>roast someone in a video game's chat
>they just reply with "salt"
Does no one know how to take banter anymore?
Roast someone in a video game's chat
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Yet you are the one making a thread on Sup Forums about it you fucking faggot.
Nice salt, user :^)
The king of banter here actually got so mad at someone not replying properly to his god tier bantz that he made a thread on Sup Forums bitching about it
Here's a game for you to play while you calm down, OP.
Saying "salty" or "salt" in reference to somebody being upset is one of the most redditor-tier things you can possibly do.
OP is a faggot, but so are all of you.
There's the salt again.
>be a dick
>surprised when people wont engage with you
there's the millennial faggot clinging onto every hip new buzzword again
just say "u mad?" otherwise you're basically confirming you're a 13 year old on summer break.
you sound salty
>type memes into chat
>nobody cares
>u cant handle the bantz lol!
I know what kind of thread this is but this needs to be said.
Banter only works in person. To properly banter you need tone and body language. Otherwise it gets misinterpreted in the worse and most antagonizing way.
>be a fag
>lol u cant handle da bantz m8
I've never seen Sup Forums be right about something when they cry about it and make a thread desu. You're probably shit at banter and didn't even say anything interesting or funny in the process.
You seem upset.
That's salt alright.
you're on the wrong server. Just say as much crazy shit as you can, take the bans till you find a server that isn't full of pussies. Take up residents then act normally, occasional bantz. Because you know at that point those dudes aren't faggots. No need to constant search for it.
Thats why you talk shit on voice chat, not text. Faggot
Sup Forums kids don't actually know what banter is though. They think just insulting people is banter.
Even without body language and tone it's also always some retarded teen-tier "insult" delivered in an extremely smug way.
>being this salty because of a few words
Literally kill yourself little child lmao
i got called salty in voice chat. or maybe it was "u mad" or some other stale meme.
it was even after winning a match really hard, so i don't know why i would be mad. i made fun of the enemy team a little and that was their response. it's just an automatic response for braindead parrots in lieu of actual conversation skills.
stay salty
>joe cartoon
my nigga
Yep it is, and they will keep using it because it still works and it's easier than thinking an original witty comment to make someone mad.
You're gonna make some guy the happiest guy in the world some day, sweetie.
Salty has been slang in my area since before you were born.