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here's #3
Quick Sup Forums which Paper Mario is this?
literally who
who cares
fuck video games
The new one everyone hates.
I give this thread 10 posts before mods delete it again
I literally don't get it.
Is that thing in the twitter saying this is a reference to them in particular?
Are they some kind of retard to assume that "gate" isn't a suffix attached to pretty much any big story since Nixon's era? IE Watergate?
Do they think its unique to Gamergate...?
4 minutes already and no sjw mods
what is happening dear tumblr janitors
top kek
>Do they think its unique to Gamergate...?
That's how big peoples egos are these days.
Apparently, this isn't about video games, but this is
I didn't know getting your pussy pounded was a suffering, she did it 5 times and probably a thousand more, bitch please, that garbage made you a little famous and all bitches love fame/attention, no matter how or where is comes from.
Fuck me. I think I felt some of my remaining faith in humanity die.
Sony pony
It can't be about her. Nothing can ruin the career of professional victims.
>Gaber gators are pissed off at the joke
>Es Jay Dubyas are pissed off at the joke
Will Nintendo get the hint to turn over Treehouse?
holy shit, that toad is YELLOW!!
they're really going all out for this one
As someone who plays the victim card all my life, this is pure ecstasy for her at the moment and I envy the cunt
In my mind that makes it a perfect joke
This is fucking gold. I hope it/she/xee has an aneurysm, fuck professional victims.
There were five guys arrested for the break in of the DNC trying to steal the tape.
It ruined Nixon's career.
They quote the tapes several times.
>water gate wasn't career ruining
>implying gamer gate negatively effected her career
No way this is real, what the hell is up with treehouse?
"This is about me, Not about an EVEN BIGGER SCANDAL that everyone and their mothers mother knows about, it's ALL ABOUT ME!"
I can't believe these people exist
>watergate didn't ruin anyone's career
well, aside from the two people who went to jail and the president who was impeached...
>implying she had or will ever have a career
Are you the thing in the twitter?
Am I supposed to know or care who you are?
It's real. People are claiming it's referencing the watergate scandal and not GG, but it seems to be the latter to me (5 guys, talking about hiding it, etc). The 5 guys part is what makes it not watergate related, at least to me.
She also thinks the "Five Fun Guys" is a reference to the Five Guys shit that started when her ex flipped his lid.
Exactly. She's too stupid to even realize it.
She thinks she is more important than watergate.
How can these people be so delusional?
Seriously, are you the thing from the twitter post?
>talking about hiding it means it wasn't related to watergate
do you people know anything about history?
Literally no one knew who she was. Now she's profiting off of it.
some1 at tree house is red pilled
Wow, people are nintendrones for...? Laughing at this self deluded crazy bitch? What?
user, the 5 guys are still watergate related.
I'm glad that Zoe Quinn continues to suffer to this very day.
It's a Watergate reference.
This. And it was 5 guys who broke in.
She just wants another 15 minutes of fame.
Did she really sleep with five guys?
Pretty cut and dry.
BASED Nintendo
Definitely going to buy this now. Fuck you SJWs
As someone else pointed out, there were five guys involved in Watergate too. Its just a fucking hilarious coincidence.
Does she really think Nintendo cares about what happens to hear? Do you think they even KNOW?
She isn't suffering, she just wants to be back in the spotlight to draw the victim card and get donations.
Yes. 5 people were not at all involved in watergate. Not at all. nope.
Five Guys
At last I see the light, I am now a #ColorCrosshair
A historical reference goes over heads of shithead millenials.
Can't make this up.
Who is this woman?
What happened to her to make her think this is in reference to her?
five fun guys also equals five fungis....because they're mushrooms
methinks she doth protest too much
You realise all your posts are spam right, crazy twitter thing.
Am I supposed to know who that person is?
>It's another create a hundred goobergate threads about someone no one cares about episode.
First, Allison Rapp is fired
Then Link is male.
Now this
Nintendo just hates women.
>5 guys
>talking about being exposed for scandal
>worried about a ruined career
Maybe NoA has become so powerful at meme crafting that they flawlessly referenced two incidents at once.
she is mad
That's too bad, I want her to suffer
Thanks for the bump friend!
Got dicked by five guys and some shit about women in videogames journalism. Its a literally nothing event that happened to a literally who nobody.
Are you guys so ignorant that you really believe it's. It about gamergate? You know that was a pretty fucking big deal that eventually turned into the full blown culture war we are in today