"Skyrim is for the _____!"
"Skyrim is for the _____!"
retards that never touched another Scrolls game
Remember OP, fallout 4 is shit and new vegas is superior in every way.
Refined gamers that enjoy a rich open world experience with great lore.
The Aldmari deny Talos because they know doing so prevents him from existing.
Yelling at shit until it dies.
All Citizens of the empire, of course!
Yeah, but that doesn't keep New Vegas from being shit as well
Not Nazeem.
retards that never touched another RPG, I'd say
has no one ITT played Skyrim?
Snow elves.
Horse dicks mod
but that's wrong you fucking faggot
ALL BELONGS TO THE HIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
all TES races are mer
I played Fable 2 too user
Are you displeased with my gifts, my child?
Have i not given everything to you?
Have i not bequeathed upto thee, modding support and DLC of ample variety?
Is thine thirst not quenched?
Tell me child, what is it that you demand from me?
For i will give it to you.
I will remake fucking Fallout 3 with a bunch of shitty shader mods and sell it for full price.
And you will buy it.
Because you are my child and your purpose is to worship me.
And worship you will.
Get your clothes off. now.
Skyrim belongs to the fucking elves, because the whole planet belongs to them.
the other races are mere slaves.
>Mfw those forsworn outfits on women
>Mfw that one forsword chick from Interesting NPCs
>Can't romance her
>Boner deflates by the time I install all the sex and/or rape mods I need to have my way with her
nice joke knife-ears
no they arent
What are some good Morrowind mods?
nice silky smooth 20 fps and dead money dlc
That's why you install the sex mods in advance.
Haunted Tavern of the West Gash, Rise of House Telvanni, Balmora Underworld, Wyrmhaven, Deus Ex Machina, Sotha Sil, Versus Vivec
>whole empire gets sodomized by elves
>this is a joke to the other races
>He played it on console
>Interesting NPCs
I like that mod, that Bosmer in the Whiterun jail calls that dude always following behind the Lioness a cuck.
the weak... and the damned
>interesting NPCs
Best mod, so many waifus.
And so many new characters to kidnap and decapite for Molag Bal.
Zora is the best waifu.
you know that you don't actually like the games you play if you don't like the vanilla versions. why do you play games you don't like?
I am pleasantly surprised by its' quality, and it is a breath of fresh air that it has no "politics" in it or Joss Whedon-ian humor, other than Rumarin, but he balances it out by hating himself.
this to be honest with you pham
you're goddamn right.
Confirmed for not knowing anything.
I don't care about the haters. I play Bethesda games to fuck around in an open world and customize my game with mods.
Skyrim does that perfectly.
Great House Dagoth, TW's Main Quest Enhancers, LGNPC, Tamriel Rebuilt (Sacred East comes with quests), Antares' Big Mod.
is that miyamoto behind the criminal scum stopper?
What does that have to do with 20fps