Which Nier Automata sex doll will you choose?
Which Nier Automata sex doll will you choose?
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sexdolls are my fetish
what is nier
Is that how it's going to work?
Definitely right, even though 2B is impeccable.
Almost thought it's legit for a second.
But I bet she has no eyes in the game, and 2A having eyes is the reason why she's considered a defective prototype
Good taste out of left field
Cus vag tease
...Which one has a dong?
The one with the killer hips
Why couldn't they just have made MGR 2 instead of this weeb fanservice garbage
kys my man
>not weeb
Toobie is the best and cutest robutt of 2017
Maybe later. But seriously MGR2 is the only way to seriously continue Metal Gear as a series. MGSolid is dead as fuck.
the cutest one
Konami games are dead as fuck.
Kill yourself
I see pubes.
too good
Not ingame.
>All this hype for Automata
>Makes me want to play a Yoko Taro game
>All I have is DoD3
>Reinstall it
>10 FPS
>Awful controls
>Pissing dragon
>Uninstall it
Music is good though.
I really hope they get the rest of their shit together for this next game though.
God damn, I never realized how thick 2B's thighs are
The 10 fps and pissing dragons are part of the charm
Why isn't she wearing any panties??
Does she want to look like a slut?
The one with a penis
She's wearing a leotard, I believe.
they are pretty thicc
its a feature
Nier is Cavia's best game in terms of performance and everything else, but that's just my opinion and some people might disagree with me on that
Platinum's doing the gameplay this time around, so I'm sure the performance won't be as god awful as Drakengard 3.
A nude colored one, from the looks of it?
Because that is totally the same color as her skin.
Also I think I can see something there...
imo DoD1 is the best overall package but Nier is a close second
DoD3 should always be played last
When will they stop showing 2B with this bitchass Shota in promos and start putting B+A together like the rightful pair they are?
it's white
the game will have clothing damage, where her dress gets torn and she's running around in the leotard
Then why doesnt the leotard get damaged?
>the game will have clothing damage, where her dress gets torn and she's running around in the leotard
Oh my fuck, really? That's hot.
Too bad the game seems to be a PS4 exclusive, otherwise I'd buy it for that
Who? Let me look that up.
because then she would be naked
Is that a problem?
Transformers was great though
Go back to COD
I was just talking about performance. No need to bring company shitflinging into the thread
Calm down. Its not shit until one of their original games gets slammed.
Do you think she's anatomically correct?
Go on?
>Metal Gear Rising
>MGR designer is working on Automata
try again senpai
>literally all games made by their C-team
>metacritic only matter for games I dislike!
Haha, you sure showed him! Everyone knows Platinum's licensed products are mediocre anyway.
>of course the phone-in games they don't give a shit about should be fantastic!
if you held any desire to play any of those games at any point, then you're beyond help, user
purge the weebs I say
Now post their actual good games for comparison.
I'm just going to flop around throwing a tantrum because I think Caim and papanier are better.
Transformers is okay given that it's pretty much Bayonetta reskinned
>look up 9B porn
>single mediocre black and white bj pic
>can't have a single NieR thread without immense shitposting
It wasn't always this way
>Create a rich open world, crafted with the closest attention to detail, and populated with a diverse set of npc's and enemy types
>Game is only 5 hours long
T-thanks, Platinum
I'm still mad that the next panel doesn't go anywhere with this. Fuck this comic.
every time
t b h id rather have Platinum shitposters than retards asking if they should just watch the games on Youtube (and wanking over Kaine's dick), which was pretty much all DoD/Nier threads before Automata
Real talk
Should their love be canon?
>Game is only 5 hours long
are you from the future?
She'll get a happy ending, right?
>Yoko Taro
>5 hours
Ha, you wish. Get ready to grind some vegatables for 50 hours +
I'm kinda mad at Platinum. When I was playing Wonderful 101, that game legitimately exhausted me. I could feel my hands cramping up, my heart rate accelerating, and my anxiety building. Not because the game is for whatever reason insanely hard, but because this is what happens when Platinum makes a LONG game. And while I love it, I feel I legitimately cannot keep up with it without taking breaks or putting it off for a while.
Wow you sure showed him by digging up ten year old games.
Platinum has been shit recently no matter what you say.
Before you said it was 30 fps.
Now you're just saying it will be 5 hours.
Are you gonna say it's only going to be 240i next?
"Of sorts" - Y. Taro
NieR Remastered when?
I would rather pay $40 for a PS4 game then pirate it on the PS3
Here's a (you), retard
>rushed budget games for Activision aren't that good
Even Transformers was decent, at least, and Platinum at their worst is still better than anything Cavia's done. I was also strictly talking about performance in my first post, but no, you gotta dig up shitty metacritic scores to shitpost
You're shit.
Its a Taro game. She will probably end up being used as a fuck doll chained up in a basement and all sorts of monsters and people taking turns to fuck her.
Konami doesn't make games, and they own the IP.
And a rushed budget game for Squeenix will be better because ???
where are her panties?
that's kinda hot
Thats the entire plot of the game. She is looking for them.
hell no; 2B is 9S' domme. she can slot a robo-dick in place of her robo-pussy to pound him
>And a rushed budget game for Squeenix
But it's not, you donut. There's actual effort being put into the game. It already looks better and performs better than any DoD/Nier game Cavia's done
At least know what you're talking about when you try to shitpost
Yes. Please
the last one Cavia did was Nier, and it made them go bankrupt
Post Taro's wife's taiko Drakengard drums
In fact, it looks better than FFXV, which is absolutely hilarious
I don't dislike SS, but SS is only good when the woman is the older and mature type.
this trailer is from 2015, the game is coming out in 2017
what makes you think it's rushed? how many years should they take?
It's not that hard to be better than XV at this point
Is this lewd?
This feels lewd.
>never got hung up on hot babysitters
sorry about your shit taste, user; hope it gets better.
The music so far is pretty incredible but I dont like Platinum so I might skip this.
This game better be really fucking sad.