr that playing multiple bastions doesn't get you rolled?

>6 Junkrat Party Offense on Hanamura
>Finish the map in exactly 56 seconds
>Enemy team instead of ragequit, just do another 6 roadhog to counter us after we switched roles

How come the community ultimately ignores voice chat? I usually join the chat room, I praise people, call out ultimates, enemies and don't spam the chat with memes and such. I do everything I can to be polite and informative yet for 9 times out of 10 I get nothing. I would at least understand if people told me to shutup but I just get absolute silence and feel like I'm just talking into the void. Such experiences make me less likely to use voice chat in the future.

Voice chat feels like its based off of momentum and that people are not using it because players are not using it. Is there any real way to turn this around?

If I'm playing Mei and someone starts flipping out I'll just type "Hey, chill out!" or "Cool off man". They usually don't get the pun and keep on bitching.

But I'd say 95% of my matches are with all chill people. I rarely encounter angry people.

>it's not my imagine
>can't upload my image because it's duplicated somewhat.