Why the fuck is this on the front page?
Why the fuck is this on the front page?
Is it good
everyone gets their 15 minutes, no matter how degenerate.
steam adding anime games caused this.
I for one, welcome our new pepe overlords
>steam just allows blatant furfaggotry like this and that visual novel
greenlight was a mistake
Not true, user.
It's just the new MLP.
Anime is way worse and steam has had anime games forever
Steam automation and lack of fucking anything coming out for the majority of summer caused this.
they've been letting more and more mediocre shit on steam for years, it's just summer drought is so bad 'anything' new can get front page.
How did this get greenlit, is my question.
Once you've gotten a game on steam you can basically get anythimg else on with close to zero effort. Originally this was meant to offset steam being much more restrictive on intital admittance, but...yeah.
I keep seeing it and reading Famham
nice trips
Dam man, what does the steam Library look like? All these shitty greenlight games are ruining the rep of the steam total library with these half assed excuses of games
Oh hey, thanks to you it's on the front page of Sup Forums.
Bought it, hope they make more
Front-page doesn't mean shit unless it's up there for months. People make this same thread every time a new game comes out.
What is this?
What a minute, is that Kazen from Sup Forums?
can't say I'm surprised honestly
Steam surfaces games on the front page based on the tastes of who is viewing it.
So, you tell me.
Wow. This is great. It's like those old low quality Meet n' Fuck games.
>You bring her back and **** the mother in front of her, and then you KISS THE F****** DAUGHTER ON THE LIPS.
>Not Recommended
Shit nigga, if this had hours of fucking loli and milf scalies, I'd make it my GOTY
>milf lizards
now you got my attention, torrent when?
Scalie uprising when
Only 99 cents....
Best girl.
After Violet, of course.
not video games
What's with this shit coming out on steam
Go home, furfag.
Your opinions started good but then turned to shit
not reptilian enough
murr :3
>Literally naked lizard babes on my steam welcome page
Can you fuck her?
Guys look at Fucking look at it.
>bug faces instead of lizard faces
this sounds fun
bought the game
Hey, second best is better than nothing.
I'd buy this if not for the sole fact that it will appear in my events tab for all my friends to see.
I will fucking gut you so bad that you'll cry harder than an anime fan on prom night you sack of shit.
I don't see the issue.
>Meet and Fuck: Black Marsh
Looks like shit.
It's like you think most of the Internet isn't furries, pedophiles, degenerates and stupid people.
Protip: you're a minority. Well, no; you're probably stupid, even if you're not those other things.
So what is this Farnham Fables game?
I was under the impression Steam had some say on what gets in, to some extent. This level of degeneracy is the smoke of the fires to come.
I feel like i can find a better game on e621 than a lot of shit that gets on steam nowadays
totalbiscuit was right
this is the future you choose
>Community tags:Horror
Nah, Greenlight allows anything that isn't outright illegal if it gets voted enough.
Wait what, did TB shit on greenlight?
Alright, fine. She's best girl. Now I'm stealing your waifu!
It's not on mine, doesn't your front page change based on what you've been searching.
OP do you have something to tell us?
>I have access to thousands of steam games on my PC
Alright, have fun
A flash game from 2005 that you are now privileged enough to buy,
>99% is in the same quality as this one
it's not on my front page, which tells me you play some serious shitty games OP
I would argue that 75% of the steam library is garbage and 35% of that being shit like OP
It's whatever man, you wanted to play video games so you built a porn machine. Good on ya
Isnt that what i just said
this is why pc gaming will forever be a fucking joke
read the post again
>oh it's been a while since I've seen tha-
You don't understand.
post it all, the world needs to be reminded
But why are the dinosaur/woman breasts bare?
pls no
>anime is worse than furries
w o w
Its a selling point
Now that's a pig I'd like to see in a blanket.
It's a gif.
cuz I bumped it
Oh no! Not my 15th side bitc- I mean, waifu!
ive fapped to this
i realize that now
Was it made by some autistic NEET who's parent's work at Valve or something?
It's from tribal shit, fantasy lizard races are almost always tribal so it carries over, pretty old trope tbqh
yeah totally
Both have equally autistic fanbases to me.
Furries: fucking diapers, vore, and Jay Naylor
Anime: ss, lolis, ntr, and orc-rape
buncha degenerates all.
You only need a few upboats to get onto steam from greenlight, guy probably just got all his FA followers to upboat it
I was waiting for the dumb but then I realized it was a gif
thanks doc
why did I watch this to the end
this is NOT ok