What was the last game that made you legit happy or even smile?
Vidya happiness
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Uncharted 4
i will never be happy until I put a ring on a majestic tiger such as op's
Why is it that girls with fat asses are also always butterfaced bitches
DOOM. It's very boiled down to where there isn't much besides a video game
wow get out
she's literally a 8/10
> butterfaced
As if you wouldn't plow that
I would let her give me a blowjob but that's it.
This woman's an escort kek
The benefits of google searching images
you literally have low standards
I guess I just have no taste
>tfw pirated subnautica, papers please, enter the gungeon, super hexagon, rabi rabi, luftrausers, stardew valley, rogue legacy, nuclear throne and had fun with none of them
>tfw pirated serious sam 3 bfe and enjoyed the second half of it
Overwatch. Haven't had this much fun in an online shooter since COD4
Skyrim. I was passing through the hot springs area when I came across a small party of people just quietly relaxing in just their underwear. They were generally polite but one of the ladies I talked to just said "Good morning" with this annoyed look on her face.
It was this bizarre, startlingly relatable moment of mundane quietude in a game of epic fantasy. I laughed audibly.
>jet black hair
>light eyes
I'm murdered. Shit is my kryptonite.
Why the fuck do they bite their tongue like that
No, no. I just have poor taste.
>tiny beady eyes
no thanks
Shovel Knight
Was and still is exhilarating.
MGS1 extended E3 trailer
Because it's "provocative" and "sexy".
>happy or even smile
why would you want to play a game like that?
Sup Forums knows how to do that, right?
That lipstick really isn't doing her justice
>there are people that hate freckles
I'm sure you can use those NEET bucks and ride the tiger tonight, namefag
witcher 3
Bloodborne was the last good modern game from this gen I enjoyed.
Even Dark Souls III wasn't really so fun, I dropped it.
I been trying other games and nothing it making me enjoy modern gaming.
So I been buying collections for my PS3.
I just beat the Jak series and I'm on Ratchet series now.
I actually enjoy these PS2 games, reminds me of when games were about fun.
Enough with the cinematic experience crap already.
Made me feel young again.
white people are terrible
Dark souls 3, During the final boss when Gwyns theme kicks in during the second phase, Also when i realized im fighting my previous characters
Had the biggest shit eating grin the entire time past that point
Ace Combat 5
La la la la...
Every game I play with friends for obvious reasons.
Last game to actually make me laugh out loud was the drunken scene in The Witcher 3 where they tried to summon sorceror bitches.
Tearaway and LBP 1 and 2 are the most enjoyable games I've ever played
Playing with your friends online or 4 man couch co-op is only fun, it's so hard to get mad at lbp.
And teraway on vita was really good too, however I don't care for anything else on sony's platform so I no longer own anything by them
When I stopped playing overwatch and replayed kirby super star
Can confirm. Am white. Am terrible.
the inklings are so cute i cant stand it
i watch callie and maries concerts sometimes when i feel real bad
i dont give a fuck, it works
make way for the true race of peoples
I dunno
I still play ssbm and smile regularly
As for the "last game" in terms of release date, I really enjoyed towerfall and shovel knight
fully upgrading the ryno in the new ratchet and not even being able to see what's going on when I'm shooting the fucking shit out of everything was pretty awesome
I wish I didn't get so angry at most things though. I feel like I have issues
This. Kirby is the best.
DQ Theatrhythm. Of course I think it's more the fact that I finally was able to get my hands on it after so long, the game itself is great but I can't into moonrunes to mess with the lite-RPG stuff
Wario Smooth Moves
for the chameleon's faces, both hit/miss
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Isn't she batshit crazy?
I got Deadbolt yesterday and it's real good.
I dunno, she dates younger men as per an interview.
Planet Robobot
God kirby's fun
Played mercy for the first time since beta yesterday, didn't get potg but I got Legendary commend and a 2 people told me what a good job I done
Salt and Sanctuary when I played it yesterday. Why would I play games if I didn't enjoy them?
Because you're an enthusiast
>tfw i dont live in dallas and even if i did, dick wouldnt be big enough to pleasure her
Doesn't that almost by definition involve feeling enthusiastic about what you're doing.
No, not even slightly
I've never been happy.
GOTY 2016
Today when I played a character I am bad at in Overwatch and just saw what happened.
Finally I have embraced tranquility.
It's not about size, it's about technique
No, it's about size :^)
having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
a person who is highly interested in a particular activity or subject.
I guess we're just butting heads over semantics. If I'm interested in something I enjoy it nearly 100% of the time.
>highly interested
>means you enjoy the topic
that's not deep semantics at all, that's just plain illogical
Is this a game? If so, what game?
I just said if I'm interested in something I derive enjoyment from it. They're fairly synonymous for me. I can't think of an interest I have that I don't find enjoyable.
pokken tournament with friends
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
hmm feet
i haven't been happy since my fiance died in a car wreck 3 years ago. i'm merely awaiting the end as i'm too much of a pussy to pull the trigger. video games cannot bring any joy to this muted existence
That's fine, it's just the two words don't mean the same thing, but no one is chiding you for drawing a connection or connotation often surmised.
Thanks, user.
Fuck when did the taco truck pull up?
God damn that wall cant come fast enough
>that's just one asscheeck
>Chilling with your boss on your balcony shooting the shit
>Giant DRINK button
>Scoreboard showing how many beers you've finished
Is this the comfiest scene in video gaming?
Okami on PS2
lying doest justify wasting 40$ on overcasualized trash with no content
I drank too much and got redfaced
I have an above average sized dick and I still think my dick won't be able to reach her rusty brown ring donut through those giant fat stack pieces of juicy flabby meat.
The fact that it's over casualized trash makes it the best. It's a feel good game. I like to feel good my nigga. Ya feel me?
My nigga. This is one of my favorite moments in any game. I loved the message behind it and it made me feel happy inside
Killing Floor
Killing Floor 2 just doesn't have that charm to it and I don't think it ever will.
This guy gets it
For me tf2 though, it went to shit rightbefore it went free to play and then the floodgates opened.
Hoping blizzard doesn't do the same mistake valve did and that valve doesn't ruin cs as well by making it f20, well more than what they've already done.
I got redfaced too, finished with like 3 beers left
Didn't seem to affect anything apart from Dana saying Jill was drunk once
I'm embarrassed how long it took me to get the >boyfriend joke
what vidya makes remy happy? :3
I'm pretty sure this game is 100% linear.
If you don't buy random shit, Jill loses focus and will forget customers orders (you can't scroll back in chat while mixing a drink)
Also if you mess up drinks you get a worse or no tip at the end of the night.
Other than that, I haven't seen anyway to change the outcome of the game
Thing that killed TF2 for me was all the stat change items you could get. Fucked up the balance in a terrible way. Should have just made them cosmetic and added new team members like Overwatch later did.
>console shooter
>vaping slut playing call of duty
Fucking get it away