Where did the Dwemer go, Sup Forums?
Where did the Dwemer go, Sup Forums?
To da moon
They're dead.
I don't know, but they left some great stuff.
There's a theory that they're the dremora you find in Oblivion.
Either way it'd going to be awesome when they come back in the next ES
they stopped existing
they didn't go anywhere they just poofed
Akataosh cucked them out of existence for being cocky assholes.
They became the skin of Numidium.
Burnt to ash. At least that's what it looks like when you visit Bamz-Amschend in Mournhold.
Numidium's foreskin you could say.
They went too fucking far and got poofed away.
Except for this nigger, he's still hanging out because he was sleeping or something when shit went down.
fuck off cuckbride
up your asshole
I'm going to need the name of this body mod.
Nerevarine destroyed them
Can't decide to if I want to
>replay skyrim and finish the dlc dragonborn
>actually finish fallout 4 and then try the dlc
Kagrenac made it so that he could control the Heart of Lorkhan by playing it like a musical instrument. But when the chimer were barging on his door, he hit the wrong note and accidentally turned the entire dwemer race into the Numidium's brass casting/skin.
They all had a telepathic link with one another. Kagrenac (or whatever the fuck his name is) realized the truth behind the world. They were on the verge of racial CHIM. Then Randy, the retarded dwarf, asked "But if we're dreams, doesn't that mean we don't exist?"
And everyone zero-summed together.
fuck off to /tesg/ fedora
became one with that giant reality-warping mecha of theirs
Just you wait, next game will have an expansion, going to the moon, and you're going to find dwemer ruins there.
Blackreach was a nice surprise.
>reading c0da
1. cuckbride is retard
2. even if his writing is shit it's creative, and the writers at beth are not so you're not getting anything like that ever
>the moon
there's two retard
Dragonborn DLC is pretty good, even though it's just another Daedric Lord quest overall. But it's good.
OR! Play ESO. Love it.
He was exploring some pocket dimension or whatever and that isolated him from the rest of his kind.
It was just a writer's convenience, so consider Yagrum's existence a narrative device more than a meaningful lore thing.
Whatever you say, bro.
But I'll be the one laughing in my moon armor.
thanks, famalamadingdong
>there will never be a TES game set in the past when Snow Elves and Dwemor were still around
Why would you want it? Beth only makes milquetoast, open-world action/adventure games now.
Snow Elves did literally nothing relevant the entire time they existed and exist merely as a plot device
Dwemer were barely prevalent in Tamriel anyway they spent the whole time as recluses underground
They achieved chim my n'wah
Because doing something new might give it a better chance to actually be an interesting game. Either that or putting it on that island away from the mainland would be very interesting.
But who am I kidding, Bethesda doesn't do anything new or interesting.
Yes, I too want to rape Snow Elf and Dwemer women.
>cuckbride sympathisers
Every other continent has literally 0 history and there's still so much of tamriel to explore
Don't play eso. I got it for $15 and still couldn't bring myself to play more than 4-5 hours. Unless you have a group of friends to adventure with but it's trash solo
Every area of Tamriel has had a game except like, Black Marsh. Akavir or whatever the island is would actually be something unique to the series.
You feel it too...
Only developed nations in game are Skyrim, Morrowing, Cyrodil and to an extent Hammerfell
Arena had the whole world, but it was like 5 landmarks and randomly generated content
ESO doesn't delve deep enough into any one continent but gives a good idea of what places might be, though its painful looking at their interpretations of Elswyr and Summerset Isles
>though its painful looking at their interpretations of Elswyr and Summerset Isles
What's wrong with it? Haven't played the game.
Summerset having glasslike towers was apparently a translation error and instead they have ye olde medieval castles and walls everywhere.
They wanted to harness the power of god and fucked up doing it and they are trapped in a pocket dimenssion or something along those lines.
Its somewhat explained during a quest in Morrowind.
CHIM happened.
CHIM is the worst thing about the TES fanbase and is such an idiotic way to try to justify Bethesda being shit at writing.
From Yagrum you learn K's math did not hold up under peer review.
Yagrum being in the outer planes threw off the math that much more.
Whatever K's goal was being under pressure and faulty math led them to be "Poofed' into the nearest suitable vessel.
Dwemer automatrons.
This is why they are still functioning and defend their home so vigorously.
Everything else is nonsense.